Martin Humer

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Martin Humer at a "pouring campaign" in 2005

Martin Humer (born November 11, 1925 in Natternbach , Upper Austria ; † July 31, 2011 in Wels ) was an Austrian photographer and activist.

He became known in public and has been controversial for fighting pornography for around 40 years of his life . He has been referred to in the press as a porn hunter . Since 1970 he saw himself as a Catholic activist in the fight against immorality , also in the fine arts. Humer fought against abortion , school sex education , prostitution and the exemption from punishment for homosexuality . He caused a sensation by damaging works of art and was therefore on trial. As of June 5, 2006, he had received 22 previous convictions .

Professional background

After his apprenticeship as a photographer and the Reich Labor Service , he volunteered as a paratrooper and fought at Nettuno in Italy during World War II . After a prisoner of war he graduated from the master class of the Graphic Arts and Research Institute in Vienna , made as an adult, the Matura and began studying theater studies . But he broke it off and opened a photo studio in Waizenkirchen .

Public action against pornography

In 1970 he discovered a pornographic magazine in a kiosk and filed a complaint with the public prosecutor . The preoccupation with this and related topics became his life in the following years. His daily routine since then consisted of viewing pornographic materials, praying, and writing advertisements.

In the early 1990s he became a legal advisor and member of the Engelwerk .

From Waizenkirchen, where the Christian Social Working Group Austria (CSA Austria) was also based, he organized regular reports against the operators of erotic shops and against what he believed to be inactive representatives of the responsible authorities. In various reports, his archive of pornographic material was described as the largest pornographic collection in Austria, for example in Peter Heller's documentary Der Pornojäger - A Hunting Between Lust and Politics (1989), through which his activities were made known to a broad public in a critical way.

In 2004, together with the conservative Catholic magazine Der 13th , he collected signatures against the resignation of Bishop Kurt Krenn ; however unsuccessful, since he had to finally give up his office in September 2004.

Martin Humer also worked on various websites on the Internet. Numerous articles by him have appeared on . At “” he worked as a “youth protection officer”. The operator of this website, Klaus Günter Annen , took over CSA Austria after Humer's death in 2011.


In 1981 Martin Humer polemicized against the educational play What does love mean here? . This was conceived in 1978 by the Berlin theater group Rote Grütze for 12-year-olds and also filmed. The Innsbruck “Theater am Landhausplatz” wanted to perform this play in Austria in 1981. Humer described it as Marxist pornography and tried to get a performance ban through the church and authorities, which he partially succeeded in doing. In Vorarlberg, the play was shown on the Spielboden Dornbirn and as a film at the Dornbirn Film Culture Club under strict police control of the youth ban.

In 1988 Humer had cow dung unloaded in front of the Burgtheater to protest against Thomas Bernhard's play Heldenplatz . In 1993 he and the right-wing extremist Ludwig Reinthaler organized a demonstration in Wels against an exhibition by the artist Hermann Nitsch . On June 12, 1998, he damaged Otto Muehl's painting Apocalypse in the Vienna Secession building with a bucket of paint . He was on 9 February 2000 after an appeal to a conditional imprisonment convicted of six weeks. On August 31, 2005, in front of journalists, he sprayed a controversial modern statue with the title Homage to Mozart by the artist Markus Lüpertz on Ursulinenplatz in Salzburg with red-green paint and covered it with feathers. He commented: “At least I'll make a Papageno out of the horrible thing !” - Humer was sentenced to four months of conditional imprisonment on June 6, 2006, and his assistant Franz L. (67) was fined 120 euros. After unsuccessful criminal charges, Humer demonstrated on 18/19. November 2005 in front of the Burgtheater against a performance of the orgies-mysteries theater by Nitsch with an action against abortions with the help of banners, embryo models and red paint as a blood substitute. In 2010, Humer demonstrated with eleven co-demonstrators against the alleged “misappropriation” of the Vienna Burgtheater as a co-host of the Life Ball .

Proximity to National Socialism

In May 2006, Humer sent a protest letter to the district court in Munich I, which was presented like the NSDAP hate speech " Der Stürmer " and ended with the Hitler salute . The court then initiated proceedings against him for using marks from unconstitutional organizations . In January 2007, the Munich District Court issued a penalty order against him. He appealed against this. However, he did not appear at the court hearing of his objection.

In 2010, Humer sent the presiding judge in the trial of the Austrian Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik an email with the sentence: “Honsik denies that there were gas chambers in Dachau and Mauthausen . Honsik is right. ”Thereupon the judiciary initiated an investigation against him on suspicion of Nazi re-engagement . The case was dropped in April 2011 because the court saw no intent to reapply: this would only have existed if Humer had emailed more than one person.

The existence of the gas chamber in Mauthausen concentration camp and its use for mass murder, which has repeatedly been denied by Austrian Holocaust deniers, is proven by numerous documents, including construction plans, perpetrator confessions and eyewitness reports.


  • Peter Heller: Der Pornojäger , 1989 (video release 1999), Absolut Medien, 90 minutes.
  • Fabian Burstein : Porno Unplugged , 2008, illuminati filmproduktion gmbh, 105 minutes.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ For smearing Mozart sculpture: "Porn hunter" Humer must go to court. Accessed on January 28, 2010 : "Humer and his partner had literally described the sculpture by the German artist Lüppertz as" a kind of pornography "and as a" provocation that demeaned Mozart. "
  3. a b : Four months conditionally for "Pornojäger" Humer , June 6, 2006
  4. Frankfurt in the porn warehouse , The Standard , September 7th, 2004
  5. Heiner Boberski : The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1993, ISBN 3-7013-0854-3 , pp. 242 and 265
  6. Martin Blumenau : Journal 2011. Entry 147. ORF from August 4, 2011
  7. News from European citizens' initiatives for the protection of life and human dignity , edition 4/2012 ( Memento from December 16, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  8. ^ Press release from the information shop in Wels ( Memento from May 17, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) from September 16, 2003
  9. : "Porn Hunter" convicted of vandalism , June 6, 2006
  10. Alexander Krug: Protest letter with Hitler salute. Süddeutsche Zeitung , November 2, 2007
  11. Investigations into re-engagement against "porn hunter" Humer., December 9, 2010
  12. Investigations into re-engagement against "porn hunters" stopped. Salzburg 24, April 6, 2011
  13. ^ "Revisionist" emails: news from the far right. Documentation archive of the Austrian resistance , July 2011
  14. Wolfgang Benz, Barbara Distel, Angelika Königseder (ed.): The place of terror. History of the National Socialist Concentration Camps, Volume 4: Flossenbürg, Mauthausen, Ravensbrück. Beck, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-406-52964-X , p. 321 ff .; Stefan Hördler: Order and Inferno: The concentration camp system in the last year of the war. Wallstein, Göttingen 2015, ISBN 3-8353-2559-0 , p. 431 ff .; On the doubt about the existence of a gas chamber in Mauthausen concentration camp., November 1, 2016