Local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia 2009 / Results A – C

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This article contains the results of the local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2009 the counties and cities with the initial letter A to C .

City region Aachen

District assembly / urban region assembly

The Aachen law provides that the Aachen district and the district-free city of Aachen will form the new Aachen city ​​region on October 21, 2009 . In the local elections it is already Städteregionstag and Städteregionsrat selected. Despite belonging to the city region, the city of Aachen remains officially independent and thus continues to elect its own mayor in addition to the city council, city region council and city region day.

District Council / City Council since 2004
Body Electoral term
Alliance 90 / The Greens
the party "Die Linke"



Single applicant


District council XIV: 2004-2009 43.9% 25th 32.5% 18th 8.2% 5 6.3% 3 5.7% 3 3.3% 2 56
City region day XV: 2009-2014 38.22% 27 29.15% 21st 14.79% 11 8.64% 6th 4.44% 3 3.50% 3 1.15% 1 0.10% - 0.02% - 72
Sources: " Local elections; Issue 1: Results of previous elections in North Rhine-Westphalia - 2009. (PDF; 3.73 MB) Landesbetrieb Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen , July 2009, p. 29 , accessed on December 30, 2014 .
City region Aachen - City region day election August 30, 2009 - Distribution of seats. In: Elections in the Aachen City Region - Local Election 2009 ( Memento from January 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). City region of Aachen , archived from the original on January 20, 2015 ; accessed on December 30, 2014 .
City region Aachen - city region day election 08/30/2009 - overall result. In: Elections in the Aachen City Region - Local Election 2009 ( Memento from January 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). City region of Aachen , archived from the original on January 20, 2015 ; accessed on December 30, 2014 .

District Administrator / City Region Council

Political party 09/26/2004 - District Administrator 08/30/2009 - City Region Council
candidate number % candidate number %
Eligible voters 237.372 429.311
Voters 138,246 58.24 234,557 54.64
invalid votes 4,324 3.13 6,272 2.67
valid votes 133,922 96.87 228.285 97.33
CDU Carl Meulenbergh 67.276 50.24 Helmut Etschenberg 91.505 40.08
SPD Josef Stiel 43,256 32.30 Uwe Zink 65,911 28.87
GREEN Aggi Majewsky 8,417 6.29 Dr. Thomas Griese 33,459 14.66
FDP Franz-Josef Zwingmann 6,903 5.15 Dr. Werner Arrow 18,982 8.32
THE LEFT Uwe F. Löhr 10,448 4.58
UWG district Aachen Dr. Renate Ortmanns-Lilge 8,070 6.03 Erich Spies 7,980 3.50
Sources: District of Aachen (ed.): Statistisches Jahrbuch 2004 . District representation elections. Aachen 2004, p. 36 .
City region Aachen - Election of the city region council 08/30/2009 - Overall result ( Memento from December 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
In: Elections in the city region Aachen - Local elections 2009 ( Memento from January 21, 2015 in the Internet archive ) City region Aachen , accessed on December 30, 2014

Councils of the district-dependent cities and municipalities


City council

The city council in Aachen consisted of 74 members during the 15th electoral period, 32 of whom were elected in electoral districts. 28 direct mandates went to the CDU, 4 to the SPD.

187,618 voters were eligible to vote, of which 100,321 or 53.47% took part in the election. 1,585 votes (1.58%) were invalid.

Aachen City Council: Share of voters and city councilors since 2004
Electoral term
Alliance 90 / The Greens
the party "Die Linke"
Pirate party






XIV: 2004-2009 37.33% 22nd 32.01% 19th 17.59% 10 5.25% 3 2.44% 1 - 1.28% 1 - 0.53% - 2.13% 1 0.78% 1 58
XV: 2009-2014 37.74% 28 26.44% 20th 19.04% 14th 7.50% 6th 4.13% 3 1.70% 1 1.57% 1 0.78% 1 0.73% - 0.24% - - 74
Sources: " Election of the Council of the City of Aachen on September 26, 2004. (PDF; 144 kB) City of Aachen, p. 30 , accessed on December 21, 2014 .
City of Aachen - Council election August 30, 2009 - distribution of seats. In: Elections in Aachen - Local elections 2009 ( Memento from December 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ). City of Aachen, archived from the original on December 21, 2014 ; accessed on December 21, 2014 .
City of Aachen - Council election August 30, 2009 - overall result. In: Elections in Aachen - Local elections 2009 ( Memento from December 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ). City of Aachen, archived from the original on December 21, 2014 ; accessed on December 21, 2014 .

