Don't buy Russian goods!

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“Don't buy Russian goods!” ( Ukrainian Не купуй російське! ) Or “Boycott Russian goods!” (Ukrainian Бойкотуй російське! ) Is a non-violent campaign to boycott Russian trade in Ukraine . The protest began on August 14, 2013 in response to the Russian Federation's trade embargo against Ukraine. It was organized by the citizens' initiative Widsitsch ( Ukr. Відсіч = "resistance") via social media on the Internet . The campaign was expanded to include the mass distribution of flyers, posters and stickers in 45 cities, large and small. With the beginning of the Euromaidan it had subsided somewhat, but was started again on March 2, 2014 (parallel to the Crimean crisis and the Russian military intervention in Ukraine).

Activists launched a boycott on August 22, 2013 in response to the blockade of Ukrainian goods in Russia


According to the activists, the campaign began in response to a series of minor economic wars by Russia against Ukraine, "Meat War", "Cheese War", and the "Chocolate War". On August 14, 2013, the Federal Consumer Service of Russia listed all Ukrainian exporters as “risky companies” on a list that ultimately led to a blockade of Ukrainian products being imported into Russia. Hundreds of truckloads of goods were rejected at the border.


Flash mob in a Kiev supermarket, March 15, 2014
Activists present a banner calling for a boycott of Russian gasoline, May 29, 2014
Boycott sticker for "ПТН X̆ЛО" (abbreviation " Putin chuilo ") in Brovary . June 22, 2014 in Ukraine

In Ukraine

On August 22, 2013, activists held a protest rally near the Presidential Office of Ukraine . The campaign continued with the mass distribution of flyers, posters and stickers in more than 25 major and minor Ukrainian cities. Caricatures of Russian matryoshka dolls were used in the campaign. With the start of the Euromaidan , the intensity of the campaign decreased.

On March 2, 2014, the campaign was restarted with the help of social networks . All goods and services that Russian companies could benefit from were affected. The aim of the campaign was to inhibit the flow of money to Russia so that the Russian military would not be supported there. In terms of time and content, the boycott was directly related to the Crimean crisis and the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.

In March 2014, activists started flash mobs in supermarkets to persuade customers not to buy Russian products and to avoid Russian gas stations , banks, and concerts. Some cinemas in Kiev , Lviv and Odessa began to remove Russian films from their programs.

In the summer of 2014, the activists organized flash mobs and actions in Russian restaurants and cafes.

At the end of August 2014, activists started the “Boycott Russian Films” campaign, which was directed against Russian films and TV series in the Ukrainian media.

In April 2014 some Russian manufacturers changed their barcodes from “Russia” to “Ukraine”. The term "boycott intruder" was a Android - app developed with which it was possible to identify Russian products, including those whose origin had been hidden or blurred.

International distribution

As of March 2014, the boycott expanded to other countries, in particular Belarus , Latvia and Lithuania , Estonia , Poland , Moldova , Georgia , the USA and the Czech Republic .


In spring 2014, sales of Russian products in Ukraine fell by 35–50%. In May 2014, Ukrainian supermarkets stopped ordering Russian goods. From this point on, the delivery of Russian goods decreased by 1/3.

In April 2014, it was reported that Russian producers were converting Russian barcodes to those of other countries. In addition, it became known that Russian products had been illegally redesignated in Ukrainian supermarkets.

According to the rating agency Standard & Poor’s, banks with Russian capital in Ukraine lost 50% of their deposits between January and May 2014 .

A rating comparison test of Russian television series in Ukraine for 2013 (test by GfK ) and for 2014 (test by Nielsen ) came to a result of around 30% loss of viewers.

Public opinion

According to “ Taylor Nelson Sofres ” (TNS) (Internet Research in Ukraine), 52% of Ukrainians were “positive” or “fairly positive” about the boycott of Russian products in March / April 2014. According to a survey, 39% of the population participated in the boycott. Further surveys found that support for the boycott increased from 52% to 57% between July and August 2014. The percentage of people who participated increased from 40% to 46%. Data released by the TSN agency indicated that in September 2014, 50% of Ukrainians participated in the boycott of Russian goods.


