Klaus Weigelt

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Klaus Weigelt (2014)

Klaus Weigelt (born May 14, 1941 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) is a German academic who is committed to an extensive European cultural commitment. Since 2010 he has been President of the Foundation for German Culture in Eastern Europe - OKR .


As the son of a Silesian father and an East Prussian mother, Weigelt grew up in Hamburg after war and post-war stays in Thuringia, Hesse, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. In 1961 he passed the Abitur at the Hansa-Gymnasium Bergedorf (humanistic branch). He then served in the Bundeswehr until 1964. He is first lieutenant in the reserve.

He studied Protestant theology , education , economics and sociology at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg . Since 1968 he has received a scholarship from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and has been a graduate economist since 1971. He became head of the economic policy seminar in Eichholz Castle . He remained connected to the KAS throughout his professional life, first as a seminar leader, then as a study director (1971–1975), after his first stay abroad as an academy director (1981–1992). He knew how to interest broad circles in the comprehensive problem of “home and nation” and the state initiatives in the field of East German culture. He won over Bruno Heck , Helmut Kohl , Norbert Lammert , Wolfgang Schäuble , Kurt Biedenkopf , Gerhard Stoltenberg , Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann , Manfred Wörner , Erwin K. Scheuch , Michael Stürmer , Hans-Peter Schwarz and Bernhard Vogel , the Bundestag member Dorothee Wilms , Alois Mertes and Herbert Hupka as well as Wladislaw Bartoszewski and Rocco Buttiglione . Weigelt founded the literary work of the KAS in 1982 with readings by authors to which Lew Kopelew , Walter Kempowski , Arno Surminski , Hilde Domin , Christine Brückner , Erich Loest , Heinrich Böll and others were invited. He was supported by the Cologne literary scholar Birgit Lermen and the journalist Jörg-Bernhard Bilke .

Weigelt was the country representative for KAS in Venezuela and head of the European office in Brussels . The KAS made him responsible for the international area Europe, Japan and the USA as well as the management of the board and communication area. From 2002 to 2006 he was in charge of the Budapest branch . He moved to Regensburg to retire . He adores Ernst Wiechert . One focus of his work is the symbiosis of German and Jewish culture in Eastern Europe that has grown over the centuries and destroyed by the totalitarianism of the 20th century. He is often in the former East Prussia and in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that have been part of the European Union since 2004. He attaches particular importance to the implementation of what the Federal Government brings up in its report of December 23, 2009. The 2016 conception for cultural work according to § 96 BVFG brings back and for him what the 2000 spilled.

Honorary positions


  • Home and nation. On the history and identity of the Germans . Mainz 1984.
  • Values, models, virtues. To renew political culture . Mainz 1985.
  • Home, tradition, awareness of history . Mainz 1986.
  • with Helmut Motekat and Guido Reiner: The poet and time. Responsible contemporaneity. Ernst Wiechert . Lectures and contributions by the Political Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, No. 6, 1987.
  • Patriotism in Europe. Ceremony for Professor Dr. Bruno Heck on his 70th birthday . Bonn 1988.
  • with Guido Reiner: Ernst Wiechert today . Frankfurt 1993.
  • with Luise Drüke : Escape destination Europe. Strategies for a new refugee policy . Bonn 1993.
  • with Hans-Martin Pleßke : encouragement and consolation . Frankfurt am Main 1999.
  • Flight and displacement in post-war literature (research report by KAS 51/1986)
  • with Leonore Krenzlin : Ernst Wiechert in conversation: Encounters and insights into his work . Publisher Walter de Gruyter 2010.
  • with Frank Spengler: Hungarian Germans as bridge builders in Europe . Budapest 2014.
  • In the shadow of Europe. East German culture between tolerance and forgetting . Westkreuz-Verlag 2019, ISBN 978-3-944836-48-5 .
  • with Gerlind Weigelt: Nevertheless, I will always stay with you. Find peace in the beautiful . Society for Inner and Outer Mission Dept. Freimund-Verlag 2019, ISBN 978-3946083344 .
  • Silence and language [about Ernst Wiechert]. Quintus-Verlag, Berlin 2020.


  • Königsberg Citizen Letter (every six months)
  • Confessio Augustana. The Lutheran Magazine for Religion, Society and Culture (quarterly)
  • Cultural policy correspondence of the OKR (monthly)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cosmopolitan with a homeland - Klaus Weigelt on his 70th birthday (Kulturportal West-Ost)
  2. GoogleBooks
  3. Not at all new "new relevance" (Kulturpolitische Korrespondenz, 2016)