Johann Heinrich Horstmann

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Johann Heinrich Horstmann

Johann Heinrich Horstmann (born November 20, 1795 in Hattingen ; † June 25, 1860 in Essen ) was a German local politician and mayor of the city of Essen.


The State and Court Secretary Johann Heinrich Horstmann was elected Mayor of Essen on July 23, 1847 . He took office on October 1, 1847. He was a member of a group in the city council of Essen, which was in opposition to his predecessor Bertram Pfeiffer . At the end of September 30, 1858, Horstmann resigned from office for personal reasons.

Until the newly elected mayor Ernst Heinrich Lindemann took office on April 28, 1859, the city councilor Heinrich Theodor Sölling took over the official business.

Johann Heinrich Horstmann was initially buried in the cemetery at Kettwiger Tor . After its closure in 1955, the grave was moved to the Ostfriedhof Essen .


  • Erwin Dickhoff: Essen heads . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical Association for City and Monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 , p. 160 .
  • Ernst Schröder: Essen personalities. Biographical essays on the administrative and cultural history of Essen . Schmidt, Neustadt / Aisch 1986, ISBN 3-87707-060-4 .
  • Erwin Dickhoff: Mayor of Essen in the 19th century . In: The hometown of Essen . Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 , p. 97 ff . (1980/81).