Johann-Albrecht von Blücher

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Johann-Albrecht von Blücher (born November 11, 1892 in Potsdam , † May 14, 1972 in Bonn ) was a German major general in the Wehrmacht in World War II .


Blücher came from the Mecklenburg noble family Blücher . He joined the 1st Grand Ducal Mecklenburg Dragoon Regiment No. 17 of the Prussian Army on March 4, 1912 as a flag junior . After attending the Engers War School , he was promoted to lieutenant on August 18, 1913 with a patent from August 19, 1911 . With his regiment, Blücher moved into the field in conjunction with the 17th Cavalry Brigade (Großherzoglich Mecklenburgische) and was wounded during the fighting on the Western Front on August 16, 1914. After a stay in a hospital , he first returned to the west two months later, only to be transferred to the east in November 1914 . Here Blücher took part in the battles for Warsaw and Kovno . In early June 1915, he became the leader of the MG - train appointed. After being wounded on September 25, 1915, Blücher was unable to work for several months. Only on April 10, 1916 did he return to his regiment, which was now fighting in Livonia and Estonia . On August 1, 1916, he was assigned to the intelligence department of the 4th Cavalry Division and was promoted to lieutenant on October 5, 1916 . From December 11, 1916 to May 9, 1917, Blücher was an orderly officer with the staff of the "Scholtz" army department, then returned to his regiment and was used here as a squadron leader until the end of the war . For his achievements he had been awarded both classes of the Iron Cross , the Wound Badge in Black, the Hamburg Hanseatic Cross and the Mecklenburg Military Merit Cross, 2nd class.

After the end of the war , Blücher returned with his regiment from the Baltic States to the garrison in Ludwigslust . A volunteer squadron was formed from demobilized parts, and Blücher acted as its leader from February 1, 1919. With the formation of the Provisional Reichswehr , he joined the Reichswehr Cavalry Regiment 9 on May 1, 1919. This was followed by other assignments, until Blücher was finally transferred to the 3rd Cavalry Regiment on October 1, 1920 . In the following years he was employed here as an orderly and court officer with the regimental staff, served as a regimental adjutant and, after being promoted to Rittmeister on October 1, 1924, was finally squadron chief .

From August 1, 1942, Blücher was major general and from August 1, 1944 to May 8, 1945 inspector of the fog troops and gas defense in the OKH . Then he was in Allied captivity until March 1948 .


  • Dermot Bradley (ed.), Karl-Friedrich Hildebrand, Markus Rövekamp: The Generals of the Army 1921–1945. The military careers of the generals, as well as the doctors, veterinarians, intendants, judges and ministerial officials with the rank of general. Volume 2: v. Blanckensee – v. Czettritz and Neuhauß. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1993, ISBN 3-7648-2424-7 , pp. 30-31.

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Individual evidence

  1. Reichswehr Ministry (Ed.): Ranking list of the German Reichsheeres. ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1924, p. 163.