Jorinde and Joringel (1986)

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Original title Jorinde and joringel
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1986
length 76 minutes
Director Wolfgang Huebner
script Wera kitchen master
Claus kitchen master
production Television of the GDR
music Karl-Ernst Sasse
camera Hartwig Strobel
cut Edith Kaluza

Jorinde and Joringel is a German fairy tale film by Wolfgang Hübner from 1986. The film made in the GDR is an adaptation of the Grimm fairy tale Jorinde and Joringel . The film was first shown on GDR television on February 24, 1986. A remake of the fairy tale took place in 2011 .


The fairy tale was placed in the context of an anti-war film, whereby the fairytale and the documentary were combined. It is about the time of the Thirty Years War . Landsknechte roam the country scorching and murdering. A farming family and their little daughter are able to save themselves from their burning village. On their wandering through the barren, destroyed world, they come across another burned-down village in which there is no longer any life. With one exception: you find a disturbed toddler , an orphaned boy. The peasant couple takes care of him and because their daughter's name is Jorinde, they call the son Joringel. The family with the two children find shelter in the woods behind an impassable moor . Here they lead the lives of hermits . As the children grow up to be beautiful young people and form relationships, the world goes on to war. The father tries to find a dealer in front of the moor who can sell salt. But in the process he steers three murdered murderers on his trail. These are now trying to rapaciously pave the way to the family. Jorinde stands in the woods forebodingly. And the girl sings:

I wish I was far, not near
In winds, winds, winds ...
And wouldn't be here and wouldn't be there,
And nobody can find me.

Oh, no eye was looking for me,
no woe, woe, woe ...
For if he found me, he would burn himself
near my heart.

My little bird with the red ring
Sing sorrow, sorrow, sorrow ...
It sings love's early death,
oh let us both die.

Suddenly she has disappeared in front of her lover's eyes. All Joringel's desperate searches lead to nothing. But an owl appears strange. The owl changes shape and appears as a serious-looking woman. But it remains open whether this spell is related to Jorinde's disappearance. Jorinde's parents are also searching day and night. But the girl cannot be found.

While the three murderous mercenaries approach the family home through the moor, Joringel discovers a seemingly surreal castle. Joringel falls into a feverish state that blurs dream and reality as he enters the castle. He sees Jorinde happily in a crowd of festive girls. The enchanting woman is also sitting at the table, dressed in white and smiling. But everything remains in a trance. Jorinde cannot see her Joringel. But suddenly she begins to sing the song about the red ring. The old woman senses danger and turns the castle into ruins - the girls have disappeared. Joringel, who doesn't want to give way, sends her back to her parents with magical power. But Joringel does not give up, comes back to the castle, in which countless cages with birds hang in them. He could take Jorinde with him if he could recognize her. The song about the red ring becomes the key to finding lovers again, it leads them to the cage in which Jorinde sits transformed into a nightingale . The sorceress then gives her back her human form and lets them go.

But the eternally smoldering war is unbroken. One of the murderers sinks into the moor. The other two, however, reach solid ground and the family hut. In Joringel's absence, they raid the hut. Joringel, looking for food in the forest, meets the sorceress again. Warned by her that Jorinde is in danger again, he runs to the hut, where the mercenaries are about to attack Jorinde. Joringel manages to beat these emaciated creatures. The family laboriously begins to rebuild the hut when suddenly the sound of a bell can be heard in the distance. They pause in their work and understand that the peace they hardly believed in has come. Jorinde and Joringel run to a light meadow hill, where hundreds of girls appear who happily run down to the valley. The old sorceress had saved them all from eternal war and is turning into a young tree.


The film was shot in Schmalkalden Castle , Wanderslebener Gleiche and in the Uckermark, more precisely in Stolpe on the Oder.


  • "On the run from the horrors of the Thirty Years' War, a peasant family takes in an orphan boy. He grows up with the farmer's daughter. Years later, the two fall in love, but the war overtakes them in the form of three mercenaries kisses his lover while on the run, she disappears with a curse, without a trace. He first has to defeat the war in order to be able to hold his lover in his arms again. Impressively photographed and atmospherically staged, the thought-provoking fairytale film about war and love alternates cleverly the levels between fairytale exaggeration and deliberate closeness to reality. Staged for television in the GDR. " - Lexicon of international film

DVD release

In September 2010 the film was released on DVD by Icestorm Distribution GmbH .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Jorinde and Joringel on pp. 127–130. In: Eberhard Berger, Joachim Giera (Hrsg.): 77 fairy tale films - a film guide for young and old . Henschel Verlag, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3362004474 .
  2. Wera Küchenmeister (based on the fairy tale verses on Jorinde and Joringel at Grimm)
  3. ^ Jorinde and Joringel. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. Jorinde and Joringel - DDR TV archive. Retrieved December 14, 2017 .