Friedrich von Pallandt

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Johann Heinrich Friedrich von Pallandt (born April 11, 1789 in Reval , † May 16, 1859 in Lüben in Silesia ) was a Prussian major general .



His parents were Maximilian Joseph von Pallandt († 1802) and his wife Maria Elisabeth, née Severin († 1821). His father lived as a private citizen in Tallinn, later in Wismar , and was born as Maximilian Joseph Vettel Hofen, as an illegitimate child of unmarried Maria Theodora Baroness of Pallandt († 1746), which from 1712 to the manor Vettel Hoven invested was, along with her two Brothers who generously left it to her. Only later did Maximilian Joseph call himself von Pallandt . According to reports, his father was a Herr von Goltstein . For his son Friedrich was a royal Prussian major general a. D. the naming v. Pallandt and the use of the von Pallandt coat of arms were not objected to by the Prussian heraldry .

Military career

He was consecrated on April 3, 1803 in Wismar. On March 27, 1804, he joined the Dragoon Regiment No. 5 as a Junker . There he became an ensign on January 5, 1805 and second lieutenant on July 12, 1806 . In the Fourth Coalition War he fought in the Battle of Auerstedt and on the retreat near Zehdenick and on the Danzig Spit.

After the Peace of Tilsit he was transferred to the Queen's Dragoon Regiment on November 28, 1807. During the Wars of Liberation he fought in the battles near Großbeeren , Dennewitz , Leipzig , Laon and the battles near Möckern , Halle , Hoyerswerda, Luckau , Wittstock, Compiegne and the storming of Arnhem. In the battle near Doesburg he earned the Iron Cross 2nd class.

On February 21, 1815 he was transferred to the Guards Dragoons Regiment and promoted there to Prime Lieutenant on September 8, 1815 . On March 30, 1817, he was promoted to Rittmeister and squadron chief until Pallandt was aggregated as a major in the regiment on March 30, 1822 . On June 8, 1838 he received the Order of St. Stanislaus III. Class. From October 2 to October 26, 1838, he served as a garrison representative in Berlin. He was commissioned on March 25, 1841 with the leadership of the 1st Uhlan Regiment and appointed Pallandt with simultaneous promotion to lieutenant colonel on September 12, 1841 as regimental commander. In this position, he climbed on March 30, 1844 to colonel on before his on July 15, 1845 Farewell to the character as a major general and an annual pension received from 1750 Taler. He died on May 16, 1859 in Lüben in Silesia, where he was buried on May 18, 1859.


Pallandt married on September 12, 1822 in Schöningen near Stettin Henriette Luise Spalding (1798–1864), a daughter of the war council at the Higher Regional Court in Stettin Johann Karl Ernst Spalding (1760–1813). The couple had several children:

  • Josepha Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine Betty (1823–1884) ⚭ 1842 Hermann von Krosigk (1815–1868), major general
  • August Maximilian Eugen (1825–1829)
  • Karl Konstantin Paul (* 1828), Major a. D. On February 5, 1873, the Prussian Supreme Cabinet Order allowed him to use the title of baron .
  • Ida Henriette Eugenie Klara (* 1854)


Individual evidence

  1. Both in the death register of the Evangelical Church Sankt Nicolai Wismar 1821, p. 448 and in the obituary in the Staats und Gelehre Zeitung of the Hamburg impartial correspondent. October 24, 1821, No. 170, the family name Cevern is written. With Ernst von Mirbach-Harff: History of the lords, barons and counts of Pallant. Berlin 1873 p. 73 she is called Severin .
  2. ^ Castle archive : Vettelhoven. (Retrieved on May 5, 2019.)
  3. Jakob Rausch: The glory Vettelhoven. (Accessed May 5, 2019.)
  4. ^ Johann Friedrich Schannat: History of the Eifel , Volume 2, Trier 1844, p. 176 f.
  5. a b GHdA , Adelslexikon , Volume X, Volume 119 of the complete series, Limburg an der Lahn 1999, p. 137 f.
  6. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses for the year 1859 . P. 389.