Local election in Duisburg 2009

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Local election in Duisburg 2009
City flag of Duisburg
See also: Local elections NRW 2009
Date: August 30, 2009
Choice: Local election
Elective area: Duisburg
Eligible to vote : approx. 346,000
Turnout : 45.7%
Procedure : Sainte-Laguë
Results of the council election
Political party % +/-% Seats +/-
CDU: 33.6% - 2.5% 24 - 3
SPD: 39.0% + 1.0% 30th + 2
Greens: 8.4% - 1.5% 6th - 1
FDP: 4.4% - 0.1% 3 0
Left: 7.6% + 2.5% 6th + 2
Other: 7.0% + 0.5% 5 0
Results district representatives
Political party % +/-% Seats +/-
CDU: 35.3% - 0.8% 47 - 1
SPD: 40.6% + 2.3% 54 + 3
Greens: 9.0% - 0.8% xx - 1
FDP: 5.3% ± 0% 7th ± 0
Left: 8.3% + 4.5% 11 + 6
Result of mayor election
candidate Political party Voters %
Adolf Sauerland CDU 74 186 44.6

The municipal elections in Duisburg 2009 took place on August 30, 2009 as part of the municipal elections in North Rhine-Westphalia 2009 . About 346,000 Duisburg residents were eligible to vote. In the election, every Duisburg resident aged 16 and over and who is a citizen of an EU country had three votes: one vote for the mayor, one vote for the City Council of Duisburg and one vote for the district representative of his city district.

Legal bases

The legal basis for local elections are the municipal regulations for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Local Election Act .

Campaigning parties and groups of voters in Duisburg

The political spectrum in Duisburg is highly fragmented. A total of 10 parties and voter groups represent Duisburg in the city council and in the seven district councils. Including those who have never had to face an election because they emerged from other parties or split off from established parties.

13 parties and groups of voters ran for the election on August 30, 2009.

Council parties

Logo of the SPD

1 - Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) : The party remained the strongest council party even after the election; The SPD has always held this position in Duisburg since the end of the Second World War. The candidate of the SPD, Jürgen C. Brandt, was defeated by the incumbent in the mayor election.

Logo of the CDU

2 - Christian Democratic Union (CDU) : The party remains the second strongest council party with slight losses and continues to provide the mayor with Adolf Sauerland . Sauerland is the first CDU Lord Mayor in Duisburg since 1948.

Logo of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen

3 - Alliance 90 / The Greens : The party remains the third strongest force. Like the SPD and CDU, it is represented in all district councils in addition to the council. The Greens went into the OB election with Mayor Doris Janicki.

Logo of the party Die Linke

4 - Die Linke : The party appeared for the first time after the merger of the WASG and the Left Party in Duisburg and became the fourth strongest force in the council. The left went to the OB election with Brigitte Diesterhöft. The party is represented in all district offices with a total of eleven MPs.

Logo of the FDP

5 - Free Democratic Party (FDP) : The party remains the fifth strongest force in the Council. The FDP candidate for the OB election was Frank Albrecht. It is represented by one member in each of the district representatives.

6 - Aufbruch Mittelstand Party (AMP) : The party lost its only council mandate and is no longer represented in any district council.

7 - Duisburger Alternative List (DAL) : The electoral group was able to defend its council mandate, but lost its mandate in two district representations.

8 - Citizens Union Duisburg / Free Voters NRW (FW-BU) : The group of voters ran for the first time in the council election in 2009 and was able to win a council mandate and a seat in the Meiderich / Beek district council. It emerged from members of the pro-citizen party in the council and was only called Citizens' Union in 2004 . Your candidate for the OB election was Rudolf Kley.

9 - Bürgerlich Liberalen (BL) : The group of voters stood for the first time and was able to win a council mandate and a seat in the Rheinhausen district council. It was founded by former FDP members. Your candidate for the mayor election was Harald Jeschke.

10 - Social, fair, independent (SGU) : The group of voters was created in 2008 from 2 former members of the SPD council group. She won a seat on the city council. Your candidate for the OB election was Eva Selic.

Other parties and groups of voters

11 - Young Duisburg (JUDU) : The electoral group won a seat in the city council.

12 - Voter community Homberg / Ruhrort / Baerl : The voter group lost their only mandate in the district representation Homberg / Ruhrort / Baerl.