Aachen Lord Mayor

The incumbent Mayor Jürgen Linden (SPD) did not stand for election in 2009.

Political party September 26, 2004 8/30/2009
candidate number % candidate number %
Eligible voters 182,619 187.618
Voters 102,821 56.30 100,344 53.48
invalid votes 1,183 1.15 1,375 1.37
valid votes 101,638 98.85 98,969 98.63
CDU Sabine Verheyen 29,084 28.62 Marcel Philipp 42,869 43.32
SPD Dr. Jürgen Linden 62.092 61.09 Karl Schultheis 39,694 40.11
GREEN Hilde Scheidt 5,001 4.92 Hilde Scheidt 9,475 9.57
FDP Wilhelm Helg 2,050 2.02 Wilhelm Helg 3,800 3.84
UWG City of Aachen Horst Schnitzler 827 0.81 Horst Schnitzler 1,528 1.54
Individual applicants Jörg Polzin 964 0.97
FWG City of Aachen Hans-Dieter Schaffrath 1,087 1.07 Hans-Dieter Schaffrath 639 0.65
Sources: Election of the Lord Mayor of Aachen on September 26, 2004. (PDF; 79.0 kB) City of Aachen, p. 14 , accessed on December 30, 2014 .
City of Aachen - Election of the Lord Mayor 30.08.2009 - Overall result ( Memento from December 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
In: Elections in Aachen - Local elections 2009 ( Memento from December 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) City of Aachen, accessed on 22nd December 2014

The seven Aachen district representatives


So a city with 323,000 inhabitants Bielefeld has a city council with at least 66 members, 33 of which are elected in electoral districts .

251,782 voters were entitled to vote, of which 133,105 or 52.9% took part in the election.

City council

In 2009, 5 parties and 2 groups of voters made it to the Bielefeld City Council.

Bielefeld City Council: Share of voters and city councils since 1994
Electoral term
Alliance 90 / The Greens
the party "Die Linke"
Citizens' community for Bielefeld
Closeness to the citizens
Democratic Socialism Party
XII: 1994-1999 36.2% 24 41.3% 28 12.5% 8th 2.5% - 7.4% 5 - - 65
XIII: 1999-2004 45.7% 32 31.3% 22nd 10.6% 8th 3.3% 2 6.3% 4th - 2.8% 2 70
XIV: 2004-2009 36.8% 22nd 31.4% 19th 15.5% 9 4.3% 2 6.4% 4th 2.9% 2 2.7% 2 60
XIV: 2004-2009 33.2% 22nd 30.3% 20th 17.2% 11 5.7% 4th 5.6% 4th 5.2% 3 2.7% 2 s. left 66
Sources: The Regional Returning Officer , www.bielefeld.de

Lord Mayor

The incumbent Lord Mayor Eberhard David (CDU) did not stand for election for reasons of age.

Political party candidate 08/30/2009
number %
Total eligible voters 251779 100.0
Voters 133,089 52.9
Valid votes 131,373 100.0
SPD Pit Clausen 56,933 43.3
CDU Bernd Landgraf 52,809 40.2
GREEN Marianne Weiss 12,812 9.8
Hans-Joachim Ludwig 4582 3.5
FDP Harald Buschmann 4237 3.2

Borken district

The district of Borken had invested 5 million euros as a fixed-term deposit in the German subsidiary of the Lehman Brothers bank, which became insolvent in 2008 . The district was able to get back the investment amount, but it lost interest of over 100,000 euros.

Another central topic of the district policy is the planned expansion of the airfield Stadtlohn-Vreden (also: Flugplatz Wenningfeld or Stadtlohn-Wenningfeld) , against which the Greens in particular are vehemently. They want to, if necessary with the expansion of citizens' stop.

District council for the Borken district

In 2007, the former district chairman of the FDP Borken and district council member Jens Steiner from Heek was excluded from the party because of a financial scandal surrounding the district's JuLis. He joined the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen party, but is not a member of their parliamentary group in the district council, but non-attached. Steiner did not want to resign from his district council mandate (he had entered the district council via the party list), as was demanded by the FDP, among others.

Another political force has been represented in the district council since 1989 with the Independent Voting Community of Borken District (UWG) .

