JC MacKenzie

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JC MacKenzie (2017)

John Charles "JC" MacKenzie (born October 17, 1970 in Peterborough , Ontario ) is a Canadian actor .


MacKenzie grew up in Ottawa . He studied at Concordia University in Montreal and then at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art . Although he originally wanted to be a teacher, after his return to Canada he devoted himself increasingly to an acting career. At first he appeared mainly in Canadian theaters before Neil Simon hired him for a US tour of his play Biloxi Blues . After completing the tour, MacKenzie settled in New York City , where he became a member of the Circle Repertory Company.

In 1995 MacKenzie moved to Los Angeles , where he played Arnold Spivak in Steven Bochco's Murder One series for two seasons . In 1998 he took over the series Practice - The lawyers , the role of Dr. Fred Spivak . From 2000 to 2002 MacKenzie played the role of Reagan 'Normal' Ronald in more than 40 episodes of the Dark Angel series . Since then he has also taken on roles in major cinema productions. MacKenzie has repeatedly worked with directors Spike Lee ( Clockers and Spike Lee's Game of Life ) and Martin Scorsese ( Aviator , Departed - Unter Feinden , The Wolf of Wall Street , Vinyl and The Irishman ).

The marriage with screenwriter Erin Cressida Wilson resulted in a son (* 2004).

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : JC MacKenzie  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. JC MacKenzie at tvsa.co.za, accessed on January 30, 2014
  2. a b c J.C. MacKenzie at filmbug.com, accessed January 30, 2014
  3. Liam Wilson MacKenzie from variety.com, accessed January 30, 2014