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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Rosendahl
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Rosendahl highlighted

Coordinates: 52 ° 2 ′  N , 7 ° 14 ′  E

Basic data
State : North Rhine-Westphalia
Administrative region : Muenster
Circle : Coesfeld
Height : 104 m above sea level NHN
Area : 94.48 km 2
Residents: 10,754 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 114 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 48720
Primaries : 02547, 02545, 02566, 02541
License plate : COE, LH
Community key : 05 5 58 040
Community structure: 3 districts
Address of the
municipal administration:
Hauptstrasse 30
48720 Rosendahl
Website :
Mayor : Christoph Gottheil (independent)
Location of the municipality of Rosendahl in the Coesfeld district
Nordrhein-Westfalen Kreis Recklinghausen Kreis Unna Hamm Kreis Borken Kreis Steinfurt Münster Kreis Warendorf Olfen Rosendahl Senden Billerbeck Dülmen Ascheberg (Westfalen) Havixbeck Coesfeld Nottuln Lüdinghausen Nordkirchenmap
About this picture

The community Rosendahl ( Low German Rausendaal ) is located in North Rhine-Westphalia in the Coesfeld district in the western Münsterland between Coesfeld and Steinfurt .


Geographical location

Rosendahl lies at the foot of the Baumberge in western Münsterland . The Vechte rises in the district of Darfeld and flows through Lower Saxony through the Netherlands and flows into the IJsselmeer . The Dinkel rises in the district of Osterwick ( Höven ) , which also flows through the western Münsterland and flows into the Vechte in the Netherlands.

Neighboring communities

In the north, the municipalities of Legden , Schöppingen and Horstmar border the municipality of Rosendahl. The municipality of Laer joins in the east and the city of Billerbeck in the southeast . The district town of Coesfeld is located in the southwest and the town of Gescher follows to the west . There is no common municipal boundary to the neighboring city of Stadtlohn in the west. As northernmost municipality of Coesfeld borders the district of Borken in the northwest and the Steinfurt district in the north-east on the community.

Community structure

District Residents
Darfeld 2,913
Holtwick 3,433
Osterwick 4,705
total 11.051
Districts of Rosendahl

As of December 31, 2012


Originally the name Rosendahl referred to a district between Darfeld and Osterwick, where in a depression (dael / dahl) was a favorable location for dog roses ; this area was used as common pasture land by Darfeldern and Osterwickern until the division in 1826 and 1847. The will to community should be expressed through the adoption of this name for the new congregation.


The villages of Darfeld , Holtwick and Osterwick, which were first mentioned in 890, formerly formed the district of Osterwick as independent parishes. With effect from July 1, 1969, the previous communities Darfeld and Osterwick were initially merged to form the new community Rosendahl. On January 1, 1975, the former Holtwick Parish was added.


Municipal council

Since the local elections on May 25, 2014 with a turnout of 60.8% (2009: 63.9%), the Rosendahl municipal council has been composed as follows (with a profit or loss compared to the 2009 election):

CDU 14 seats + 2
SPD 3 seats ± 0
Green 2 seats ± 0
FDP 1 seat - 2nd
Voting Initiative Rosendahl (WIR) 6 seats ± 0

Results of the local elections from 1975

In the list with the percentage of votes, only parties and voter communities that received at least 1.95 percent of the votes in the respective election are listed.

year CDU WE SPD Green FDP
1975 79.7 20.3
1979 76.7 23.3
1984 73.1 26.9
1989 67.7 32.3
1994 65.1 25.8 09.0
1999 68.6 20.9 10.5
2004 54.5 25.1 14.6 05.9
2009 47.9 22.4 09.9 08.0 11.8
2014 50.6 24.3 12.9 08.1 04.2

Mayor (since 2015)

  • Mayor: Christoph Gottheil (independent) was elected on September 13, 2015 with 66.5% of the vote.
  • 1st Deputy Mayor: Hubertus Söller (CDU)
  • 2nd Deputy Mayor: Brigitte Kreutzfeld (SPD)

Coat of arms, banner and flag

The municipality was granted the right to use a coat of arms, a flag and a banner with a certificate from the District President of Münster dated January 25, 1980.

coat of arms

Blazon : "A silver oblique left bar in red, topped with three red roses with golden lugs and green sepals."

The coat of arms represents a combination of the coat of arms of the Lords of Osterwick (sloping beams) and talking elements (roses). According to historical records, the Lords of Osterwick were members of the lower nobility who in the Middle Ages owned the main farm (House Osterwick ) inhabited. With the three roses depicted in the sloping beam, not only the amalgamation of the formerly independent parishes of Darfeld, Holtwick and Osterwick, but also the local connection are symbolically represented.

