Ivan Adrianovich Mikhailov

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Ivan Adrianovich Mikhailov

Ivan Adrianowitsch Mikhailov ( Russian Иван Адрианович Михайлов * 1891 in Ust-Kara, Rajon Nertschinsk ; † 30th August 1946 in Moscow ) was a Russian economist and politician .


Mikhailov was the son of Katorga terrorist and political prisoners Adrian Fyodorovich Mikhailov and Henrietta Nikolaevna Dobrusskina and was born in Katorga prison in Transbaikalia . Mikhailov first attended high school in Chita and then the 1st St. Petersburg high school. He then studied at the law faculty of the University of St. Petersburg , graduating in 1913. He stayed there at the Chair of Political Economy to prepare for a professorship with Ivan Ivanovich Tschistjakow. According to Nikolai Pavlovich Anziferov , Mikhailov became a professor as a favorite of the education minister Léon Casso , who had interfered with the university's autonomy rights with regard to the appointment of professors ( Casso affair ). In 1914 Mikhailov was arrested for political reasons, but quickly released.

During the First World War , Mikhailov headed the Petrograd Branch of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union. Under the direction of Peter Struve he participated in the publication of books devoted to the economic gains and losses of Russia during the war years. After the February Revolution of 1917 , Mikhailov worked in the Ministry of Agriculture , Food and Finance of the Provisional Government and was one of Andrei Ivanovich Shingaryov's closest collaborators . During this time, Mikhailov was close to the Cadets , only to get closer to the Social Revolutionaries . Mikhailov headed the business of the Economic Council at the Provisional Government. Under his leadership, the national income for 1913 was calculated and compared with that of 1900. An attempt was made to determine the share of agricultural production and the distribution of national income between the workers and the property owners. The results of this work appeared as chapters 2 and 3 of the book published by Sergei Nikolayevich Prokopovich on the calculation of the national income of the 50 governorates of European Russia from 1900 to 1913. In December 1917 he became vice-chairman of the Petrograd Union of Siberian Oblasts , although he was previously was not involved in the Oblast movement.

After the October Revolution and the beginning of the Russian Civil War , Mikhailov went to Omsk in early 1918 and headed the finance department of the Siberian Union of Cooperatives Zentrosibiri . At the secret meeting of the Siberian Oblast- Dumen in January 1918 in Tomsk , Mikhailov was elected in absentia as Finance Minister of the Provisional Siberian Government with Pyotr Yakovlevich Derber as President. Mikhailov was involved in the overthrow of the power of the Bolsheviks in Novo-Nikolayevsk on May 26, 1918 by units of the Czechoslovak legions under Radola Gajda . On June 30, 1918 he became Minister of Finance in the new Provisional Government in Omsk with President Pyotr Vasilyevich Vologodski , where he joined the Minister of War Alexei Nikolayevich Grishin-Almasow . Mikhailov was suspected of having organized the assassination of Minister Alexander Jeffemowitsch Novosjolov on September 23, 1918. This government was absorbed on November 4, 1918 in the Provisional All-Russian Government, in which he remained Minister of Finance. On November 18, 1918, it became the Russian government under Commander-in-Chief Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak . He tried to fix the export price for sugar, to strengthen the Siberian ruble and to withdraw the Kerenkas (the money of the Kerensky government), but his financial policy was unsuccessful due to a lack of support. From May 6, 1919, Mikhailov also ran the Ministry of Trade and Industry. He was a member of the Commander-in-Chief's Council. On August 16, 1919, he lost all government offices under public pressure. He then became a member of the State Economic Conference and on September 12, 1919 a member of the Council of the Ministry of Finance.

In the fall of 1918, Mikhailov was appointed professor to the chair of cooperative affairs and financial policy at the Omsk Polytechnic Institute.

In the fall of 1920 , Mikhailov emigrated to China and founded a group in Harbin to study the economies of the countries of the Far East . This resulted in the Economic Office for the East China Railways , which focused on the economic structure of northern Manchuria . From November 1921 to October 1924 Mikhailov was the head of the commercial department of the Economic Bureau. He was fired for not being a citizen of the Soviet Union and was briefly detained.

During the 1930s and during World War II , Mikhailov worked with the Japanese Military Commission. He was close to the leader of the Russian Fascist Party Konstantin Vladimirovich Rodsajewski and edited a pro-Japanese, anti-Chinese and anti-Soviet newspaper.

In 1945 after the Soviet troops marched in , Mikhailov was arrested by the SMERSh . After investigation by the organs of SMERSH and the Ministry of State Security , the Chairman of the Military College opened the Supreme Court of the USSR Vassily Ulrich on 26 August 1946 trial of Grigory Semyonov , Rodsajewski, Lew Filippowitsch Wlassjewski , Alexei Proklowitsch Bakschejew , Ivan Adrianowitsch Mikhailov , Lev Pawlowitsch Okhotin , Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Uchtomski and Boris Nikolajewitsch Shepunov , about which the press reported in detail. The charges were anti-Soviet propaganda , espionage against the USSR , sabotage and terrorism . All of the defendants pleaded guilty. On August 30, 1946, all of the defendants were found guilty. Mikhailov was given the maximum sentence and shot on the same day. In his last word he hadn't asked for mercy.

On March 26, 1998, the Military College of the Supreme Court of the USSR reviewed the convictions of the defendants other than the Semyonovs. While the RSFSR's Article 58 Criminal Code for anti-Soviet propaganda was overturned for lack of evidence, the remainder of the sentence and the respective sentences were upheld.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Chronos: Михайлов Иван Адрианович (accessed December 8, 2018).
  2. a b c d Belaja Rossija: Михайлов Иван Адрианович (accessed December 8, 2018).
  3. Опыт исчисления народного дохода 50 губ. Европейской России в 1900–1913 гг . Совет всероссийских кооперативных съездов, Moscow 1918 ( Опыт исчисления народного дохода 50 гухода 50 гусиб .
  4. ВАДИМ СОЦКОВ: ГЕНЕРАЛ И АТАМАН ( Memento from April 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on November 29, 2018).
  5. Военная коллегия Верховного Суда Российской Федерации: Определение Военной коллегии Верховного Суда РФ об отказе в реабилитации Родзаевского К.В. , Охотина Л.П. и других . S. 166-167 ( Wikisource [accessed November 29, 2018]).