Karl von Bistram

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Karl von Bistram (around 1822) , portrait by George Dawe

Karl Heinrich Georg von Bistram ( Russian Карл Иванович Бистром Karl Ivanovich Bistrom ; born April 19, jul. / 30th April  1770 greg. In Luist; † 28. June 1838 in Kissingen ) was a Russian general of the infantry .


Origin and family

Coat of arms of the Estonian line of those of Bistram

Karl was a member of the Baltic noble family von Bistram . His parents were the heir to the Estonian estates Merjama, Pedua as well as Luist and Russian Major General Hans-Heinrich von Bistram (* 1757) and Charlotte Helene, née Tiesenhausen from the Alt Adlehn family (* 1749). In 1815 he married Charlotta Konstantia von Tiesenhausen (1792–1823), the marriage remained without children. His brother Adam von Bistram (1774-1828) was a Russian lieutenant general .


Bistram began his career in the Imperial Russian Army in 1784 as a non-commissioned officer in the Izmailovsky Life Guard Regiment . He took part in the Russo-Swedish War . In 1790 he served as a captain in the Nevsky Infantry Regiment, was a major in 1798 and in 1805 was commander of the 20th Jäger Regiment. Also in 1805 he was promoted to colonel . Since the Fourth Coalition War at the latest, he took part in the Napoleonic Wars and finally the Wars of Liberation with multiple awards .

After Bistram was already the commander of a carbine training regiment , he was appointed chief of the 2nd Guard Infantry Division in 1821 . He was promoted to lieutenant general in 1824 and in 1825 became commander of the infantry of the guard corps and adjutant general of the emperor . Also in the 8th Russian Turkish War he was able to excel with distinction, for example in the siege of Varna .

Finally, he also fought the November Uprising and distinguished himself in particular in the Battle of Ostrołęka . On the occasion of the capture of Warsaw, he was promoted to general of the infantry in recognition of his achievements. In 1837 he was first deputy then commander of the entire infantry of the separate guard corps.

He was the owner of the Chelmno estates in Poland and Romanowka near Jamburg . He was buried in Jamburg where a tomb lion was erected in 1839.


For his special support of the Russian Lieutenant General Ostermann-Tolstoy as Colonel of the 20th Jägerregiment in the battle near Czarnowo in December 1806, he received the Order Pour le Mérite and the Iron Cross 1st Class.

Furthermore, Karl von Bistram was a knight of the Order of St. George IV. Class (1807), III. Class (1812/1813) and Class II (1831), of the Order of St. Anne, Class II (1807) and Class I (1813/1814) of the Order of St. Vladimir III. Class (1807), Class II (1821) and Class I and the Alexander Nevsky Order (1828). He was the commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, founded by Paul I. He was also the holder of the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class (1813).


  • Bistrom (Karl Iwanowitsch) . In: Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона - Enziklopeditscheski slowar Brokgausa i Jefrona . tape 3 a [6]: Бергер – Бисы. Brockhaus-Efron, Saint Petersburg 1891, p. 951–952 (Russian, full text [ Wikisource ] PDF ).
  • Bistrom, Karl Ivanovich. In: Русский биографический словарь - Russkii biografičeskii slovar ' . Volume 3: Б – Благосветлов-Бялыницкий. Terra, Moscow 1908, pp. 77-79 (Russian, full text [Wikisource]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Otto Magnus von Stackelberg (arr.): Genealogical manual of the Baltic knighthoods . Part 2, 1.2: Estonia. Görlitz 1930, p. 38 ( Personen.digitale-sammlungen.de ).
  2. ^ Gustav Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le merite. Volume 1, ES Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1913, p. 426, No. 67 ( gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de digitized version ).