Knut Bohwim

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Knut Gudbrand Andreas Bohwim (born March 12, 1931 in Oslo ; † June 16, 2020 there ) was a Norwegian actor , screenwriter and director . In his home country he was best known for directing the Norwegian remakes of the originally Danish Olsen Gang films.


He made his debut as an actor as a Russian pianist in the film Bedre enn sitt rykte (1955). After a few other appearances as an actor, he also had great success as a production manager in the film Operation Løvsprett (1962), which became a box-office hit . So he gradually began to concentrate his work in the direction of film production management and film editing, as well as to work as a director and screenwriter . In 1962 Bohwim founded the film company Teamfilm A / S together with the director Knut Andersen and the cameraman Mattis Mathiesen , which produced several Norwegian films until 1994.

In 1968, the Norwegian distributor Harry Ottersen Norenafilm asked Bohwim how he would assess the chances of the first Danish film The Olsen Gang in Norway. After a thorough examination of the subject, he came to the conclusion that the film was unlikely to be as popular as the original in Denmark if imported into Norway. In his opinion, the Olsen Gang films in Norway would not be able to achieve the hoped-for success, among other things because of the heavy use of national symbols, such as B. the Dannebrog and the great reference to Copenhagen and Denmark . Then it was his idea and credit to remake it with his own well-known Norwegian actors. He also moved the locations of the Norwegian Olsen Gang to Norway and Oslo. As a director and screenwriter, he adapted the templates by Henning Bahs and Erik Balling so well to the national circumstances that the Norwegian remakes of the Olsen Gang were received with great enthusiasm and thus became his greatest success.

In order to get credit for the production of their Olsen gang films from Teanfilm, Bohwin and his partner Mattis Mathiesen had to mortgage their private houses at times. In addition to several commercials, Bohwim has also made theater and revue films, including Skulle det dukke opp flere lik er det bare å ringe (1970) with Aud Schønemann in the lead role and Ute av drift (1992) with Rolv Wesenlund and Solfrid Heier . Within his own films he also appeared in later years as an actor, mostly with smaller roles. From 1984 to 1998 he was also the director of the Oslo City Film Center.

Bohwim died on June 16, 2020 in his own home with his family.




  • 1955: Bedre enn sitt rykte as a jazz pianist
  • 1969: Olsen-tied as a curious passerby
  • 1970: Olsen-bound and Dynamitt-Harry as a bank robber
  • 1973: Olsen-bound og Dynamitt-Harry går amok as a police officer
  • 1974: Olsen-banden møter congen og knekten as a police driver
  • 1977: Olsenbanden & Dynamitt-Harry på spores as head of the railway
  • 1978: Olsenbanden + Data Harry sprenger verdensbanken as a Fiat car driver with roof luggage
  • 1979: Olsenbanden and Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder as a pilot
  • 1981: Olsen gangs gir seg aldri! as Beefeater of the 'Tower of London'
  • 1982: Olsenbandens aller siste kupp as a prison psychologist
  • 1984: Men Olsenbanden var ikke død (1984) Parking attendant
  • 1999: Olsenbandens siste stikk as himself

Production Manager

  • 1962: Operasjon Løvsprett
  • 1963: Elskere
  • 1964: Nydelige nelliker
  • 1964: Operasjon sjøsprøyt
  • 1965: Skjær i sjøen
  • 1966: Hurray for Andersens

Film editing

  • 1964: Nydelige nelliker
  • 1964: Operasjon sjøsprøyt
  • 1973: Kjære lille Norge
  • 1975: Glade vrinsk

Films (screenplay)

  • 1964: Nydelige nelliker
  • 1964: Operasjon sjøsprøyt
  • 1984: Men Olsenbanden var ikke død (… But the Olsenbande wasn't dead 1984) - an independent Norwegian Olsenbanden film without a Danish template


Knut Bohwim's parents, Paal Bohwim and Maud Vivian Kvinnsland, were film and theater actors. His grandfather, Andreas Kvinnsland, was one of the first cinema operators in Oslo in the early days of film.

Since 1963 Knut Bohwim was married to the actress Kirsten Kaurin (born September 25, 1939). They have a daughter together, Alexia MK Bohwim (born March 13, 1969) in Oslo ( Frogner district ), who is a well-known Norwegian writer .



  • Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : “I have a plan!” The Olsen gang; Slapstick comedy between slapstick and subversion; Documentation; Materials for the retrospective of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck 1997. Nordic Film Days, Lübeck 1997, ISBN 978-3-924214-48-7 .
  • Vigdis Lian: Knut B! Festschrift for the 70th birthday of Knut Bohwim: festskrift i anledning Knut Bohwim's 70-årsdag. Norsk Filminstitutt, Oslo 1997, ISBN 978-82-8025-001-8 (2nd edition: 2001).
  • Lars Thomas Braaten, Jan Erik Holst, Jan H. Kortner: Filmen i Norge: Norske kinofilmer gjennom 100 år. Ad Notam Gyldendal, Oslo 1995, ISBN 978-82-417-0195-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Krantz: Olsenbanden-director Knut Bohwim er død. In: NRK. June 17, 2020, accessed on June 17, 2020 (nb-NO).
  2. a b c Svendsen (last), Helle, Knut : Knut Bohwim. In: Trond Olav. Kunnskapsforlaget, April 1, 2010, S. Norsk biografisk leksikon , accessed September 11, 2012 (Norwegian).
  3. a b c Morten Holm / NTB scanpix: Director Knut Bohwim er død. Olsen Gang director Knut Bohwim er død. Han ble 89 år gammel and døde i sitt eget hjem tirsdag, opplyser hans family. In: Aftenposten , June 17, 2020, accessed June 21, 2020 (Norwegian).
  4. ^ In: Haugesund Festival Avisen, Haugesund, August 22, 1990; German translation from: Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs : I have a plan! Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-924214-48-4 , p. 108.
  5. a b Amanda-vinnere 1985–2006 ( Norwegian , PDF; 272 kB) April 1, 2010. Archived from the original on July 19, 2011. Retrieved on August 19, 2013.
  6. Jon Selås: The romslige giganten. «Takk, det er nok nå, Knut, ingen flere planer!" In: Verdens Gang , June 17, 2020, accessed June 21, 2020 (Norwegian).
  7. Andreas Lindbæk: Frognerfitter-Alexia til topps. In: Akersposten . January 27, 2009, archived from the original on July 16, 2012 ; Retrieved September 11, 2012 (Norwegian).
  8. Mode Steinkjer: Regissør Knut Bohwim er død. In: Dagavisen, June 17, 2020, accessed June 21, 2020 (Norwegian).
  9. ^ Guttorm Petterson: Knut Bohwim. In: Film & Kino Filmes Hus, June 17, 2020, accessed June 21, 2020 (Norwegian).