Economist Andriy Novak calculated that the boycott of Russian products in March 2014 did not cost the Russian Federation economy much more than a few tens of millions of dollars. In his opinion, the Russian economy could have been hit in a much more painful place, namely at Gazprom .

The boycott idea was supported by the Fozzy Group , a Ukrainian association of intermediate suppliers. However, no support came from “ Auchan Ukraine” and the “ Metro Cash & Carry ” group. The reason for this is their apolitical company concept.

Andriy Dlihach, CEO of the “Advanter Group”, advocated not boycotting Russian products, but instead buying Ukrainian products.

Ukrainian, Russian-speaking blogger Danilo Vachowski said he deliberately used Russian internet services because he believed it would be a way of creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurship in Russia. Even if it is not patriotic, it supports entrepreneurs “with rubles”, which creates the opportunity to initiate new projects and developments that help to make the world a better place. He also presented some of these developments such as B. QIWI, and Kaspersky Anti-Virus .

See also

Web links

Commons : Category: Boycotts of Russia  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b У соцмережах українців закликають бойкотувати російські товари ( Ukrainian ). Український тиждень. 15th August 2013
  2. Russia accused of trade war against Ukraine ( English ). Associated Press . 15th August 2013
  3. Росія оголосила Україні торговельну війну ( Memento of the original from August 21, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ( Ukrainian ). 15th August 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Януковича закликали не ввважати Росію дружньою державою ( Ukrainian ). Radio Liberty . 22nd August 2013
  5. | title = Активісти оголосили бойкот товарам з РФ (video; Ukrainian ) 5 channel . 22nd August 2013
  6. На Банковій "відкривали очі на" братство "Росії (video; Ukrainian ). Ukrajinska Pravda . August 22, 2013
  7. Украинцев призывают отказаться от российских товаров ( Russian ). Podrobnosti . Inter. September 12th, 2013
  8. В Україні триває вулична агітація проти російських валянок і матрьошок (video; Ukrainian ). 26th September 2013
  9. a b Ukraine in campaign to boycott Russian goods, restaurants, sex ( English ). Alexandra Back. The Sydney Morning Herald . July 26, 2014
  10. a b "Бойкот окупантів": Як українці ігнорують російські товари ( Ukrainian ); Украинцы бойкотируют российские товары ( Russian ); Lilia Hryshko, Deutsche Welle . April 4, 2014
  11. Бойкотуємо товари і бізнес окупантів! Не купуємо нічого російського! ( Ukrainian ). Дамо відсіч зазіханням Росії на Україну. March 2, 2014
  12. Українці захищаються від росіян бойкотом їх товарів (video; Ukrainian ). 1 + 1 . March 6, 2014
  13. Флешмоби "Російське вбиває" набирають обертів (video; Ukrainian ). Widsitsch . March 24, 2014
  14. Сьогодні у Чернівцях російські товари "вбивали" активістів - флешмоб у "Сільпо" та на заправці "Лукойл" (photo; Ukrainian ). April 10, 2014
  15. У Сумах також оголосили бойкот російським товарам (photo; Ukrainian ). Львівська газета. March 23, 2014
  16. Как в Днепропетровске прошло бойкотирование российских заправок ( Russian ). 34 channel. May 1, 2014
  17. Активісти закликали не купувати російський бензин ( Ukrainian ). Radio Liberty . 17th April 2014
  18. Українці починають бойкотувати російські АЗС ( Ukrainian ). Український тиждень. April 25, 2014
  19. Место убийства - российская АЗС ( Russian ). ПІК. May 16, 2014
  20. { У Києві біля офісів російських банків українців закликають "не платити окупантам" ( Ukrainian ). Український тиждень. April 24, 2014
