Jakub Potocki

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Jan and Jakub Potocki

Jakub Potocki (* around 1554 in Kamieniec Podolski , † January 26, 1613 in Złoty Potok ) was a member of the Potocki magnate family , a Polish military leader and voivode general of Podolia . In 1607 he was a member of the Sejm for the Halitscher Land .


Potocki grew up at the court of Sigismund II August . In the military service of Sigismund III. he fought in Wallachia against Michael the Brave , the Tatars and in Livonia against Charles IX. of Sweden and against the Zebrzydowski rebellion of 1606/1607. During the Smuta Potocki took part in the siege of Smolensk in the war against Russia . After the death of his brother Jan, he took command and took the city. As a successor to the brother, he received the post of Voivode of Bracław Voivodeship .


Potocki was the son of Mikołaj Potocki-Pilawa (1517 / 1520-1572), castellan of Kamieniec Podolski and Starost of Chmielnik and Kamieniec, and his wife Anna Czerminska. His brothers were reformed and he converted to the Catholic faith himself. Potocki founded the Dominican monastery Jezupol with his first wife Jadwiga Prusinowska († 1604) and gave the place this name in 1597. His son Mikołaj Potocki (called Bärentatze , around 1595-1651) was castellan of Cracow and in 1637 became field hetman and in 1646 until his death Grand Hetman of the Polish Crown .

The second wife Jadwiga Tarnowska was a daughter of Stanisław Tarnowski (before 1541-1618), Starost von Busko and Stopnica . The sons of the second marriage were Jan, who died in Turkish captivity , Stanisław (1607–1647), colonel in the army and commissioner for the Cossacks, and the Dominican Dominik Jakub (1608–1639), who died as designated bishop of Kulm .

His nephew Stanisław "Rewera" Potocki (1579-1667) became Grand Hetman in 1654, he was the son of his brother Andrzej Potocki († 1609).


Web links

Commons : Jakub Potocki  - collection of images, videos and audio files