Yearbook of the wealth and income of millionaires

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Yearbook for the Kingdom of Saxony

The yearbook of the wealth and income of millionaires was a magazine that was published in Berlin from 1912 to 1914 under various titles by the publishing house of the former government councilor in the Reich Office of the Interior, Rudolf Martin .

Rudolf Martin wrote about his motivation for the publications in the foreword to the 1912 "Yearbook of the wealth and income of the millionaires of the Kingdom of Saxony":

The previous secrecy of wealth and income is a remnant of the ignorance and superstition of the Middle Ages. Whoever is for the advancement of science must also be for enlightenment in the field of property and income. The social, economic and political struggles of the present call for education about the wealth and incomes of rich people.

The yearbook ... of the millionaires recorded both the income millionaires and the wealth millionaires and appeared in special editions for different areas and sub-states of the German Empire . According to the respective full titles, the individual editions of the work covered the Kingdom of Prussia , the Kingdom of Saxony , the Kingdom of Bavaria , Berlin , the Hanseatic cities of Hamburg , Bremen and Lübeck , the provinces of East and West Prussia , the various states in Thuringia , for the province of Brandenburg including Charlottenburg and Wilmersdorf and other suburbs of Berlin at the time, for the Prussian province of Hanover and the provinces of Pomerania and Posen , Saxony and Silesia , for the Rhine province as well as for Hessen-Nassau , for the states of Oldenburg , Braunschweig , Anhalt , Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg -Strelitz , both Lippe and Waldeck , for Schleswig-Holstein as well as for Westphalia and for Württemberg with Hohenzollern .

The richest people in Germany before the First World War

In the preface to the volume “Yearbook of the wealth and income of millionaires in the Rhine province” Rudolf Martin reports that the richest woman in Germany in 1911 was Bertha Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach with a fortune of 283 million marks . From 1908 to 1911 it rose by 96 million marks. Never before has there been such an increase in Germany. Bertha Krupp's annual income was exceeded by three million marks by Kaiser Wilhelm II , who was exempt from paying taxes and had an annual income of 22 million marks. In his preface, Martin names other people with comparable assets and incomes.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Compare the information in the journal database (ZDB)
  2. Compare, for example, the title page "Yearbook of the wealth and income of the millionaires of the Kingdom of Saxony" of the digital copy in the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library (SLUB)
  3. ^ Rudolf Martin: Yearbook of the wealth and income of the millionaires of the Kingdom of Saxony , Verlag Rudolf Martin, Berlin 1912, p. III ( digitized in the Dresden State and University Library ).
  4. Digitized version in the University and City Library of Cologne ( link to the digitized version )
  5. Rudolf Martin: Yearbook of the wealth and income of the millionaires in the Rhine province , Verlag Rudolf Martin, Berlin 1913, p. V ( digitized version in the University and City Library Cologne , page cannot be accessed directly, click on preface, then select page)