John Roche Dakyns

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John Roche Dakyns (nickname Roche Dakyns ) (born January 31, 1836 in St. Vincent ; died September 27, 1910 in Snowdon View near Beddgelert ) was an English geologist .


Roche Dakyns was born in St. Vincent in the West Indies . His father Thomas Henry Dakyns worked there as a doctor. He was the oldest child of a total of six brothers. The second son was the classical philologist Henry Graham Dakyns (1838-1911). In 1845 the Dakyns family moved to Rugby, Warwickshire . There he attended rugby school . In 1855 he was in the Trinity College of Cambridge University added. In 1859 he was the 27th "Wrangler" of the university's mathematical tripo . In 1864 he graduated with the as elected a scholar of his college in 1858; and graduated with distinction in 1859, being bracketed 27th Wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos | Tripos "Master of Arts" (MA).

As early as 1862 he was appointed geological assistant to the bureau for "Geological Survey". In 1868 he received the post of geologist. Roche Dakyns worked in Yorkshire for almost 25 years . Almost a decade on maps of the Argyll and Loch Lomond borders . In 1894 he began working on maps of the coal region of South Wales . In 1896 he retired. He spent the last years of his life in Snowdon View in Wales. He died after a serious illness on September 27, 1910. His colleagues praised him as an important British geologist. In a codicil to his will, he bequeathed his maps and rock samples and £ 400 to John Griffith, the headmaster of the Dolgelly school . John Roche Dakyns died unmarried. His net worth was £ 20,907.

Dakyns had met Samuel Moore (1823-1899) in Cambridge , because both were studying mathematics there . Through Moore he met Carl Schorlemmer and Friedrich Engels . On an excursion, Engels introduced him to Karl Marx and accepted Roche Dakyns as an individual member of the International Workers' Association . Dakyns remained in correspondence with Marx and Engels for decades. He received u. a. an edition of Marx Das Kapital in French with a dedication. Dakyns condensed Engels on the death of Marx.


  • Alexander Henry Green , JR Dakyns, JC Ward, Robert Russell: Explanation of quarter-sheet 88 NE of the geological map of England and Wales; illustrating the geology of the neighborhood of Dewsbury , Huddersfield , and Halifax . Longman & Co., London 1871 Digitized
  • On the glacial phenomena of the Yorkshire Uplands . "From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for November 1872". " Digitized
  • Edward Hull , John R. Dakyns, Richard Hill Tiddeman, JC Ward, William Gunn, Charles Eugene De Rance, Robert Etheridge : The geology of the Burnley coal-field and of the country around Clitheroe , Blackburn , Preston , Chorley , Haslingden , and Death murders . Printed for HM Stationery off., London 1875. (Quarter sheets 88 NW, 89 NE, 89 NW, and 92 SW, of the 1-inch geological maps) Digitized
  • John R. Dakyns, Charles Fox-Strangways , Robert Russell, William Herbert Dalton: England and Wales. Explanation of quarter-sheet 92 SE of the Geological map of England and Wales, illustrating the geology of the country between Bradford and Skipton . Longman & Co, London 1879. Digitized
  • The parallel roads of Glen Roy . Trübner & Co., London 1879.
  • John R. Dakyns, Charles Fox-Strangways: The geology of Bridlington Bay . Printed for HM Stationery off., London 1885. (Explanation of quartersheet 94 NE) (New series sheet 65) Digitized
  • John R. Dakyns, Charles Fox-Strangways: The geology of the country around Driffield . Printed for HM Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, London 1886. (Explanation of quarter-sheet 94 NW) (New series, sheet 64) Digitized
  • JR Dakyns, Richard Hill Tiddeman, William Gunn, Aubrey Strahan : The geology of the country around Ingleborough , with parts of Wensleydale and Wharfedale . Printed for HM Stationery off., By Eyre and Spottiswoode, London 1890. (Explanation of quarter-sheet 97 SW, new series, sheet 50) Digitized
  • JR Dakyns, Richard Hill Tiddeman, Robert Russell, Charles Thomas Clough , Aubrey Strahan: The geology of the country around Mallerstang , with parts of Wensleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale . London, Printed for HM Stationery off., By Eyre and Spottiswoode, London 1891. (Explanation of quarter-sheet 97 NW, new series, sheet 40) [digitized]
  • JR Dakyns, Richard Hill Tiddeman, John George Goodchild, JC Ward, William Whietehead: The geology of the country between Applby , Ullswater , and Haweswater . Printed for HM Stationery off., By Eyre and Spottiswoode, London 1897. (Explanation of quarter-sheet 102 SW, new series, sheet 30) Digitized
  • The limestone knolls below Skipton and Grassington in Craven . "From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for August 1899", Vol. LV.
  • Some Snowdon tarns . Extracted from the Geological Mag. Decade IV. Vol. VII. No. 428, p. 58, February, 1900. Dulau & Co., London 1900.
  • JR Dakyns, Edward Greenly : On the probable pelean origin of the felsitic slates of Snowdon, and their metamorphism . "Extracted from the Geological Magazine, Decade V. Vol. II. No. 498, December, 1905 ". Dulau & Co., London 1905.


  • In Memoriam John Roche Dakyns MA In: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society , January 1910, pp. 159-162.
  • HB Woodward: John Roche Dakyns M. A . In: Geological Magazine , 1910, pp. 575-576.
  • George William Lamplugh : In Memoriam, John Roche Dakyns . In: The Naturalist . November 1910.
  • JL Wyn Griffith: Spring of Youth . Swansea 1935 (2nd ed. 1971, pp. 81-88).
  • Their names live on through the centuries. Condolences and necrologists on the deaths of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983, p. 84.Dakyns to Engels March 30, 1883.
  • Rosie Rudich: Looking for Dakyns . In: Contributions to Marx-Engels research 18. Berlin 1985, pp. 143–154.
  • Roy Whitfield: The Dakyns Geologist . In: Contributions to Marx-Engels research 18. Berlin 1985, pp. 155–157.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roy Whitfield: The Geologist Dakyns , p. 157.
  2. ^ Weekly Mail of December 10, 1910. Digitized
  3. Marx to his daughter Jenny. June 10, 1869. In: Marx-Engels-Werke . Volume 32, p. 612. Digitized
  4. ^ John Roche Dakyns also received from Marx the "Adress and Provisonnal Rules" of the International. The booklet is owned by Janine R-Dakyns in Norwich. ( Marx-Engels Complete Edition . Section I. Volume 20. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1992, p. 871.)
  5. Rosie Rudich: In Search of Dakyns .
  6. Gallery Bassenge . Chimen Abramski Collection 2011. Lot 1550.
  7. Their names live on through the centuries .
  8. “Extracted from the Geological magazine, decade II., Vol. VI., No. 12, p.529, December, 1879 “.