  21. Українці оголосили російським артистам бойкот ( Ukrainian ). 1 + 1 . 3rd June 2014
  22. Некоторые кинотеатры Киева, Львова и Одессы объявили бойкот российской кинопродукции ( Russian ). ЦензорНЕТ. April 11, 2014
  23. «Российское убивает»: в Киеве в российских кафе и ресторанах люди падают «замертво». ФОТОрепортаж ( Russian ). ЦензорНЕТ. July 25, 2014
  24. У Києві пікетували "російські" ресторани ( Ukrainian ). Radio Liberty . June 24, 2014
  25. «Не пустимо в хату російську вату" - театралізована акція під Держкіно ( Ukrainian ). Radio Liberty . 4th September 2014
  26. У Києві відбулася акція протесту проти російського кіно ( Ukrainian ). УНН. 4th September 2014
  27. Російська окупація українських товарів: як кокошник відрізнити від дівочого вінка (відео) ( Ukrainian ). ICTV. April 9, 2014
  28. Ukraine-Russie: le boycott 2.0 ( French ). L'informaticien. 3rd April 2014
  29. Оппозиция в Беларуси призывает бойкотировать российские товары ( Russian ). March 3, 2014
  30. В Европе российские продукты маркируют колорадским жуком (ФОТО) ( Russian ). Review news. January 6, 2015
  31. As leaders dither, citizens impose own sanctions on Russia ( English ). Reuters . 4th March 2014
  32. No Russian vodka ( Ukrainian ). INTV. March 19, 2014
  33. Do not Buy Russian Gas, Boycott LukOil (video). Terrible information. March 16, 2014
  34. Поляки, литовці та чехи починають бойкот російських товарів ( Ukrainian ). 5th March 2014
  35. Російські виробники маскують штрих-коди на своїх товарах, щоб надурити українців ( Ukrainian ). 1 + 1 . March 26, 2014
  36. середньому, продаж товарів з РФ впав на 35-50% ( Memento of the original from May 20, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ( Ukrainian ). Ukraine Online. May 18, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  37. Бойкот российских товаров дал результат: поставки РФ упали на треть ( Russian ). March 14, 2014
  38. Російська окупація українських товарів: як кокошник відрізнити від дівочого вінка (відео) ( Ukrainian ). ICTV. April 9, 2014
  39. В тернопільському «Новусі» дурять людей - російські товари маскують (фото) ( Ukrainian ). Доба. April 9, 2014
  40. Хто допомагає росіянам залазити в українські кишені? ( Ukrainian ). 1 + 1 . Season 2014. Series May 15th, 2014.
  41. Економічний бойкот змушує калушан переглядати свої смаки ( Ukrainian ). Вікна. 19th May 2014
  42. Російські банки втратили більше 50% вкладів в Україні ( Ukrainian ). Ukrajinska Pravda . July 14, 2014
  43. Російські серіали: економічна зброя уповільненої дії ( Ukrainian ). Forbes . May 13, 2014
  44. Понад третина українців бойкотують російські товари ( Ukrainian ). Ukrajinska Pravda . May 15, 2014
  45. Опитування: серед українців зростає підтримка АТО і бойкоту російських товарів ( Ukrainian ). Ukrajinska Pravda . August 18, 2014
  46. Вже пів року українці бойкотують російські товари ( Ukrainian ). 1 + 1 . 20th September 2014
  47. Бойкот російських товарів не є ефективною мірою, удар треба наносити по "Газпрому" - експерт ( Memento of the original dated 6 September 2014 Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link is automatically inserted and not yet tested. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ( Ukrainian ). 112 Ukraine. March 28, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  48. "Ашан" та "Метро" не підтримали бойкот російських товарів ( Ukrainian ). April 24, 2014
  49. Бойкот російських товарів: за і проти ( Ukrainian ). Forbes . April 1, 2014
  50. Почему я не поддерживаю бойкот российских товаров и сервисов ( Russian ). ain. March 12, 2014