John Malecela

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John Malecela (2009)

John Samuel Cigwiyemisi Malecela (born April 20, 1934 in Bugiri , Dodoma region ) was the Prime Minister of Tanzania from November 9, 1990 to December 7, 1994. During the same period, he held the office of Vice President of Tanzania. He served as the Vice President of the CCM from 1995 to 2007 and is a member of the CCM Central Committee to this day.


Diplomat and minister

Malecela attended elementary school from 1942 to 1946, then from 1947 to 1952 the Alliance Secondary School and from 1953 to 1954 the Minaki Secondary School . In 1955 he began an undergraduate degree in commercial management at the University of Mumbai , which he completed in 1959 with a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.). Upon his return, he was a district administrator in the Mbeya area from 1961 to 1962 and then completed postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge from 1961 to 1962 . After he returned in 1963 he was regional commissioner for the Mwanza region until 1964 , the so-called Lake Province on the south bank of Lake Victoria .

1964 Malecela was appointed ambassador in the United States called and was also between 1964 and 1968 as Permanent Representative of Tanzania at the United Nations (UN) in New York City accredited . After that, between 1968 and 1969 he was ambassador to the Addis Ababa- based Organization for African Unity (OAU) and also ambassador to Ethiopia . In 1969 he was appointed Minister of Communications by President Julius Nyerere and held this office until 1971. He was then envoy to the East African Community (EAC) between 1971 and 1972 . In 1972 he replaced Julius Nyerere as Foreign Minister and Minister for International Cooperation and held this office until he was replaced by Ibrahim Muhammad Kaduma in 1975. In 1975 Makwetta was elected for the first time as a member of the National Assembly for the then Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) in the constituency of Njombe and was initially a member until 1985.

In 1975, Malecela took over the post of Minister for Agriculture and Food Security and between 1977 and 1980 he also served in the first government of Prime Minister Edward Moringe Sokoine . During this time he obtained a Doctor of Philosophy ( Ph.D. ) from Hardin – Simmons University (HSU) in Abilene in 1977 . After the union of the TANU with the Afro-Shirazi Party (ASP) in 1977 he became a member of the newly formed party of the revolution CCM ( Chama Cha Mapinduzi ). In 1982, he took over the post of Minister for Communications, Research and Social Services in the first cabinet of Prime Minister Cleopa David Msuya and held this position in the second Sokoine cabinet (1983 to 1984) and in the government of Prime Minister Salim Ahmed Salim . He was then a member of the Commonwealth of Nations Group for South Africa between 1985 and 1986 and was Regional Commissioner for the Iringa Region from 1987 to 1989 , before being High Commissioner in the United Kingdom from 1989 to 1990 .

Prime Minister and Vice President

After his return, Malecela replaced Joseph Sinde Warioba as Prime Minister of Tanzania on November 9, 1990 and held this office until he was replaced by Cleopa David Msuya on December 7, 1994. At the same time he acted as Vice President and thus as Deputy President Ali Hassan Mwinyi . In 1995 he became a member of the National Assembly again and represented the constituency of Mtera in it until October 30, 2010 .

1996 took over Malecela the function as Chancellor of the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) in 1992 Dar es Salaam based Open University of Tanzania. In 2005 he also became vice chairman of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi.

Malecela is married to Anne Malecela , who has also been a member of the National Assembly since 2000.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tanzania: Foreign Ministers
  2. Tanzania: Prime Ministers