The losers in the 2009 election were the CDU and the UWG. The FDP and the Greens grew and pushed the UWG from third to fifth position in favor of the electorate. The city party and the Left Party moved into the district assembly for the first time. The SPD hardly changed.

District council for the district of Borken: share of voters and mandates since 1994
Electoral term
Alliance 90 / The Greens
Independent constituency of the district of Borken
The left
City party fl Day
XII: 1994-1999 51.1 33 31.5 20th 2.7 - 7.0 4th 7.7 4th 64
XIII: 1999-2004 59.1 35 25.1 15th 2.9 2 4.9 3 8.0 5 60
XIV: 2004-2009 55.2 33 21.7 13 6.0 4
7.3 4th 9.8 6th - -
XV: 2009-2014 49.5 30th 21.9 13 8.8 5 8.2 5 8.2 5 2.5 1 0.9 1 60
Sources: The Regional Returning Officer, ea

District Administrator of the Borken district

The incumbent District Administrator Gerd Wiesmann (born 1943) will no longer run for reasons of age. The CDU district association Borken sends the mayor of Heek , Kai Zwicker, into the race, the SPD sub-district Borken the state parliament member Hans-Theodor Peschkes and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Kreisverband Borken the district parliamentary group chairman Gertrud Welper.

Election of the district administrator of the Borken district
Political party 1999 2004 2009
candidate 12.09 candidate 26.09 candidate 08/30
CDU Gerd Wiesmann 64.7 Gerd Wiesmann 66.1 Kai Zwicker 62.1
SPD Roman Cebaus 23.8 Roman Cebaus 26.8 H.-T. Peschkes 26.2
Green Siegfried Martsch 4.9 - -, - Gertrud Welper 11.7
FDP - -, - Stefan Grüll 7.1
UWG Werner Thesing 6.6 - -, -

Councils of the district-dependent cities and municipalities


In Bochum since 2004 ruled a red-green coalition. With the exception of one district representation, the Bochum SPD is the strongest party both in the council and in the other district representations.

To the left of the SPD, two groups are competing: the party Die Linke and the voter group Social List Bochum .

In the Wattenscheid district, the Wattenscheid Independent Voting Association (UWG) takes on the role of council and district representation.

Bochum City Council

Due to compensation mandates, the Bochum city council grew to 82 (instead of 66) members. This also explains why the SPD lost favor with the voters, but gained an additional mandate. The CDU and the two voter groups, Independent voter community Wattenscheid and Social List Bochum, have also lost .

Alliance 90 / The Greens were able to slightly expand their result.

The winners of the council elections are the FDP and Die Linke , both of whom were able to double the number of their city councilors from 3 to 6 (for the Left in comparison to the PDS). As a result, the left improved from sixth to fifth in the ranking of voter favor.

The NPD is new to the city council .

Bochum City Council: Voter share and city councils since 1994
Electoral term
Alliance 90 / The Greens
the party "Die Linke"
Independent voter community Wattenscheid

Social List Bochum

National Democratic Party of Germany
Democratic Socialism Party
XII: 1994-1999 50.5% 38 29.4% 22nd 12.6% 9 1.7% - 2.5% - 69
XIII: 1999-2004 41.3% 27 40.5% 27 10.6% 7th 2.9% 2 4.5% 3 66
XIV: 2004-2009 40.9% 31 32.3% 25th 12.0% 9 4.3% 3 4.2% 3 2.8% 2 3.4% 3 76
XV: 2009-2014 38.9% 32 27.3% 22nd 12.4% 10 7.7% 6th 6.9% 6th 3.5% 3 2.1% 2 1.0% 1 s. LEFT 82

Mayor of Bochum

The incumbent Lord Mayor of Bochum is Ottilie Scholz from the SPD Bochum . The CDU Bochum nominated Lothar Gräfingholt and the Social List Bochum nominated Günter Gleising co-founder of the Socialist German Workers' Youth and temporarily DKP district chairman.

Election of the Lord Mayor
Political party 2004 2009
candidate 26.09. 10.10. candidate 08/30
CDU Lothar R. Graefingholt 35.6 39.2 Lothar R. Graefingholt
SPD Ottilie Scholz 47.2 60.8 Ottilie Scholz
Green Wolfgang Cordes 9.3 -
FDP Ute Dreckmann 3.6 - Jens Lücking
SLB - - - Günter Gleising
Heinrich Mohrenz 4.3 -

The six Bochum district representatives

Source: www.bochum.de. With the exception of Bochum-Süd Soziale Liste, only groups that have won mandates are listed.

