Kong Qingdong

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Kong Qingdong ( Chinese  孔庆东 , Pinyin Kǒng Qìngdōng , W.-G. Kʻung Chʻing-tung , kʰʊ̀ŋ tɕʰîŋtʊ́ŋ also: Chinese  孔 和尚 , Pinyin Kǒng héshàng , German: Kong the monk; born September 22, 1964 , Harbin , China ) is a Chinese intellectual, writer, talk show host and commentator. Kong is a prominent media figure and is known for his vulgar and often harsh criticism of political issues and various people and groups. Kong has often been portrayed in the media as a figure of the Chinese New Left who is fighting for a departure from reform and opening-up policies and wants a return to Mao Zedong's political style .


Kong was born into a working class family during the time of the Cultural Revolution . He is a descendant of Confucius and was a great follower of Lu Xun early in his academic career .

He earned his first fame as the author of various books about his student life at Beijing University , in which the self-proclaimed "Beijing University drunkard" commented on many of China's social problems. He is a passionate reader and researcher in the field of Chinese wuxia novels and has already given lectures to the wuxia author Jin Yong in the series Baijia jiangyun (百家 讲坛 - reading room) of China Central Television (CCTV), as well as to the essayist and language reformer Lu Xun . Kong Qingdong participated in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests . He was later appointed professor of sinology at Peking University, whereupon he began to publish essays in which he propagated Chinese patriotism and communist orthodoxy . Kong has distinguished himself several times by praising the North Korean leadership. He claimed, among other things, the Koreans would "die with certainty" (will surely die off), if not "great leader (her Kim Jong-il would be) and his Workers 'Party of Korea " (the great leader and his Workers' Party) . Kong has also organized reading circles on North Korea's official ideology, the Chuch'e ideology . Some sources, such as the Nanfang Dushi Bao (Chin. 南方 都市报, Eng. "Newspaper of the Southern Capital District"), even accuse the group of espionage for North Korea.

Around 2000 Kong spent two years in South Korea , teaching at Ewha Womans University .

Kong hosts a talk show program, and his microblog has a large number of subscribers.

Confucius Peace Prize

Kong Qingdong is involved in the award of the Confucius Peace Prize , a Chinese award that was created as an alternative to the Nobel Peace Prize . This was awarded to the system critic Liu Xiaobo against the protest of the Chinese government. Kong claims that the award is a very authentic representation of Confucius' ideas about peace. For the first two years, the award was given to Lien Chan and Vladimir Putin , but they did not accept it.

Political attitude

Kong is a nationalist, but is also assigned to the Chinese New Left (新 左派, Xīn Zuǒpài). This political direction considers China's economic reforms to go too far and wants the country to return to a more socialist system and egalitarian society with strong state controls. Kong was always a supporter of the quasi-Maoist politician Bo Xilai , who later fell out of favor. He has repeatedly described the Chinese government as "shameless" for its handling of economic policy on the capitalist model and insulted the Shenzhen government as " reactionary ".


Kong is notorious for numerous direct and vulgar attacks against various groups and people, and his polarizing views sparked controversy but also helped him gain a loyal following. For example, Kong referred to former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a "whore" and the artist and well-known presenter Jiang Kun as xiasanlan (下三滥, literally: "three low / low (dirty) professions" = prostitution, beggar and street artist) , so roughly "gypsies".

Kong has repeatedly criticized China's liberal media. Above all, he referred to southern Chinese magazines and newspapers as hanjian media (汉奸, German racial traitor). Kong called Chinese state television CCTV "inhuman".

In November 2011, the Nanfang Zhoumu (南方周末, English “weekly newspaper of the south”), which is considered to be the bridgehead of the liberal media in China, asked Kong for an interview. Kong dismissed the request and posted a message on his microblog that "The Treasonous Newspaper has pestered me again by asking me for an interview," ending in a three-fold expletive: "去 你 妈 的! 滚 你 妈 的! 操你妈 的 “(Go to your mother, run to your mother, fuck your mother!). This use of vulgar language earned Kong considerable criticism. His impeachment was even called for. However, he also received broad support. Commentators noted that Kong's popularity is a symptom of widespread resentment against the elite liberal media, which critically report on the poor in editorials of and use economic arguments to justify the growing gap between rich and poor.

Kong himself claims that he uses such expletives to lure out his enemies, as he also predicted that the liberal media would respond vehemently with what he said was "counterrevolutionary encirclement." About eighty media published criticisms of Kong's insults. After the barrage of the negative media, Kong directly criticized the state media agency Xinhua (新华通讯社, Xīnhuá Tōngxùnshè). He claimed that the agency was no longer under the control of the party's central committee, but was carrying out orders from Guangdong party leader Wang Yang , who was portrayed as a representative of the political “right”. It has been speculated overseas whether Kong's remarks were only part of a larger battle between the “left” and the “right” in China.

