Klaus Günter Annen

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Klaus Günter Annen (* 1951 ) is a former German industrial clerk who appears today as an opponent of abortion . As such, he is the founder and director of the “Initiative Never Again!” Association in Weinheim . In 2016 he was elected deputy chairman of the Christian Center Association.


Annen, who lives in Weinheim and has connections to evangelical and right-wing extremist circles , organizes nationwide protests against doctors who carry out abortions and filed numerous criminal charges against doctors for advertising the abortion . He received support from the activist Yannic Hendricks, who appeared under the pseudonym “Markus Krause” . In December 2018, Annen and Hendricks were the only people in Germany who had filed reports in accordance with Section 219a in previous years . One of these displays led to a non- final second-instance verdict by the district court of Giessen and revision .

In 2003, Annen was sentenced to a two-month suspended sentence by the Heilbronn District Court after he had accused a Mannheim doctor who performed abortions of practicing “murder of children”; the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court and the BGH confirmed the conviction. After another such protest, Annen received a four-day fine . In the case of a doctor from Neckargemünd , whom he had accused of "illegal abortions", Annen was acquitted by the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court .

Annen compares the termination of pregnancy with the Holocaust and describes it as Babycaust . In 2000, the slogan Annen used "Then: Holocaust - today: Babycaust" was assessed by the Federal Court of Justice as being covered by freedom of expression . Annen was later forbidden by several German courts to draw parallels between doctors who carried out abortions and concentration camp commanders during the Nazi era . The European Court of Human Rights (EGfM) in Strasbourg confirmed the ban in summer 2018 after Annen was acquitted there in 2015. The Karlsruhe Regional Court sentenced Annen to cease and desist and to pay a compensation of 10,000 to a doctor who brought the action .

Annen operates the websites babycaust.de , which was indexed in 2007 by the Federal Inspectorate for Media Harmful to Young People , and abtreiber.com , on which the names of doctors who terminate pregnancies are listed. Annen sees himself as the successor to the Austrian “porn hunter” and Engelwerk member Martin Humer , who died in 2011 and who had many criminal records, and whose “Christian-Social Working Group Austria” he took over in 2012, and is a Catholic like this anti-abortion activist . Both were supported by the holocaust-denying Catholic-traditionalist blog kreuz.net , Annen also by the more moderate kath.net and the idea news agency .

In July 2019, the doctor Kristina Hänel filed a complaint about the failure to criticize personally, in which Annen put her and other doctors on the same level as the criminals of National Socialism. The process for this took place on August 21, 2020 at the Hamburg Regional Court. The court forbade Annen to make various statements and ordered him to pay the plaintiff € 6,000. Before that, Kristina Hänel had spoken about Annen and related topics in a detailed interview with nd .

Individual evidence

  1. Muslim-Markt interviews Klaus Günter Annen - chairman of the "Initiative Never Again! EV" . Muslim market from July 14, 2006
  2. ^ Günter Annen wins in Strasbourg. Courier der Christlichen Mitte 2016/1, page 4
  3. a b Valerie Zaslawski: "My stomach is mine" was yesterday. Neue Zürcher Zeitung from October 16, 2018.
  4. a b c Activist must not compare abortion to the Holocaust. Frankfurter Allgemeine from September 20, 2018
  5. Eike Sanders: Lame lobby »life protection« movement. The Right Edge , January 2018
  6. Timo Stein: These women are on trial because they inform women about abortion. Watson, December 9, 2018, accessed December 16, 2018
  7. Dinah Riese: Y ***** H ******** warns. the daily newspaper of November 14, 2018
  8. Annabelle Seubert: "It should happen again in secret." Heinrich Böll Foundation , 2/2018
  9. Martin Wortmann: verdict against the doctor confirmed. Doctors newspaper from October 12, 2018, accessed on December 16, 2018
  10. Kristina Hänel is going through an overhaul . In: Legal Tribune Online . November 20, 2018, accessed December 16, 2018 .
  11. Four days in prison for protesting abortions. kath.net from July 13, 2003
  12. ^ Judgment of the Federal Court of Justice of December 7, 2004, Az. VI ZR 308/03
  13. a b Anti-abortionists are not allowed to call doctors murderers. Doctors newspaper of September 20, 2018
  14. Gigi Deppe: ECHR judgment: opponent of abortion fails in court. Tagesschau from September 20, 2018
  15. Prof. Dr. Marc Liesching: Indexing of the internet offer "www.babycaust.de" - vs. Freedom of speech? Website of Volker Beck , March 5, 2008
  16. Vivian Pasquet and Christopher Piltz: At the digital pillory. Der Spiegel from March 14, 2015
  17. Cornelia Filter: What Princess Gloria and Citizen Klaus have in common. Emma on March 1, 2003
  18. News from European citizens' initiatives for the protection of life and human dignity , edition 4/2012 ( Memento from December 16, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  19. Porn hunter Humer 80th kathpress of November 23, 2005 (subject to a fee)
  20. Enter “www.babycaust.de” in Google and see what comes out of it. Christian-Social Working Group of Austria, April 29, 2005
  21. Life lawyer of the year: Klaus Günter Annen. kath.net from December 28, 2003.
  22. Trial of anti-abortion opponents Humanistic Press Service on August 17, 2020
  23. DER SPIEGEL: Doctor Kristina Hänel prevails against radical opponents of abortion - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama. Retrieved August 24, 2020 .
  24. Court ruling: Comparison of abortion with the Holocaust inadmissible. evangelisch.de of August 21, 2020
  25. Terrible and hurtful. The doctor Kristina Hänel complains against the comparison of abortions with the Holocaust. In: the week of 15./16. August 2020, p. 3