The city of Bochum is further subdivided into the districts of Bochum-Mitte , Bochum-Wattenscheid , Bochum-North , Bochum-East , Bochum-South and Bochum-Southwest . In Wattenscheid, the Independent Voting Association Wattenscheid (UWG) reaches around a quarter of the voters. In the other districts, however, it does not play a role.

In 2004, the Bochum SPD was the strongest party in all city districts except in the south. In the south, the Bochum CDU reached more voters, but won the same number of seats as the SPD.

The more electorate Social List Bochum (SoLi) is in direct competition with the weaker party Die Linke . They both competed in Bochum-Süd and Die Linke only narrowly won in 2004. If the votes for the two groups had been distributed only a little more evenly, neither of the two would have received a seat.

In 2004–2009 the right-wing extremist NPD provided a district representative in Wattenscheid.


Bonn has had a social democratic mayor since the 1994 election, although the CDU was the strongest party in the 1999 and 2004 local elections . The SPD was the second largest party in each case.

At the municipal level there are two associations of voters in Bonn : the Bürger Bund Bonn (BBB) and the Independent Voting Association Bonn (UWG Bonn) .

Of the parties monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, only the PDS (today: Die Linke) was able to obtain mandates in Bonn .

Of the small parties, the Biblical Christians Party (PBC) last ran in 1999 at district level in a local election.

In 2009, the citizens' movement pro NRW and the "Alliance for Peace and Fairness (BFF)" are new to the race . The UWG Bonn is no longer represented in the council .

The City Council of Bonn

In the XIV. Term of office (2004–2009) were the CDU , SPD , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , the FDP , the PDS , the Bürger Bund Bonn (BBB) , the Independent Voters Community Bonn (UWG Bonn) and in the City Council of Bonn Non-affiliated representatives represented.

On June 1, 2008, city councilor Barbara Ingenkamp resigned from the SPD. The Citizens' Federation of Bonn lost its former chairman Johannes Gröner in the XIV. Term of office, who still sits on the council as a non-party.

After the local elections on August 30, 2009, the Bonn city council will have 80 seats. The turnout for the election of the council was 56.02 percent.

The CDU, the SPD and the Bürger Bund Bonn suffered losses, but the last two did not lose their mandate. Reasons, FDP and Die Linke have won. The left pushed the citizens of Bonn from fifth to sixth in the ranking of the parties in favor of the voters.

The Alliance for Peace and Fairness and Pro NRW are now represented with two mandates . The Independent Voting Association Bonn (UWG) left the council.

City Council of Bonn: Share of voters and city councils since 1994
Electoral term
Alliance 90 / The Greens
Democratic Socialism Party
Independent voter community Bonn (UWG)
Others advice
XII: 1994-1999 41.1% 31 35.3% 26th 13.6% 10 4.6% - 2.5% - 2.9% - 67
XIII: 1999-2004 51.0% 34 27.6% 18th 10.3% 7th 5.8% 4th 3.8% 2 1.5% 1 66
XIV: 2004-2009 38.0% 25th 29.6% 19
16.2% 11 8.5% 6th 4.8% 3
1.8% 1 1.2% 1 -, - -
The left
XV: 2009-2014 32.9% 27 23.8% 19th 18.6% 15th 13.0% 10 3.6% 3 3.8% 3 2.1% 2 1.6% 1 0.5% - 80
BBB: Citizens Bund Bonn; BFF: Alliance for Peace and Fairness; UWG Bonn: Independent Community of Voters Bonn
Sources: City of Bonn , municipal elections Bonn 2009

The Lord Mayor of Bonn

In Bonn, the incumbent mayor Bärbel Dieckmann is no longer running for personal reasons. She was the first female SPD mayor in Bonn since 1945. The SPD in Bonn then nominated the headmaster of the IGS Bonn-Beuel Jürgen Nimptsch as an OB candidate.

Of the larger parties, the CDU with the postal worker Christian Dürig, the FDP with the savings bank business economist Werner Hümmrich and the Greens with the SolarWorld employee Peter Finger stand up with their own OB candidate . In addition, the left also competes for the first time with the qualified lawyer and doctoral student Michael Faber. The BBB (Bürger Bund Bonn) takes on the former Cologne City Director and former CDU member Bernhard Wimmer. The UWG Bonn nominated its deputy chairwoman Heide Baach.