In November 2008, Qian Liexian ( Xu Lai's pen name ) reported on his blog that Kong had been interrogated by Beijing police on allegations of espionage. Qian was a journalist from Xin Beibao (新京报, New Beijing Newspaper), a magazine associated with Nanfang Zhoumu at the time . A few months later, in February 2009, Qian was stabbed to death by Kong Qingdong's personal assistant who accused him of attacking a "friend". The Nán fāng dū shì bào (南方 都市报, English daily newspaper of the capital south), another newspaper belonging to the Nanfang Zhoumu complex , criticized Kong Qingdong's connection with this affair.

Support for Bo Xilai

In March 2012, after the fall of Bo Xilai , an influential leftist, Kong showered Bo with praise on his talk show and described Bo as a "mob-fighting hero". Kong described Bo's dismissal by the Chinese authorities as a " counter-revolutionary coup". At the same time he used the moment to criticize the people, the “masses” for their inaction.

Western culture

Kong is very critical of Western culture . Among other things, he supported a boycott of the film Kung Fu Panda 2 because he sees it as an instrument of the cultural imperialism of the "West". After the co-founder of Apple , Steve Jobs , died in 2011, noted Kong "the more such people like Steve Jobs die, the better."

Anti-right movement

In 2007, the liberal writer Zhang Yihe (章 诒 和), the daughter of the intellectual Zhang Bojun , a victim of Mao Zedong's anti-right campaign (反右 运动 Fanyou Yundong), published the now banned Past Histories of Peking Opera Stars in the she criticized the anti-justice campaign and reiterated that she "will never give up her defense of basic civil rights because they affect the dignity and consciousness of a person." Kong then vigorously attacked Zhang in a lecture, labeling Zhang as an social class belonging to the "enemies of our government". Kong defended the anti-right campaign and spoke against the "old right" that they portray themselves as heroes, but demand disproportionate compensation.

Hong Kong

In January 2012, Kong commented on a viral video on his talk show. The video shows a Chinese mother from the mainland having a conflict with another passenger on an MTR train in Hong Kong . The opponent is a native Hong Konger who wanted to prevent her young child from eating what is forbidden on board the train. Kong railed against the Hong Kong passenger and criticized, among other things, his use of Cantonese (as opposed to the standard Chinese Putonghua, which should be spoken in Mainland China). He called him a "colonial elitist" and "bastard" and expanded his attack on Hong Kongers in general. Several times he referred to "a lot of Hong Kong" as "bastards and dogs".

Specifically, he referred to the residents of Hong Kong as "willing dogs for the British ... To this day they think they are dogs, not people." Kong certified that they had a "colonial mentality" and compared them to collaborators with the Japanese Army in World War II . Kong claimed that the passenger on the MTR would have reacted differently if it had been British. The remarks were hotly debated on social media in Hong Kong and became the center of controversy and protests in early 2012, adding to tensions between the Mainland and Hong Kong, which are already tense. Two candidates for the 2012 Hong Kong Chief Executive , Leung Chun-Ying and Henry Tang , publicly criticized Kong. The reactions in Mainland were also mixed.

A few days later, Kong defended himself against the criticism, claiming that the media and the Internet were running a witch hunt and picking cherries to attack him. He claimed that he did not want to say that Hong Kong dogs and people who do not speak Putonghua are also dogs.


Kong has called a Singaporean journalist a "whore" and people from Singapore as "completely uneducated". Kong is quoted as saying, “I was in Singapore. These people from Singapore ... basically they have no idea. "

Elections in Taiwan 2012

On January 28, 2012, Kong spoke on a Chinese TV show about the 2012 presidential election in the Republic of China (Taiwan) . He called the system "fake democracy" and claimed that it was "comparable to a soap opera." There was no "progress" in Taiwan in the four years Ma Ying-jeou was president of Taiwan and that Ma's victory with six million votes is not surprising as it is "not even half the number of Beijing's population." Both the ruling Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party sharply rejected his remarks.

Michelle Obama

In 2014, during the state visit of Michelle Obama , the then US First Lady , to China, Kong claimed on his Sina Weibo account that Michelle Obama had been successfully attacked and put in place by a student at Peking University when she was giving a speech, in which she advocated freedom of expression . The student asked Obama, “Is America's strength the result of US intelligence listening to the voices of its citizens? Could you tell me what difference there is between 'listening to' and 'listening in'? ”Referring to the NSA scandal . Describing Michelle Obama's alleged response, Kong said she was "perplexed by the question and ultimately replied that she had not come to discuss politics." After Kong published his allegations, reporters and students who attended the speech said no were that the confrontation had taken place. Kong was then criticized from many quarters for inventing this anecdote and critics noted that he could be arrested for this under Chinese law ( internet censorship ). Kong replied crudely that the critics were "dogs of America" ​​and "traitors to China".

