Commissioner Lucas - The Seven Faces of Fear

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Episode in the series Commissioner Lucas
Original title The seven faces of fear
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 16 ( list )
First broadcast June 2, 2012 on ZDF
Director Tim Trageser
script Tim Trageser based on a template by Günter Schütter
production Molly von Fürstenberg ,
Harry Kügler for Olga Film
music Andreas Weidinger
camera Eckhard Jansen
cut Gisela Castronari

←  Predecessor
Commissioner Lucas - Greedy

Successor  →
Commissioner Lucas - a great atmosphere

The seven faces of fear is a ZDF film that is part of the series Kommissarin Lucas . Tim Trageser directed the television film, which aired in 2012. Her 16th case in Regensburg turns out to be extremely mysterious for Commissioner Lucas ( Ulrike Kriener ). In addition to Maren Kroymann , Emily Cox , Jasmin Tabatabai and André Hennicke , Bettina Redlich and Benedikt Hösl are the main guest stars of this episode.


When Detective Chief Inspector Ellen Lucas passed a country road in her car, a young woman suddenly stood in the middle of the road. Lucas manages to evade at the last moment, causing her vehicle to spin. Outraged, she gets out to confront the woman. This does not react at all and as Lucas gets closer, he sees that she is bloodied and completely absent-minded. She doesn't know who she is or where she comes from. She just keeps stammering: "I killed him."

Although agency chief Boris Noethen thinks that if there is no corpse, the homicide squad is not responsible either, Lucas goes her own way, which leads to Kastell, a small town in the Upper Palatinate. There she found out that the severely traumatized woman, who is still in the Regensburg clinic, is called Jeanette Wilson and worked as a teacher in the village. She also learns that the local carpenter Sebastian Haffner has been missing for some time. Alienated, Lucas notices that his wife Hetty is not only insulted, but downright hostile and that they obviously want her away. At the edge of the village there is a sacrificial site, the Druid Stone, around which a strange cult is practiced. There is a priest who is not, as it turns out, and the nature center Crataegus eV run by Anna Stern, which plays an important role in the village and seems to have a firm grip on the village community.

Lucas asks the village doctor Gohar Ardeshir about Sebastian Haffner and Jeanette Wilson. After Lucas leaves the practice, she becomes dizzy and stumbles. The doctor gave her a cloth that supposedly belongs to Jeanette Wilson and that she seems to have prepared. During a conversation with Anna Stern, writer and director of the nature center, Lucas becomes dizzy again. In the hospital, Wilson, whose memory has partially come back, tells police officer Noethen that Anna Stern was something very special and like a mother to her. She practically devoured her books. A teaching position in Kastell had surprisingly become vacant and she took it over and moved to Kastell. Suddenly she was one of them and was even allowed to attend the solstice celebration.

Lucas meets Joschka Haffner at the Druidenstein. From him she learns that Jeanette Wilson's predecessor had been disgusted so that Jeanette could take over the position, and that his father had a relationship with Jeanette. He also informed him that he had written down information about the Stern Nature Center in a book that was well hidden. Lucas collapses suddenly and wakes up in the doctor's office in Ardeshir, where the doctor suggests that Sebastian Haffner was stabbed by Jeanette on the Druidenstein. He was stalking her, which brought back her memories of a rape two years ago and fueled her fears. Opposite Anna Stern, to whose property Lucas has now been brought, the detective, who is under the influence of drugs, mentions the book in question, which must be found, and also that Joschka Haffner knows where it is.

