Edelfingen Jewish Community

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The Jewish community in Edelfingen , a district of Bad Mergentheim in the Main-Tauber district in Baden-Württemberg , originated in the Middle Ages and existed until the time of National Socialism .


There were Jews in Edelfingen since the Middle Ages . Edelfingen had a significant Jewish community until 1938 . The Edelfingen Jewish community owned the Edelfingen synagogue , a school and a ritual bath . A separate religion teacher was employed, who was also active as a prayer leader and schochet . The dead of the community were buried in the Jewish cemetery in Unterbalbach . Since 1832 the community belonged to the district rabbinate Mergentheim .

Of the Jewish people who were born in Edelfingen or who lived in Edelfingen for a long time, the following people can be shown to have died during the National Socialist era : Berta (Bella) Adler née. Sulzbacher (1863), Elsa (Else) Adler (1895), Hedwig Adler (1897), Zilli Adler (1895), Fanny Badmann b. Kahn (1894), Barbara (Babette) Bamberger (1875), Ferdinand (Feidel) Bamberger (1878), Jacob Bamberger (1882), Ida Bierig born. Weil (1873), Isaak Bierig (1869), Salomon Bierig (1888), Karolina Blömendal born. Frank (1894), Jette (Jetta) David b. Ehrenberg (1861), Getta Decker b. Frank (1893), Rosa Dick b. Marx (1880), Hanna Ehrlich (1871), Immanuel Ehrlich (1873), Jette Ehrlich (1867), Amalie Frank b. Sahm (1862) Amalie Frank b. Levite (1871), Berta Frank b. Grünfeld (1900), Gertrud Frank (1926), Ruth Frank (1928), Salomon Frank (1936), Getta Freimark geb. Bierig (1879), Paula Goldstein b. Bierig (1874), born Gretchen Grünfeld. Sulzbacher (1867), Recha Hellmann b. Frank (1883), Emanuel Hess (1891), Lydia Hess b. Rosenheimer (1911), Elly Hirsch (1918), Ricka Hirsch b. Adler (1882), Rosa Lilienstrauß (1893), Lui Löw (1868), Bassa Markus b. Gunter (1869), Sofie Oppenheim b. Frank (1884), Rosa Rothschild b. Bierig (1877), Berta Schorsch b. Castle (1854), Simon Schorsch (1898), Hanni Sieber b. Michel (1906), Mathilde Steinhäuser b. Fröhlich (1879), born Zerlina Stern. Ehrlich (1869), Friederike Strauss (1880), Emil Vorchheimer (1895), Manfred Vorchheimer (1935), Sara Vorchheimer geb. Adler (1896) and Paula Wolf (1891).


  • Klaus-Dieter Alicke: Lexicon of the Jewish communities in the German-speaking area. Volume 1: Aach - Groß-Bieberau. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2008, ISBN 978-3-579-08077-2 ( online version ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Alemannia Judaica: Edelfingen (City of Bad Mergentheim, Main-Tauber district) Jewish history / prayer room / synagogue . online at www.alemannia-judaica.de. Retrieved September 6, 2017.
  2. Information based on the lists from Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.
  3. Information from the memorial book - Victims of the persecution of the Jews under the Nazi tyranny in Germany 1933–1945.