Scandal: "Is Kong Qingdong a savage?"

Wu Xiaoping (吴晓平), a presenter at Nán jīng guǎng bō diàn shì tái (南京 广播 电视台 - Nanjing TV), analyzed a case around Kong Qingdong on the show Tingwo Shaoshao (听 我 韶韶), with the provocative title : "Kong Qingdong: Is he a Jiaoshou (教授, professor) or Yeshou (野兽, wilder)". Kong was offended by the expression "Yeshou" and filed a case of character assassination in a Beijing court. He asked for 200,000 yuan in compensation . The court ruled against Kong in the first instance, however, because the media had an interest in the "public good" and, since the news comment only uses "civilized" language, such a comment could not be prohibited in order not to unnecessarily restrict what is permissible on the radio. One must avoid restricting "sharp commentary" so that meaningful punchlines are possible.

In 2014, his microblog was blocked after unpleasant comments about the Tian'anmen massacre on June 4, 1989.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Junli Du: 杜君立 : 孔慶東 時代 的 北大 - Du Junli: Beijing University In Kong Qingdong's Era. . Epoch USA Inc .. November 19, 2011.
  2. Qingdong Kong: 47 樓 207—— 北大 醉 侠 的 浪漫 宣言 . 内蒙古 教育 出版社, 1998, ISBN 978-7-5311-3677-4 .
  3. Zhong Wu: The writing is on the wall . Asian Times Online. Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  4. 孔慶東 狡辯 再罵 港人 冇 腦. Apple Daily .
  5. Kong, Qingdong: 听 我 唱段 十三 亲 . Kong Qingdong's blog. April 8, 2006. Retrieved June 2, 2010.
  6. a b 孔庆东 被曝 泄露 情报 助理 刺伤 媒体 人 获刑 四年 半 . 京华 时报. August 7, 2009. Retrieved May 15, 2010.
  7. 한국 쾌담: 베이징 대 쿵 교수 의 도발적 한국 론 . 올림, 2007, ISBN 9788995883976 (Retrieved April 30, 2015).
  8. Zhang Nan: 孔子 和平 奖 二次 颁发 获奖 者 再度 缺席. 2011-12-09.
  9. ^ Edward Wong: For Putin, a Peace Prize for a Decision to Go to War. In: New York Times 2011-11-15.
  10. a b Xiao Xun: 孔庆东 高调 挺 薄 重庆 模式 市场 仍在. (Kong Qingdong praises Bo Xilai's work, 'Market', because it still uses the Chongqing model .). In: Voice of America. 2012-03-17.
  11. ^ Elaine Chow: Quote of the Day: Unhappy China author hates journalists . Shanghaiist .
  12. ^ David Bandurski: Are Chinese media a public nuisance? . In: China Media Project . Hong Kong University . Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  13. "the treasonous newspaper has harassed me once again by asking to interview me"
  14. a b c d 评论 : 中国 媒体 右倾 政治 左转? Opinion: China's Media leaning right, but politics turning left? . BBC Chinese. Retrieved January 21, 2012.
  15. Pingting Xu: Hot online: wolf dad, Kong swears, ova trade, bus safety . China Daily . Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  16. Yineng Liu: What has Professor Kong Qingdong done this time? . Peking University . Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  17. Liu Yi: 北大 教授 孔庆东 用 排比 粗口 骂 记者 激怒 网友. Phoenix Television 2011-11-08
  18. 粗口 教授 孔庆东 . Phoenix Television . Retrieved November 11, 2011.
  19. 为何 6 成 网友 支持 孔庆东 骂 记者 . 腾讯 网. November 11, 2011. Retrieved November 11, 2011.
  20. "counterrevolutionary encirclement." Bbc1.
  21. 双面 孔庆东 . 中华网. Retrieved November 11, 2011.
  22. ^ Tania Branigan: Chinese blogger Xu Lai stabbed in Beijing bookshop. In: The Guardian , London 2009-02-15.
  23. "criticize the people, the masses ... what have you done to construct socialism? What have you done for Chongqing, for China? If you are a supporter of Bo Xilai, then what have you done to support Bo Xilai? What have you done to save the country from sinking into the abyss of capitalism? Don't just sit there waiting for a lecture from professor Kong and lament the state of affairs, this world isn't just for heroes to save! ”Kong Qingdong in the YouTube video 孔庆东 含泪 力挺 薄熙来 煽动" 大家都 起来 "from 2012.
  24. Kung Fu Panda 2 Film Criticized In China. In: Sky News 2011-05-31.
