Cabinet Svinhufvud I

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The Svinhufvud I Senate (also known as the Svinhufvud I Cabinet ) was the first government cabinet in the history of Finland . It was in office from November 27, 1917 to May 27, 1918 and was a center-right coalition of the Young Finnish Party, the Finnish Party, the Swedish People's Party and the Landbund under the leadership of Pehr Evind Svinhufvud , who is considered to be the arch-conservative . After the Finnish declaration of independence proposed by the cabinet was confirmed by the state parliament on December 6, 1917, the cabinet was the highest Finnish government, although with the outbreak of the Finnish civil war at the end of January 1918, the influence initially declined and the Svinhufvud government moved to Vaasa in western Finland while Helsinki became the center of the "Reds". The Svinhufvud I cabinet ruled from January 29 to May 3, 1918 from Vaasa.

After Svinhufvud's election as head of state in May 1918, Juho Kusti Paasikivi of the Finnish Party formed a new government made up of the same parties as Svinhufvud's government in 1917/1918.


Office Surname Political party
Chairman of the Senate Pehr Evind Svinhufvud Young Finnish Party
Head of the Ministry of Justice Onni Talas Young Finnish Party
Head of the Interior Ministry Arthur Castrén Young Finnish Party
Deputy Head of the Interior Ministry Alexander Frey Swedish People's Party
Head of the Treasury Juhani Arajärvi Finnish party
Head of the Ministry of Churches and Education Eemil Nestor Setälä Young Finnish Party
Head of the Ministry of Agriculture Kyösti Kallio Landbund
Deputy Head of the Ministry of Agriculture Eero Yrjö Pehkonen Landbund
Head of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works Jalmar Castrén Young Finnish Party
Head of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Heikki Gabriel Renvall Young Finnish Party
Head of the Ministry of Social Affairs Oskari Wilho Louhivuori Finnish party

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