Lucas now suspects that substances are given to her that cause her condition. She drinks a jug of salt water empty and flees from Anna Stern's estate. Noethen, who was worried about Lucas, comes to her aid with colleague Schiff. A doctor finds out that the commissioner was tried to be incapacitated with consciousness-clouding and changing means. Lucas wants to conduct the interrogations with Stern and Ardeshir himself and plays the women off against each other. Anna Stern proves to be a tough nut to crack, the doctor gives in and tells Lucas that Stern had gone above and beyond the Crataegus group, and that through them they had success, power and influence. She was afraid of losing all of this. After the summer solstice celebration everything went down the drain, first the tragic death of Edith Sommerhagen and then Sebastian Haffner, who wanted to destroy the community of the Crataegus group with all possible means. Stern could not bear the love between him and Jeanette. As unstable as Jeanette was, she withdrew from Haffner. When he confronted her, she told him everything, including the circumstances surrounding Edith's death. And Haffner then wrote everything down. In addition, cadastral extracts and other documents prove that Anna Stern has appropriated one piece of land after another in the fort. Lucas tells Stern that Haffner was just a nuisance to her in the beginning, but that with the documents in hand, it became a danger to her. Everything bounces off Stern, however, she says that the Commissioner must first prove all of this to her.

Meanwhile, Boris Noethen is desperately looking for Jeanette Wilson, who has been kidnapped from the hospital by the alleged priest, Father Eurasius, Anna Stern's brother. A tip from Lucas puts him on the right track. Joschka Haffner is also in the power of Anna Stern's brother. After Noethen was able to free them both, Jeanette tells what happened on the country road before they were found. She and Sebastian were lured to the Druid Stone, where she was supposed to stab Sebastian, which she was unable to do. Anna Stern and Gohar Ardeshir would then have stabbed the man who was previously drugged by Anna's brother and killed him. She was drugged and manipulated to be Sebastian's murderer. His body was sunk in the lake without a name. She managed to run away.

Production, publication

The Seven Faces of Fear was filmed in Munich and premiered on June 2, 2012 in prime time on ZDF . Soundtrack of the film: Clash ("Should I stay or should I go") .


Audience rating

4.7 million viewers tuned in to the thriller when it was first broadcast, resulting in a market share of 18.3%.


"[...] Routine (TV series) crime thriller from the Bavarian provinces in which the protagonist has to deal with supposedly supernatural powers that seem to rob her of her strength."

"[...] A bit over the top, but very exciting."

Rainer Tittelbach from stated that Tim Trageser let “the heroine run into the myth-laden knife unprepared” and raised the question of whether a “psychological mixture of mythical magic and crime fiction (series) realism could work at all”. It's worth a try. However, this attempt is in contrast to the crime scene: the village is too indecisive, “too discouraged, too little surreal”. The “good cast” was praised and the case was not “unexciting” either. In detail, however, the story is "too imprecise", the "threat scenario" remains "overall arbitrary and too indecisive - both in its cinematic implementation and in its threat". The conclusion was then: "an honorable attempt, terribly failed". was of the opinion that in his first directorial work for the Kommissarin Lucas series, Tim Trageser demanded “a lot from the main character played by Ulrike Kriener”. Trageser tells "a story with many storylines and multi-layered characters, but at no point loses the overview". We are talking about a “tight staging that starts at high speed” and then focuses on “solving the complicated murder case”. From a technical point of view, the film offers some very successful parallel montages "; "The suspense of the crime novel" is set up "discreetly but effectively". In addition, Trageser can build on a “strong ensemble of actors”. The main roles in the episodes are "among others Maren Kroymann [...], Jasmin Tabatabai [...] and André Hennicke [...] excellent cast". In addition to "Ulrike Kriener, who plays sovereignly, Thilo Prückner also sets accents in his small but fine supporting role as landlord Max".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Start dates for Commissioner Lucas - The Seven Faces of Fear . In: Retrieved November 7, 2016 .
  2. a b Rainer Tittelbach: Series “Commissioner Lucas - The Seven Faces of Fear”. Kriener, Kroymann, Tim Trageser & the (seven?) Vices of a mystery crime story sS . Retrieved November 6, 2018.
  3. Commissioner Lucas - The Seven Faces of Fear. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. Commissioner Lucas - The Seven Faces of Fear TV feature film ; November 7, 2016.
  5. Commissioner Lucas: The seven faces of fear sS Retrieved November 6, 2018.