Joaquín Sánchez de Toca Calvo

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Joaquín Sánchez de Toca y Calvo

Joaquín Sánchez de Toca y Calvo (born September 24, 1852 in Madrid , † June 13, 1942 in Pozuelo de Alarcón ) was a Spanish politician and Prime Minister of Spain ( Presidente del Gobierno ) .


Degree, MP and Senator

The son of the writer and court doctor of Queen Isabella II , Melchor Sánchez de Toca y Sáenz de Lobera, studied law at the University of Bordeaux and the Universidad Central de Madrid . At the age of 18 he obtained a doctorate in law in 1870 with a dissertation on marriage according to canon law , which was published shortly afterwards with a prologue by Aureliano Fernández-Guerra .

He began his political career during the reign of King Alfonso XII. on April 27, 1884 with the first election as member of parliament ( Congreso de los Diputados ), where he represented the interests of the Partido Liberal-Conservador of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo of the constituencies of Huesca , Cuenca and Gipuzkoa until March 27, 1898 .

In addition, he was mayor ( Alcalde ) of Madrid for the first time from 1896 to 1897 , an office which he held again for a short time in 1907.

In the election of April 10, 1898, he was elected a member of the Senate as a representative of the University of Seville , but the following year he was appointed Senator for Life ( Senador Vitalicio ) by royal decree of the regent Maria Christina of Austria of April 21, 1899 .

His son Joaquín Sánchez de Toca Ballester and his nephew Fernando Sánchez de Toca Muñoz were later also members of the Congress of Deputies as representatives of the constituency of Teruel .

Minister, Prime Minister and opponent Primo de Riveras

His participation in government began on October 23, 1900, when he was appointed Minister of Agriculture , Industry and Trade ( Ministro de Agricultura, Industrie y Comercio ) in the second cabinet of Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero , of which he was a member until March 6, 1901. On December 6, 1901, he became Minister of the Navy ( Ministro de Marina ) in the government of his party leader Francisco Silvela Le vielleuze and held this office until the end of Silvela's term on July 20, 1903.

Antonio Maura Montaner , Silvela's successor as chairman of the Partido Conservador , appointed him to his cabinet on December 5, 1903, as Minister for Appeals for Mercy and Justice ( Ministro de Gracia y Justicia ), to which he was a member until December 16, 1904.

He then became President of the Council of State ( Consejo de Estado ). In 1913 he joined the split-off from the Conservative Party founded by Eduardo Dato Iradier . In May 1915 he became President of the Senate for the first time and held this position for one year until May 1916.

After he had withdrawn from government politics for almost fifteen years, he became Prime Minister of Spain ( Presidente del Gobierno ) on July 20, 1919 as successor to Mauro Montaner himself , after which Mauro Montaner failed to re-form a conservative government. After almost five months in office, however, he handed over the government business on December 12, 1919 to Manuel Allendesalazar Muñoz de Salazar , as he did not succeed in solving the social problems.

From December 1919 to May 1923, however, he was again President of the Senate.

Sánchez de Toca was against the military dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera , which lasted between September 1923 and January 1930, and accused him of violating the values ​​of the constitution of 1876 ( Constitución española de 1876 ). After the fall of Primo de Rivera, he was in 1931 by King Alfonso XIII. he was asked to form a government, but he refused. In the subsequent Second Republic he withdrew completely from political life and, in an interview with the daily newspaper “Heraldo de Madrid” in 1933, criticized the monarchy of Alfonso XIII, but also the current republican government under President Niceto Alcalá Zamora .

Publications and honorary positions

His literary work included works on social, political, legal, but also historical topics such as:

  • "El matrimonio: su Ley Natural, su historia, su importancia social" , Madrid 1871 (Marriage: its natural right , its history and its social significance)
  • "La crisis agraria europea y sus remedios en España" , Madrid 1887 (The crisis in European agriculture and its solution in Spain)
  • "La crisis presente del Partido Conservador" , Madrid 1897 (The current crisis of the Conservative Party)
  • "La Jefatura y los ideales" , Madrid 1897 (The leadership and its ideals)
  • "Reforma de la Marina" , Madrid 1902 (The Reform of the Navy)
  • "Regionalismo, municipalismo y centralización" , Madrid 1907 ( regionalism , communalization and centralization )
  • "La acción ibérica como factor de la política europea en África" , Madrid 1913 (Spanish actions as a factor in European politics in Africa )
  • "El movimiento antimilitarista en Europa" , Madrid 1914 (The antimilitarist movement in Europe)

Due to his political and literary merits, he became a member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas on April 1, 1890 , where he occupied the armchair ( Sillón ) 1 until his death . From December 9, 1919 to September 15, 1936 he was also its president and then honorary president until his death.

He was also President of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation ( Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación ) from 1914 to 1915 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List of Members of Parliament from 1810 to 1977
  2. ^ Mayor of Madrid 1842–1900
  3. ^ The Senate between 1834 and 1923 - Senators , accessed June 7, 2017.
  4. ^ Presidents of Congress and the Senate
  5. Members of the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas - Armchair 22 ( Memento from September 24, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  6. ^ Presidents of the Royal Academy of Law and Legislation in the 20th Century ( Memento of July 8, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Antonio Maura Montaner Prime Minister of Spain
Manuel Allendesalazar Muñoz de Salazar