In addition, the NPD and the DKP ran for the district council elections. The Republicans , from 2004 to 2009 still had a representative in the council, but no longer, and neither did the pro-citizens party .

Council election


As in the previous local elections, the Duisburg city council has the minimum number of MPs, namely 74. In addition to the parties also represented in the state parliament, five smaller parties and local electoral groups also won seats in the local elections.

Since the election, the SPD, Greens and Die Linke have been working together as a majority in the council.

Local election 2009
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to 2004
 % p
± 0.0
City Council of Duisburg: Share of voters and seats since 1994
Electoral term CDU SPD Green FDP PDS - OL REP AMP PBP DAL BL SGU ( pl ) advice
XII: 1994-1999 28.7 22nd 58.5 46 8.7 7th 1.7 2 77
XIII: 1999-2004 41.5 31 45.3 34 6.0 4th 2.6 2 4.2 3 74
XIV: 2004-2009
36.0 27 38.0 28

9.9 7th 4.4 3
5.2 4

0.8 1 1.6 1 3.0 2
0.5 1 -, - -
-, - -

-, - -

XIV: 2009-2014 33.6 24 39.0 30th 8.4 6th 4.4 3 7.6 6th 1 1 1 1 1 74
Strongest party highlighted in color.

Mayor election

Eleven candidates applied for Mayor of the city of Duisburg. Thus Duisburg was the city with the most candidates for mayor.


1 - Adolf Sauerland (CDU), born 1955, Lord Mayor: For the first time since 1948, Sauerland 2004 was elected Lord Mayor of the City of Duisburg in 2004. In 2009 he was re-elected.

2 - Jürgen C. Brandt (SPD), born 1955, lawyer: On April 9, 2008, the Duisburg SPD leaders nominated Brandt as their candidate. Brandt was city ​​director under the last SPD mayor Bärbel Zieling . Brandt was in 2006 with a black-green majority by the Council as law department head has been deselected. Since then he has been working as a lawyer again.

3 - Doris Janicki (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), born in 1953, teacher and mayor: Janicki ran for the mayor's election in 2004. At the district members' meeting on September 21, 2008, she was again nominated as an OB candidate. She called the SPD the main political opponent of the Greens. You and the Greens use video podcasts for their election campaign, in which various topics of Duisburg's local politics are dealt with. In 2005 Janicki came under fire from within the party for criticizing the multicultural society. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Sparkasse Duisburg.

4 - Brigitte Diesterhöft (Die Linke), born 1953, teacher and councilwoman: The original candidate of the party Die Linke Hermann Dierkes was sharply criticized and asked to resign after he had called for a boycott of goods from Israel. After his resignation from the mayor's candidacy, Diesterhöft was elected as a candidate. However, Dierkes remains a candidate for the city council.

5 - Frank Albrecht (FDP), born in 1967, speaker at the NRW Ministry of Innovation, cultural policy spokesman for the FDP council group and member of the council's cultural committee: At the end of October 2009, the Duisburg FDP nominated Albrecht “almost unanimously” at its district party conference . The FDP and Albrecht use their own channel on YouTube for their election campaign

6 - Dagmar Sall-May (AMP), born in 1960, owner of an advertising agency and freelance journalist

7 - Rudolf Kley (FW-BU), born 1946, self-employed pharmacist: Kley from the Meiderich district already ran for the May 2004 election, at that time still for the pro-citizen party. In 2009 he runs for the Citizens' Union.

8 - Harald Jeschke (BL), born 1950, freelance journalist and editor-in-chief of a website: Jeschke nominated the voter group Bürgerlich-Liberale, founded by FDP dissidents.

9 - Eva Selic (SGU), born in 1969, chemist and university lecturer: The group of voters newly founded by SPD dissidents is running for the mayor election with Selic.

10 - Hans-Dieter Even (ZENTRUM), born in 1938, retired: The candidate for the center is Even from the Rheinhausen district on the left bank of the Rhine . He is the oldest of all Duisburg OB candidates. As mayor, he wants to campaign for a night driving ban for trucks in his district.

11 - Mimi Müller (real name: Ellen Welschen) (independent), born 1958, writer and columnist: The Hamburg writer and columnist Mimi Müller has announced her candidacy as an independent OB candidate. Müller also uses Twitter for her election campaign.


