Evfimija Pavlovna Nosova

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Evfimija Pavlovna Nossowa in a dress by the fashion designer Nadezhda Petrovna Lamanowa (KA Somow, 1911, Tretyakov Gallery)

Jewfimija Pavlovna Nossowa born Jewfimija Pavlovna Rjabuschinskaja , ( Russian Евфимия Павловна Носова , maiden name Russian Рябушинская ; born August 8 . Jul / 20th August  1881 greg. In Moscow ; † 26. August 1976 in Rome ) was a Russian art collector .


Evfimija Pavlovna was the eldest daughter of the old-believing businessman Pavel Mikhailovich Ryabushinsky . Her mother Alexandra Stepanovna was the daughter of the wealthy grain merchant Stepan Tarasowitsch Ovssjannikow, who was sentenced to loss of freedom in 1874 for arson at a competitor.

J. P. Nossowa Villa

In 1902, Evfimija Pavlovna married the textile entrepreneur Vasily Wassiljewitsch Nossow, who founded the Moscow bank with the brothers Pawel , Vladimir and Mikhail Pavlovich Rjabuschinski in 1912. The father Vasily Dmitrijewitsch Nossow gave the young couple his old, large villa on Malaya Semyonovskaya Ulitsa 1, which was now called J.P. Nossowa Villa, and in 1903 left the new one from Lev Nikolayevich Kekuschew for himself and his unmarried daughter Build the W.-D.-Nossow-Villa in the style of the Art Nouveau- based Moscow Modernism. To design the interior of the J.P. Nossowa Villa, Nossova invited the architect Iwan Wladislawowitsch Scholtowski and the artists Valentin Alexandrowitsch Serow , Evgeni Evgenjewitsch Lansere and Mstislaw Valerianowitsch Dobuschinski .

Nossowa followed the example of her brothers Michail, Nikolai and Stepan Pawlowitsch Rjabuschinski and collected paintings , whereby she limited herself to the works of Russian painters . Were represented in their collection the painter Vladimir Borovikovsky , Alexey Venetsianov , Orest Kiprensky , Dmitry Levitzky , Fyodor Rokotov , Mikhail Ivanovich Terebenjow , Vasily Tropinin , Pietro Rotari and Salvatore Tonci . Nossova's house was one of Moscow's art centers. She organized literary evenings , theater performances and vernissages with the participation of Mikhail Alexejewitsch Kuzmin , Sergei Jurjewitsch Sudeikins , Konstantin Andrejewitsch Somows , Mstislav Valerianowitsch Dobuschinski and others. She herself was a model for many young artists , such as Alexander Jakowlewitsch Golowin , Konstantin Andrejewitsch Somow, Anna Semjonovna Golubkina and Nikolai Petrowitsch Feofilaktow . Nossova's nephew Yuri Alexejewitsch Bachruschin described his aunt as a typical representative of Moscow's patronage capitalism .

After the October Revolution , Nossova emigrated after she had temporarily given her most precious paintings to the Tretyakov Gallery and the theater museum named after her brother-in-law Alexei Alexandrovich Bachruschin . Nossova's paintings in the Theater Museum later came to the Tretyakov Gallery.

Nossowa was buried on the Roman Cimitero del Verano .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Коллекционеры старой Москвы (accessed May 8, 2018).
  2. Les frères Riabouchinsky - le clan puissant de mes ancêtres ... (accessed on May 8, 2018).
  3. Музей предпринимателей, меценатов и благотворителей: РЯБУШИНСКИЕ - ЦЕЛАЯ ЭПОХА В ПРОМЫШЛИНОЙ (accessed May 1, 2018.
  4. Naschtschokina MW : Лев Кекушев . Издательский дом Руденцовых, Moscow 2013, p. 191-205 .