Flag and banner

“The flag is red to white to red in a ratio of 1: 3: 1, with the municipality's coat of arms in the middle of the white strip. The banner is striped lengthways from red to white to red in a ratio of 1: 3: 1, in the middle of the upper half of the white strip the coat of arms of the municipality. "

Community partnerships

The municipality of Rosendahl has had a partnership with the French municipality of Entrammes since October 4, 1970 . It has about 2000 inhabitants and is 930 km away in the Mayenne department . Initial contacts to establish a partnership were made as early as 1969. The friendship that before the historical background Napoleon fled Trappists in 1795 at the bottom of Erbdrosten Adolf Droste zu Vischering the monastery Darfeld-Rosenthal could build. The 25th anniversary of the partnership was celebrated at the meeting from September 29th to October 3rd, 1995 in Entrammes. The two neighboring towns of Entrammes, Forcé and Parné-sur-Roc also officially joined the existing partnership.

Culture and sights


Rockel House, Rosendahl-Darfeld, 2012

Darfeld district

The "Lange Ida" falls

Osterwick district

Holtwick district

The "Holtwicker Egg"

See also the list of architectural monuments in Rosendahl .

Natural monuments


  • Kruse Baimken east of Osterwick: From here you can see the Weersche house and the location of Osterwick. Count Tilly had his army camp here during the Thirty Years' War .


According to evaluations by the German Sports Association , the municipality of Rosendahl was after 2004 (41.40%), 2006 (41.56%) and 2007 (41.54%) again in 2008, with an organization rate of 40.7%, the municipality in the district with the most enthusiasm for sports Coesfeld. According to this, almost every second citizen of Rosendahl was a member of a sports club this year. This gives Rosendahl a top position in North Rhine-Westphalia .

Economy and Infrastructure

Information sign at the
ride-on bench in Osterwick

In each of the three districts there are industrial areas in which mainly medium-sized and small businesses have settled. Significant manufacturing companies for food and beverages, chemicals, the transport industry, wood processing and for the building construction sector have emerged. The "handicraft village" Holtwick offers space, not only for workshops, but also for exchange of experience and cooperation.


The community of Rosendahl is touched by the A31 motorway in the western farming community of Hegerort . The Gescher / Coesfeld and Legden / Ahaus driveways are approx. 10 km from the Holtwick district. The state road 474 runs through the district of Holtwick.

The Dortmund-Gronau-Enscheder Railway runs through the district of Holtwick . The Rosendahl-Holtwick stop is served every hour by the Westmünsterland-Bahn (RB 51) in the direction of Dortmund and Enschede .

Rosendahl is one of the communities in which, to improve the mobility of people without a car (such as the elderly, young people) and to network the suburbs, a number of passenger benches have been set up as a supplement to local public transport . In particular, this should enable additional, free rides in private vehicles to neighboring towns in Holtwick, Osterwick and Darfeld.

Rosendahl is connected to the European cycle route R1 (from France to Russia via Münster and Berlin, among others) and the Vechtetal cycle route .


The municipality of Rosendahl has three primary schools . The Legden Rosendahl secondary school has existed since the 2009/10 school year , a comprehensive school without an upper secondary school . The district town of Coesfeld offers two secondary schools and three grammar schools for the Rosendahl pupils.


Sons and daughters of the church

  • Bernhard Sökeland (* 1797 in Darfeld, † 1845 in Coesfeld), philologist and historian, from 1828 first director of the new state high school in Coesfeld
  • Eduard zu Salm-Horstmar (* 1841 in Osterwick at Varlar Palace, † 1923 in Vienna), Prussian general of the cavalry, sports functionary and member of the International Olympic Committee.
  • Otto zu Salm-Horstmar (* 1867 at Varlar Castle; † 1941 ibid), landlord, politician, member of the Prussian mansion
  • Heinrich Mussinghoff (* 1940 in Osterwick), Bishop of Aachen
  • Bernhard Heitz (* 1942), 1994–2007 Old Catholic Bishop of Austria

Other personalities associated with the community

Web links

Commons : Rosendahl  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Population of the municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia on December 31, 2019 - update of the population based on the census of May 9, 2011. State Office for Information and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia (IT.NRW), accessed on June 17, 2020 .  ( Help on this )
  2. Numbers, data, facts. Retrieved April 25, 2013 .
  3. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 96 .
  4. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 313 .
  5. State Returning Officer NRW: Local elections 2014 in Rosendahl
  6. Directories of the results of the local elections for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (LDS NRW) from 1975 to 2009
  7. Elective profile of the State Office for Data Processing and Statistics NW ( Memento of the original from August 19, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Election results 1999  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 5.9 MB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  9. 2004 election results  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 7.0 MB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  10. Election results 2009  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 3.5 MB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  12. Main statutes of the Rosendahl community. (PDF; 38.5 kB) Retrieved April 25, 2013 .
  13. Westfälische Nachrichten of May 10, 2016: Trappists found refuge on the Rosendahl , accessed on April 25, 2018
  14. ^ Haus Weersche in GenWiki , [1] , accessed on August 29, 2014.
  15. ^ Wersche in the castle archive . Archive of palaces and manors in the Holy Roman Empire and the German Confederation until 1866 , [2] , accessed on August 29, 2014.
  16. ^ Münsterland eV: Cycling in Rosendahl | Münsterland eV Tourism. Retrieved June 3, 2017 .