Karl Komzák junior

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Karl Komzák junior (before 1897)
Baden near Vienna, music pavilion built in 1894 in the spa park on Karl-Komzák-Allee , Komzák's (still existing) performance venue during the summer seasons.
Baden near Vienna, Rudolf-Zöllner-Strasse, Karl Komzák's funeral conductors (April 25, 1905)
Grave of Karl Komzák junior

Karl Komzák , born as Karel Komzák (born November 8, 1850 in Prague , † April 23, 1905 in Baden near Vienna ) was an Austria-Czech composer.


Karl (actually Karel) Komzák was born on November 8th, 1850 in Prague. His father, Karl Komzák senior , recognized his son's talent at an early age and taught him music theory.

From 1861 to 1867 Komzák studied violin at the Prague Conservatory with Moritz Mildner and Anton Bennewitz , then worked in his father's chapel and in 1870 became second conductor at the Linz State Theater . At the end of 1871 he took over the position of Kapellmeister at the kuk infantry regiment "Graf von Khevenhüller" No. 7 in Innsbruck and also headed the Innsbrucker Liedertafel , of which he was an honorary member.

In 1877 Komzák married Eugenie Reichardt in Innsbruck (from July 1888 after her father, the retired Artillery Lieutenant Colonel Johann Reichardt, Reichardt Edle von Hardtland, † December 14, 1923 in Baden near Vienna, age: 66 or 67).

From 1883 he was Kapellmeister of the kuk Infantry Regiment No. 84 in Vienna, the ensemble that received national recognition under Karl Komzák's staff and was awarded as “the best of all military bands in the world” at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889.

1890 wrote Komzák on behalf of the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of War , a new version of the national anthem , then as national anthem backed by the text of Ottokar Kernstock ; In 1898 he won first prize from 92 submissions in the composition competition for the Kaiser Franz Josef jubilee march (op. 260).

Komzák was an honorary member of various musical associations and possessed domestic and foreign medals (including from Serbia, Turkey, Montenegro and Persia).

The audience always loved Komzák because he had a personable charisma and a friendly nature. In September 1892, Karl Komzák moved to Baden, where on April 26, 1893 he took over the management of the spa orchestra (which had been vacant for one year), initially on the basis of a two-year contract that allowed him to be available to "the regiment moved to Mostar" during the winter to stand (otherwise on leave); It was not until 1896 that he left the military.

In the first few years he put together his own orchestra with the help of his archivist and horn player Georg Müller, later the Vienna Concert Association came to Baden for the summer season, Komzák then also conducted the popular concerts in Vienna's Great Music Association Hall and went on guest tours. His most famous work, the waltz Bad'ner Mad'ln, dates from this period .

Komzák helped the Baden spa orchestra to flourish again: among other things, he conducted the orchestra in Warsaw in 1903 and in 1904 at the World Exhibition in St. Louis , Missouri , USA. Komzák had reached the high point of his career - " not even having an equal opponent since Johann Strauss 's time".

On Easter Sunday 1905 Komzák died when he tried to jump on a departing train of the southern railway in Baden and got under its wheels.

First Komzák was buried in Baden in the presence of Franz Lehár and Carl Michael Ziehrer . However, the widow subsequently accepted the offer of the mayor of Vienna to bury Karl Lueger , Master Komzák in a grave of honor ( Vienna Central Cemetery , Group 32 A, Number 13) - a communal promise that was kept on November 11th of the same year. On June 9, 1907, in the presence of Komzák's widow, son and daughter at the grave site, a monument donated by the Baden Choral Society and the Baden Music Society , designed by the sculptor Peter Breithut (1869–1930) and cast on behalf of Arthur Krupp , was unveiled.

Komzák's musical legacy was significant: compositions for string orchestra fell to the universal heirs (the widow, two sons and a daughter), compositions for brass music and a sheet music collection were willingly dedicated to the band of the kuk infantry regiment 84 .

His son Karl Komzák (1878-1924) was also a composer and conductor.

In 1924, in the 22nd district of Vienna, Donaustadt , the "Komzakgasse" was named in memory of Austria's most popular military bandmaster at the time .


