Commissioner Lucas - bombastic

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Episode in the series Commissioner Lucas
Original title Bomb atmosphere
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 89 minutes
classification Episode 17 ( List )
First broadcast November 10, 2012 on ZDF
Director Tim Trageser
script Florian Iwersen ,
Tim Trageser
production Olga movie
music Andreas Weidinger
camera Eckhard Jansen
cut Gisela Castronari

Bomb Mood is a ZDF film that is part of the series Kommissarin Lucas . Tim Trageser directed the television film, which aired in 2012. In her seventeenth case, Ellen Lucas ( Ulrike Kriener ) has to deal with hygiene deficiencies in the hospital, medical errors and a bomb threat. Guest stars of this episode include Oliver Stokowski , Bernhard Schütz and Alexander Held , Arnd Klawitter and Alexander Hörbe and Joachim Bliese .


By chance, Horst Reidinger meets Detective Chief Inspector Ellen Lucas at the police station and so he tells her that he is his son Prof. Dr. Michael Reidinger wanted to report missing. Reidinger is the head of orthopedics at the Marienkrankenhaus in Regensburg. The commissioner is reluctant to investigate, which changes when Dr. Reidinger's car is discovered unlocked under a railway bridge. However, there is no trace of the missing person. Ellen and her people are now doing everything they can to find Reidinger. However, your efforts are initially unsuccessful.

The situation becomes even more complicated when Lucas finds Horst Reidinger in a life-threatening condition in his son's house. It is clear to the Commissioner that this is about more than meets the eye. It turns out that a Heinrich Stadler against Dr. Michael Reidinger and a lawsuit or class action lawsuit has been brought against the clinic by a patient initiative for failure to comply with hygiene standards. Dr. Lindner, the hospital director, had vehemently denied any guilt. He found support from Judge Gerhard Huber, who suspended the complaint on the grounds that such a deficit had not been sufficiently proven and recommended that the parties rethink everything, a tactic that was intended to delay the proceedings .

Lucas and her team then contact two particularly affected patients, one with Rudolf Mayer, who was infected in the clinic with the dangerous hospital germ MRSA and is now in a wheelchair, and the other with Heinrich Stadler, with his daughter Jasmin after one Knee surgery by Reidinger is at risk of losing her leg. Both the clinic and the responsible doctor, Dr. Reidinger always from himself. Just as Lucas is about to order a search of the clinic, Michael Reidinger reappears. His first path leads him to the clinic director Lindner, with whom he has a heated argument. Reidinger wants to report himself, which Lindner wants to prevent at all costs. He told Lindner that his austerity measures were to blame for the grievances in the clinic and that he no longer wanted to cover him. When he later spoke to Lucas and Noethen, he said that the existing situation had tormented him for a long time, but that he had come to terms with the system in the hope that everything would go well.

It is now clear that Reidinger was kidnapped by Mayer and Stadler on Mayer's initiative and released again by Stadler. Mayer was so angry that he knocked Stadler down, but announced to him beforehand that he would blow up everyone from the hospital. Since there are actually materials in his basement that could have been used to build a bomb, all of the hospital's patients and employees are evacuated. The search for the bomb, however, remained without result. After Lucas phoned her sister and found out from her that the entire hospital board and judge Huber were meeting in the building where Lucas' family members celebrate, the inspector is certain that the bomb is hidden there. Mayer is actually in the building. He wears an explosives belt and is armed with a pistol. After the situation has dramatically worsened and in the end only Huber, Lucas, Rike and the brought Reidinger remain in the power of Mayer, Reidinger tells him that the clinic will be temporarily closed. Lindner not only embezzled funds intended for the clinic on a large scale, but also seriously injured his father. The cause was an expert opinion that his father discovered in his house and that confirmed the serious hygiene deficiencies. It is Rike who makes a decisive contribution to Mayer giving up.


Filming, publication

Bomb mood was filmed in Munich and Regensburg from October 5 to December 12, 2011 and first broadcast on ZDF on November 10, 2012 in prime time .


The film is about “negligent doctor botch in German hospitals”. ZDF editor Wolfgang Feindt said it was part of "the dramaturgical Lucas principle to take up the latest in crime novels". Feindt is rather relaxed about any protests against the subject of the film: “The film is very good and thoroughly researched, the author took advice from many experts. It would be difficult to prove that we were not careful with the facts. "

Private matters of the commissioners

Rike and Ellen's parents, who were previously in their home cemetery in the Ruhr area, are to be reburied because the rest period there has expired. On this occasion, various family members come together for a celebration.


Audience rating

The episode was watched by 5.29 million viewers when it was first broadcast and achieved a market share of 17 percent.


TV Spielfilm certified the crime thriller that it was "scary for all hospital patients".

Rainer Tittelbach from wrote that “there was a lot going on in Regensburg again. Kidnapping, self-disclosure, a murder in your mind, one or two murder attempts, plenty of social explosives, battered creatures who don't have much to lose - the title 'bombshell' should also be taken literally ", but then complained," ' Bomb atmosphere 'creates a lot of wind, tricks your way through the game dramaturgically, [has] neither a' core 'nor special atmosphere "and stated:" The showcase series needs fresh blood! " “In every phase of the film a very high level of tension and excitement, but [grow] in the course of the 90 minutes a rather monstrous plot that you [become] aware of when you finally have a thought about this Saturday crime thriller waste [] ".

The film service spoke of a "routine (television series) crime thriller with an Upper Palatinate background that takes up a controversial topic and wants to pillory" cover-up mechanisms ".

The critic Tilmann P. Gangloff stated that the 'bombastic mood' was not a “classic crime thriller”, “because it was established relatively early on who was ultimately responsible”. Because the issue of austerity measures in the health system is "too abstract as film material", "Tim Trageser, who wrote the script together with Florian Iwersen, packs his charge into a gripping plot that begins with the kidnapping of a chief doctor (Oliver Stokowski)". When you start to think that the story must “be over before it really started”, “the film just changes its omen and changes from a crime thriller to a thriller”. Gangloff praised: “Trageser didn't just direct a captivating film. He and Iwersen also succeeded in perfectly linking the unavoidable secondary thread with the private life of the Commissioner with the actual story. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Start dates for Commissioner Lucas - bombastic mood . In: Retrieved November 25, 2016 .
  2. Commissioner Lucas - Bomb atmosphere adS
  3. Paul Barz , dpa: Commissioner Lucas: Bomb mood ( memento of the original from September 2, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Ruhr Nachrichten , November 10, 2012. Retrieved September 1, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. a b Rainer Tittelbach : Series “Kommissarin Lucas - Bomb Mood” - Ulrike Kriener, Oliver Stokowski, Anke Engelke. Lots of action and little behind it! at . Retrieved September 1, 2017.
  5. Commissioner Lucas - Bomb mood In: TV feature film . Retrieved September 1, 2017.
  6. Commissioner Lucas - Bomb mood adS
  7. ^ Tilmann P. Gangloff : Inspector Lucas: Bomb mood - TV tip of the day adS Retrieved September 1, 2017.