Johann Baptist Dannegger

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Coat of arms of Abbot Dannegger on the choir lattice of the parish church of St. Ulrich and St. Afra in Kreuzlingen from 1737

Johann Baptist Dannegger (also written in Dannecker, born June 24, 1682 in Rottweil ; † August 24, 1760 in Kreuzlingen ) was abbot of the Augustinian Canons of Kreuzlingen from 1725 to 1760.


Johann Baptist Dannegger was born on June 24, 1682 as the son of Johannes Baptist Dannecker, Habsburg Rittmeister in Hungary , and his wife Maria Magdalena Glums in Rottweil (a place facing the Old Confederation ). He received his master's degree from the University of Innsbruck . He then studied in Freiburg and in Padua (then Republic of Venice ) the law .

Dannegger 16 January 1707 put his profession in the Congregation of the Augustinian Canons in Kreuzlingen , and received in 1708 the ordination to the priesthood. In 1710 he became provost of the Riedern am Wald monastery and on 25 August 1725 he was elected abbot of the regulated Augustinian canons of Kreuzlingen .

In order to subject the monastery inmates to a stricter discipline, Dannegger restructured monastic life. To this end, in 1734 he issued the “Constitutiones” for the Kreuzlingen monastery and the monasteries of Allerheiligen, Beuron, Ittingen and Riedern am Wald, which are subordinate to it. In addition, he was able to accept 32 new conventuals (voting members of the monastery community) in Kreuzlingen .

Dannegger is also known as a "builder". As such, he was mainly active in the foreign rulers of the Kreuzlingen monastery. His largest building project was the rebuilding of the Riedern am Wald monastery , which burned down in 1740, in the baroque style. He commissioned the builder and architect Johann Michael Beer von Bleichten from Vorarlberg . In Güttingen (1744) and Hirschau Dannegger were new presbyteries and Wilhelmskirch a new mill in order. Against the resistance of the neighboring city of Konstanz , Dannegger built a ship landing stage in Egelshofen near Hörnli (today a district of Kreuzlingen) on Lake Constance . In Horgenzell he had the church redesigned in Baroque style and built new nursing homes in Rottenburg , Buchhorn and Hirschlatt .

On 11 December 1749 concluded Dannegger a contract with the Habsburg monarchy , which the monastery Kreuzlingen for 14,000 guilders full sovereignty over the Reichsvogtei Hirschlatt secured. Since this bailiwick was directly imperial , Dannegger was invited to the Reichstag from then on .

Dannegger's request to resign as abbot at the age of 65 was denied. He died, still in office, on August 24, 1760 at the age of 78 in Kreuzlingen. Prosper Donderer from the Riedern am Wald monastery was elected as his successor in 1760 .


  • Thurgovia Sacra 2 , 1876, 307-313
  • P. Marti: From the Jb. Of the Abbot Joh. Baptist D. zu Kreuzlingen, 1725-1760 , in ThBeitr. 94, 1957, 5-32

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  1. Since 1538 the Augustinian Canons ' Monastery in Kreuzlingen provided the provosts for the Augustinian Canons' Provostry in Riedern am Wald. In 1638 Riedern was incorporated into the Augustinian monastery in Kreuzlingen. Since then, the abbots from Kreuzlingen have always referred to themselves as "Provost von Riedern".
  2. 4000 guilders for the right of high jurisdiction and 10000 guilders for the right of forest and hunting glory. As early as 1656, the Kreuzlingen monastery bought Count Hugo von Montfort for 5000 guilders the right of the lower jurisdiction in the Reichsvogtei Hirschlatt. But even after the Treaty of 1749, the territorial authorities remained with the Habsburg monarchy. This retained the general legislative right and the right to raise customs .
  3. Verena Baumer-Müller: Johann Baptist Dannegger. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . March 15, 2005 , accessed July 8, 2019 .