Political party 1999 2004 2009
candidate 12.09. candidate 29.09. 10.10. candidate 08/30
CDU - Sauerland 40.2 61.3 Sauerland 44.63
SPD Aiming 53.3 Aiming 37.6 38.7 Brandt 38.21
Green Alluvial 5.2 Janicki 9.0 -, - Janicki 4.59
left - Rook 4.8 -, - Diesterhöft 5.59
FDP - Ellerbrock 3.5 -, - Albrecht 2.62
AMP - Sander 1.7 -, - Sall-May 0.24
BL Jeschke 0.80
SGU Selic 0.86
FW-BU Kley 0.76
Z Even 0.38
PBP - Kley 3.3 -, - -
- Born 35.0 Müller 1.32
- Kaminski 3.9
- Schlieper 2.6
In 2004 the left was still called PDS-OL

Election to the seven district councils


There are always 133 mandate holders in the seven district representatives of the city of Duisburg. The SPD has long been the strongest force here too. The distribution of seats in the individual district councils can be found in the following list.

Composition of the district representatives of Duisburg since 2009
Borough District Mayor CDU SPD Gre FDP FW-BU Li UB BL
1 Walsum Plückelmann SPD 6th 8th 2 1 2 19th
2 Hamborn Heider SPD 6th 9 2 1 2 19th
3 Avoid./B. Striker SPD 6th 8th 1 1 1 2 19th
4 H./R./B. Paschmann SPD 8th 7th 2 1 1 19th
5 middle Spiekermann CDU 7th 7th 2 1 2 19th
6 Rheinh. Boeckhorst SPD 6th 8th 2 1 1 1 19th
7 south Elias SPD 8th 7th 2 1 1 19th
total 47 54 12 7th 1 11 1 133

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eleven applicants for the office of Lord Mayor. In: RP Online. Rheinische Post , July 23, 2009, archived from the original on July 26, 2009 ; Retrieved September 6, 2010 (original website no longer available).
  2. Election results for local elections 2009 ( Memento of the original from May 31, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Municipal data center Niederrhein @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / wahlarchiv.krzn.de
  3. a b c Wolfgang Gerrits: No city has as many OB candidates as Duisburg. In: WAZ . July 14, 2009, accessed July 7, 2015 .
  4. Adolf Sauerland remains mayor in Duisburg. In: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung . August 30, 2009, accessed September 6, 2010 .
  5. ^ Andre Massmann: Local election 2009: Jürgen C. Brandt challenges Sauerland. In: The West - Portal of the WAZ media group. NRZ , April 10, 2008, accessed on July 6, 2015 .
  6. Janicki is a green OB candidate. (No longer available online.) In: Rheinische Post . September 22, 2008, formerly in the original ; accessed on July 28, 2009 : "In a statement before the election, Janicki called the SPD candidate Jürgen C. Brandt as her" main opponent "in the upcoming election campaign."
  7. http://buergermeisterin.podspot.de ( Memento of the original from April 16, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Page by Doris Janicki @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / buergermeisterin.podspot.de
  8. Frank Jansen : “We were too lax with problems”. In: Der Tagesspiegel . September 7, 2005, accessed July 28, 2009 .
  9. Storm of outrage over Duisburg mayor candidate ( memento from February 27, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), February 24, 2009
  10. ^ FDP sends Frank Albrecht into the OB race. In: The West - Portal of the WAZ media group. Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung , October 30, 2009, accessed on July 6, 2015 (FDP Duisburg (press release)).
  11. www.youtube.com/user/fdpduisburg Channel of the FDP Duisburg
  12. Tobias Bohlsmann: Hans-Dieter Even is running for the mayor's office. In: The West - Portal of the WAZ media group. NRZ , January 20, 2009, accessed July 7, 2015 .
  13. twitter.com/MimiWahlFreuden Channel on Twitter by Mimi Müller


  1. PBP: Originally elected to the council as Pro Citizens Party , then Citizens Union 2004 , finally Citizens Union Duisburg , 2009 with the addition of Free Voters NRW
  2. ^ 1 FDP and 1 Citizens Union form the Bürgerlich Liberalen (BL). BL forms a fraction with AMP
  3. 2 members leave the SPD and form the SGD, later SGU.
  4. At the end of 2008, a council representative resigned from the Left Party and remained independent
  5. The order of the districts corresponds to the order used by the administration (roughly north-south). The numbering is not official