In the local elections on August 30th, Jürgen Nimptsch was elected as the successor to Mayor Bärbel Dieckmann with 40.91 percent of the vote . He will be sworn in as the new Lord Mayor of Bonn on October 29th. The turnout for the election of the mayor was 56.04 percent.

Election of the Lord Mayor
Political party 1999 2004 2009
candidate 25.09. 10.10. candidate 26.09. candidate 08/30
SPD Bärbel Dieckmann 45.2 51.2 Bärbel Dieckmann 56.8 Jürgen Nimptsch 40.91
CDU Helmut Stahl 47.6 48.7 Pia Heckes 31.1 Christian Dürig 35.49
GREEN Dorothea Pass-Weingartz 2.8 - Dorothea Pass-Weingartz 4.8 Peter Finger 10.19
FDP Werner Hümmrich 1.9 - Werner Hümmrich 3.7 Werner Hümmrich 7.07
BBB Heinz Schott 2.2 - Heinz Schott 3.1 Bernhard Wimmer 2.90
left - - - - - Michael Faber 2.65
- Enzo Pellarini 0.4 - Enzo Pellarini
UWG - - - Claus Plantiko 0.8 Heide Baach 0.79
Sources: City of Bonn , Bonn municipal elections 2009
See also: List of Lord Mayors and City Directors of Bonn

The four district offices of Bonn

Since the municipal reorganization in 1969, Bonn has consisted of the four city districts of Bad Godesberg , Bonn , Beuel and Hardtberg . The chairmen of the district councils are called district mayors. In 2009 the CDU became the strongest party in all districts. The SPD, the Greens, the FDP and the LINKE moved into each district council in 2009.


Bottrop is a traditionally social democratic city. Two nationally less important parties have their strongholds here: the ödp achieved its second best result nationwide with 6.6% and four seats in the city council behind Bad Driburg / Höxter district (8.7% (three)). The DKP also achieved four seats and thus its best result nationwide.

City Council of Bottrop

Bottrop had 118,597 inhabitants on December 31, 2007. Thus, the city has a council of at least 58 members, 29 of whom are directly elected in constituencies. From 1994 to 1999 the SPD held an absolute majority. In 1999 the CDU became the strongest party, in 2004 the SPD again . Since the fall of the electoral threshold are ödp , DKP and FDP represented in the Council. The Greens also benefited in 1999 from the fall of the threshold clause.

Bottrop is one of the few independent cities in which the SPD was able to gain a share of the vote in the council elections. Due to the downsized council, however, it nevertheless lost a council mandate.

The CDU, ödp and DKP have lost both their share of the vote and mandates. Greens and the FDP have gained. The Greens were unable to convert their gains into an additional council mandate, but they ousted the DKP to fifth place among voters.

The Left and the Free Voters are new to the Council.

Bottrop City Council: Share of voters and seats since 1994
Electoral term
Ecological Democratic Party
Alliance 90 / The Greens
German Communist Party
the party "Die Linke"
Free voters
% Mandates % Mandates % Mandates % Mandates % Mandates % Mandates % Mandates % Mandates
XII: 1994-1999 52.5 34 31.8 21st 2.0 - 6.8 4th 3.8 - 1.9 - 59
XIII: 1999-2004 losses 40.2 23 Profit 42.0 24 Profit 6.4 4th losses 4.5 3 Profit 4.4 3 Profit 2.5 1 58
XIV: 2004-2009 losses 41.2 24 losses 37.1 21st Profit 6.6 4th Profit 5.0 3 Profit 6.5 4th Profit 3.3 2 58
XV: 2009-2014 Profit 42.2 23 losses 28.5 16 losses 6.4 3 Profit 6.2 3 losses 5.6 3 Profit 5.4 3 New 4.6 2 New 1.1 1 54
Sources: Regional Returning Officer , www.bottrop.de ; losses: Losses Profit,: gains,: Newnew

Mayor of Bottrop

The incumbent Lord Mayor Peter Noetzel (SPD) will no longer stand for election for reasons of age. Bernd Tischler will stand for the SPD in the mayoral election in 2009. On December 18, 2008, the CDU nominated Marc Buchholz from Duisburg . Other candidates are: Klaus Dobrindt (ÖDP), Michael Gerber (DKP), Andrea Swoboda (Greens), Bernhard Günter Blocks (Left) and Bodo Schulte (Free Independent Voters).