  • 66 marches (including the "84th Regiments March " and " Archduke Albrecht March " as well as the "Gothen March" on the Corps Gothia Innsbruck )
  • 21 waltzes (including Bad'ner Mad'ln , Maienzauber and Fideles Vienna )
  • Volksoper Edelweiss , premiered in 1892 at the Salzburg City Theater (conducted by Komzák himself in Munich in 1892)
  • Dances and songs
  • Male choirs (for the Vienna Male Choir Association )
  • Folk songs and fairy tales, op.135


  • Max Schönherr , Eugen Brixel : Karl Komzák: father - son - grandson. A contribution to the history of the reception of Austrian popular music. Österreichischer Bundesverlag, Vienna 1989, ISBN 3-215-07040-5 .
  • Viktor Wallner : The "light" muse in Baden - Karl Millöcker, Karl Zeller, Karl Komzák . Neue Badener Blätter, Volume 3.1, ZDB -ID 2161928-1 . Society of Friends of Baden and Municipal Collections - Archive, Rollett Museum of the City of Baden, Baden 1992, OBV .
  • Otto Wolkerstorfer: Waltz bliss and everyday life. Bathing in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Grasl, Baden 1999, ISBN 3-85098-243-2 .

Web links

Commons : Karl Komzák junior  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ News from Linz and Upper Austria. (...) According to safe conduct, the deserving second conductor is (...). In:  Tages-Post , No. 275/1871 (Volume VII), December 1, 1871, p. 4, top left. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / tpt.
  2. Local and miscellaneous. (...) Announcements in Innsbruck on July 23rd. In:  Innsbrucker Nachrichten , No. 166/1877 (XXIV. Volume), July 23, 1877, p. 6 (unpaginated). (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / ibn.
  3. Official part. In:  Wiener Zeitung , No. 155/1888, July 7, 1888, p. 1. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / wrz.
  4. a b c d e Theophil AntonicekKomzák, Karl. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 4, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1969, p. 104 f. (Direct links on p. 104 , p. 105 ).
  5. a b About the national anthem. In:  Badener Zeitung , No. 104/1929, December 28, 1929, p. 1. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt.
  6. ^ A b c Karl Komzak had a fatal accident. In:  Prager Tagblatt , noon edition (No. 113/1905), April 25, 1905, p. 3 middle. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / ptb.
  7. Local messages. Award. In:  Badener Zeitung , No. 9/1899, February 1, 1899, p. 3. (Online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt
  8. ^ Viktor Wallner: The spa orchestra. In: Walzerseligkeit , p. 190.
  9. ^ AE ( ie Alfred Ehrwald):  Black Easter. (Karl Komzak's death voyage twenty-five years ago.). In:  Badener Zeitung , No. 32/33 from 1930, April 19, 1930, p. 1 f. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt.
  10. a b Local News. (…) Kapellmeister Komzak in Warsaw .. In:  Badener Zeitung , No. 13/1903, February 14, 1903, p. 3, center right. (Online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt
  11. † Karl Komzak .. In:  Neue Freie Presse , Abendblatt (No. 14609/1905), April 25, 1905, p. 8, top left. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp.
  12. Local news. Music director Komzak †. In:  Badener Zeitung , No. 33/1905, April 26, 1905, p. 4. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt.
  13. Little Chronicle. (…) Funerals .. In:  Neue Freie Presse , Morgenblatt (No. 14610/1905), April 26, 1905, p. 5, bottom right. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp.
  14. Music Director Komzak †. In:  Badener Zeitung , No. 34/1905, April 29, 1905, p. 2. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt.
  15. Hedwig Abraham: Karl Komzák , accessed on September 18, 2011.
  16. Local news. (…) A grave of honor for Komzak .. In:  Badener Zeitung , No. 35/1905, May 3, 1905, p. 3, top center. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt.
  17. ^ Name query Komzak, Karl via friedhoefewien.at .
  18. Unveiling of the tomb for Karl Komzak. In:  Neue Freie Presse , afternoon paper (No. 15373/1907), June 10, 1907, p. 7, bottom right. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp.


  1. A frequent place of performance for the band was the (structurally no longer existing) restaurant Kraft's Veranda with its German coffee house at Museumstrasse 20, diagonally across from the Tyrolean State Museum . - See for example: Local and Miscellaneous. (...) Musical soirée. In:  Innsbrucker Nachrichten , No. 90/1872 (XIXth year), April 20, 1872, p. 968 above. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / ibn.
  2. Mourning House: Welzergasse 17.
  3. From 1907 the music director's widow Eugenie Komzák was registered in Adolph Lehmann's General Apartment Gazette as residing in Vienna-Wieden , Johann-Strauss-Gasse 30, most recently in volume 1921/22 as Eugenie Komzák in Vienna-Döbling , Billrothstrasse 6 .