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Original title classmates
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1984
length 91 minutes
Director Rainer Bear
script Rainer Bear
production Television of the GDR
music Karl-Ernst Sasse ,
Joachim Süß ( zither )
camera Adam Pöpperl
cut Marion Fiedler

Classmates is a German crime film from 1984 by Rainer Bär . It was produced for GDR television and first broadcast there on November 18, 1984.


Robert Arndt's jacket and personal papers are stolen from his car at night in a forest clearing on a railway embankment, while there he is distracted by a tender tête-à-tête with a young woman whom he previously hitchhiked. Robert tries to pursue the perpetrator, but is stopped because he has to let a train pass on the busy railway line, he finally escapes him. Robert tells his friend and work colleague Werner about his mishap and the two decide to return to the railway embankment at the same time next Sunday to set a trap for the perpetrator and get the jacket and papers back.

The perpetrator, Fred Burger, falls into the trap and tries to steal a jacket from the car. Robert and Werner follow him on his escape to his house on the railway line. They find him in the house and force Fred to hand over the jacket and papers. After they have warned him urgently against further actions, they leave the building. Robert forgets his lighter with his monogram "RA" and Werner the iron bar he has brought with him. Meanwhile, Fred Burger was expected in the house by his client and accomplice Helmuth Grohmann, unnoticed by the others. He steps forward and there is an argument with Fred, in the course of which Fred is killed by Grohmann with the iron bar that was left behind. Back at the car, Robert realizes that he has forgotten his lighter and runs back to the house. There he finds the dead Fred and then escapes back to his car. After telling Werner what he saw, the two of them drive to Fred's house on the railway line. Meanwhile, Helmuth Grohmann is trying to get rid of the body and has already dragged it out of the room on the first floor of the house when Robert and Werner appear in the car. While the two are surprised to find that there is no corpse in the room, Grohmann manages to hide Fred's corpse in the back seat of the car. Robert and Werner go home without discovering the body. They don't find Fred until they get out of the car.

In the meantime, Captain Hannes Bergemann from the criminal police has come to town to investigate a case of extortion together with his local colleague, Lieutenant Haase. Among other things, the blackmail victims should be interviewed for this purpose. He is also happy to see his old classmates and friends Fred, Helmuth and Richard again in Langenberg. Hannes learns from Richard, whom he first visits in his dentist's office, that Fred has run down and that contact with him has broken off. Helmuth, on the other hand, has made a career and runs a well-known bar on the market. After Hannes has greeted Helmuth in his bar, which also plays a central role in his case, both drive to Fred and find his empty house there. At night, at the end of an evening together in the bar, they return to the house with Richard and find the slain Fred, whom Robert and Werner brought back that evening, in the room on the first floor. Hannes Bergemann starts the investigation into the murder case.

In the course of the investigation it turns out that Fred has a daughter who lives near Rostock. Hannes lets Miss Dörfelt come to Langenberg and learns from her that Fred has had a visit from a man she does not know, whom she has seen and would recognize. Hannes tells his friends about his daughter, then Helmuth orders Fred's daughter to the old market under Hannes' name. When Hannes returns to his hotel, the receptionist tells him about the call and Hannes and his colleagues can prevent worse things at the last minute. The daughter recognized the unknown man. After an unsuccessful chase through the old town, Hannes notices that Helmuth escaped through a connection between the upper and lower town that was only known to a few, which was also used by old school friends. Werner, meanwhile, tries to put Helmuth under pressure during a visit to his bar when Hannes appears and tells Helmuth about the incident with Fred's daughter that night. Robert and Werner, whom the police are already on, see as their last resort to find the real culprit in order to free themselves from suspicion of murder. To do this, the young hitchhiker is asked by the two of them to pretend to be Fred's daughter on the phone and to arrange a meeting with Helmuth. Once again Helmuth manages to escape from the police in the old town at night. Helmuth is expected by Hannes at the exit of the secret connection to the lower town and arrested.


The film was shot from November 15, 1983 to February 15, 1984 in Berlin and Altenburg and the surrounding area. The action is set in the fictional town of Langenberg. The theme music is the Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller . The zither fox , composed and played by Joachim Suss , is used several times in the film to provide background music . It contains clear echoes of the Harry Lime theme by Anton Karas from Carol Reed's The Third Man . Likewise, Helmuth Grohmann's flight is similar to Harry Limes' flight through Vienna at night. A portrait of Alfred Hitchcock can be clearly seen several times in the window of a photo shop .

Classmates was originally produced as a Police Call 110 episode, but was broadcast as a single film out of series. The cites (without further evidence) as reasons for the broadcast as a single film “… the“ lack of standard investigators ”, but also - in the opinion of the MdI - that it is“ not GDR-related ”or“ not class-related »“ Was. He belongs with it, like the films:

to the police call episodes produced which, for various reasons, were not included in the police call series or were not allowed to be broadcast.

The film was broadcast in 1986 and 1987 by WDR TV , Bavarian TV , Hessen Drei and Südwest 3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b representation according to (link only available to a limited extent)
  2. Murder on call . Frank Junghänel. In: Berliner Zeitung of March 18, 1994. Retrieved from on November 9, 2012
  3. ^ Police call 110: classmates at, accessed on April 26, 2013
  4. ^ Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases. Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-360-00958-4 , pp. 94-95.
  5. Classmates . In: Achim Klünder. Lexicon of television games . KG Saur Verlag, Munich 1991. ISBN 3-598-10836-2 . Retrieved from on November 9, 2012


  1. ^ MdI = Ministry of the Interior of the GDR