Composition of the three district representatives in Bottrop

The three Bottrop district representatives

In 2004 the CDU achieved an absolute majority in the district representation of the Kirchhellen district, the SPD the relative majority in the other two districts. Greens, FDP and ödp are represented in all district representatives, the DKP only in Bottrop-Süd and-Mitte.

Overall, the CDU provides most of the district representatives.

District mayor, parties and composition of the district councils
Borough District Mayor CDU SPD Green FDP ödp DKP district
XIV: 2004-2009
Bottrop-South Gerhard Bongers SPD 4th 7th 1 1 1 1 15th
Bottrop center Klaus Kalthoff SPD 6th 7th 1 1 1 1 17th
Kirchhellen M. Hülskemper CDU 10 4th 1 1 1 - 17th
total 20th 18th 3 3 3 2 49
XV: 2009-2014
Bottrop-South 15th
Bottrop center 17th
Kirchhellen 17th
total 49

Coesfeld district

The district council of Coesfeld

District Council of Coesfeld: Share of voters and mandates since 2004
Electoral term CDU SPD Green FDP ödp Day
XIV: 2004-2009 53.6 29 24.4 13 11.0 6th 8.7 5 2.3 1 54
XV: 2009-2014

District Administrator of Coesfeld

Konrad Püning ( CDU ) has been the district administrator since October 1, 2004 . He was elected on September 26, 2004 in the first ballot with 56.6% of the vote.

The Greens are not nominating a candidate for the 2009 election.

Political party 1999 2004 2009
candidate 12.09. candidate 26.09. candidate 08/30
CDU Hans Pixa 64.1 Konrad Püning 56.6
SPD Ilse Ridder-Melchers 27.2 André Stinka 24.6 André Stinka
GREEN Rainer Michaelis 5.3 Willi Kortmann 11.1 not a candidate
FDP Thomas M. Schneider 2.6 Gerhard Stauff 7.6
ödp Peter Diercksen 0.9 - -, -

Representations of the district-dependent municipalities

The CDU and SPD are represented in all 11 municipal parliaments. The CDU has a majority everywhere, six times even an absolute majority.

In 2004, six CDU mayors won the election, three independent and one from the SPD, which was supported by the Greens and the Independent Citizens' Community Nottuln.

In 2008, various voter communities merged to form the United Coesfeld voter community (VWC) . They are represented in five local parliaments, in Coesfeld and Rosedahl they are even the second strongest political force ahead of the Social Democrats. They are not represented in the district council.

In 2008, three independent groups did not join the United Voting Community Coesfeld VWC : the Independent Citizens' Community Nottuln (UBG) , the Independent Voting Community Ascheberg (UWG) , the Green Alternative List Dülmen (GAL) .

The ödp represented in the district council plays no role in the cities and municipalities.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt : The change from yellow Saul to green Paulus  ( page no longer available , search in web archives ), October 18, 2007, accessed March 27, 2009@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.bbv-net.de
  2. Information according to the UWG website . This contradicts unproven information on Wikipedia
  3. ^ WAZ : Lord Mayor Candidates: Only two have been determined , November 10, 2008, accessed July 7, 2015
  4. ^ WAZ : Social List Nominated Gleising , December 8, 2008, accessed July 7, 2015
  5. Lisa Inhoffen: SPD councilwoman resigns from the party: After losing the election, Barbara Ingenkamp accounts. In: General-Anzeiger online . General-Anzeiger , June 2, 2008, accessed on September 11, 2017 : “Bad Godesberg city councilor Barbara Ingenkamp announced her resignation from the SPD on Sunday evening. The 69-year-old wants to keep her council mandate. The chairman of the social committee and the SPD working group 60-plus had felt downright "dumped" for the city council last Thursday when the local associations Godesberg Süd and Nord were nominated for candidates for the 2009 local elections. [...] In a letter to party leader Ernesto Harder, she also complains about the lack of democracy in the internal party discussions and cites her dissatisfaction with the SPD's policy in the federal government as another reason for her resignation. "
  6. ^ WAZ : The OB candidates - who will compete in the district towns?
  7. ^ WAZ : CDU top candidate wants to reduce kindergarten fees , Bottrop December 18, 2008, accessed July 7, 2015
  8. derwesten.de accessed on July 16, 2009