  25. the more people like Steve Jobs die, the better.
  26. ^ Joel Martinsen: History books get the ax; another Zhang Yihe title falls. In: Danwei 2007-01-19.
  27. ^ "I will not give up the defense of my basic civil rights, because it affects the dignity and conscience of a person." Zhang Yihe's statement and position . EastSouthWestNorth. Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  28. ^ The enemy of our government. 2007 年 , 孔庆东 在 演讲 中 公开 批驳 章 诒 和 的 《伶人 往事》 一 书 , 指 “她 那个 阶级 是 我们 我们 政权 的 敌人” , “共产党 对 他们 是 极其 宽大 的 , 但 他们 仍 梦想 变天 , 说 当年反右 反 错 了 ”, 孔庆东 说 :“ 你 (指 右派) 既然 认为 是 堂堂正正 的 英雄 , 为什么 要求 共产党 平反? ”“ 改革 开放 后 都 平反 昭雪 了 , 但 大 右派 还 百倍 疯狂地向 人民 索取 , 比当年 凶恶 10 倍 ”。“ 我们 平民 百姓 的 血泪 谁 去 写? 矿井 砸死 60 多人 , 谁 给 每人 写 一部 一部 《往事 并不 冒烟》 他们 一 一 人死 了 赔 多少 钱? 生命 都是 有 价钱的。 上层 人 的 生命 价格 和 下层 人 的 生命 价格 不 一样 吗?? 革命 本来 就要 改变 这 东西。 ”
  29. "You (the rightists) think that you are proper heroes, so why are you asking the Communist Party for vindication? … Our cases have been overturned after the reforms began, but why do the big rightists want to demand hundreds more times in compensation from the people? ”Sam Crane: China: No Longer a Legalist Society . The Useless Tree. Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  30. ^ "Many Hong Kongers bastards and dogs." Minnie Chan: HK people labeled as dogs by mainlander. In: South China Morning Post 2012-01-21
  31. Tan, Kenneth: Kong Qingdong: Hong Kongers are bastards, dogs and thieves. In: Shanghai is 2012-01-22.
  32. 北大 教授 孔庆东 骂 "部分 香港人 是 狗 In: 中国 新闻 网网易 新闻 2012-01-21 archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20120124023621/http://news.163.com/12 /0121/10/7O9KLPHG00014JB6.html%7Carchivedate=2012-01-24 .
  33. "willing dogs of the British ... To this day they think that they are dogs, not people." Andrew Higgins: Beijing professor and descendant of Confucius provokes anger by insulting Hong Kongers protest Beijing ' In: Washington Post 2012-01-23.
  34. a b In response to Hong Kong's society, Kong said of Hong Kong people: "your society's order is maintained by law, which means that you have no self-restraint, which means that you are a vile (賤 jiàn) people" 北大惹火 教授 罵 港人 是 狗 時事 評論員 ﹕ 中 港 矛盾 深化 促 政策 介入. In: Ming Pao「(港人) 給 人家 英國 殖民者 當 走狗 當 慣 了 , 到 現在 都是 狗 狗 你們 不是 人… 凡是 用 法治 維持 起來 的 秩序 , 說明 你們 的 人 沒有 素質 、 沒有 自覺 …… 一個字 : 賤。 」
  35. 'Hong Kong people are "dogs in front of the British, but wolves in front of the Chinese," Korean and Taiwanese supporters of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II.
  36. Kong asserted that Hong Kong had some "positive traits", one of which is rule of law, which was enforced only because "the British spanked them [Hong Kongers]" if they broke the law; 請 北大 開除 孔慶東. In: 中國 評論 月刊 2012-01-23. .
  37. 北大 教授 孔庆东 称 遭 断章取义 没说 "香港人 是 狗" In: Dongfang Net via Dazhong 2012-01-22.
  38. ^ "I've been to Singapore. Those people from Singapore ... they basically don't know anything. ” 孔慶東 罵 新加坡 女 記者 是 婊子. (Kong Qingdong Calls Female Singaporean Reporter "A Whore").
  39. "comparable to a soap opera." Shan Guan: 井底之蛙 孔庆东 . Duowei. January 29, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2012.
  40. not even half the population of Beijing. Shan Guan: 井底之蛙 孔庆东 . Duowei. January 29, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2012.
  41. 蓝绿 同声 挞 伐 孔庆东. In: 聯合早報 2012-01-28.
  42. ^ "Is America's strength a result of the US secret services listening to the voices of its citizens? Could you tell me in America what the difference is between 'listening to' and 'listening in'? "
  43. "dumbfounded by the question, Michelle Obama eventually replied that she was not there to talk about politics."
  44. Andrew Jacobs, Yuan Ren: Confrontation Rumors, Easily Debunked, Touch a Nerve In: The New York Times. 2014-03-27.
  45. 中国 青年 报 : 不愿 容忍 舆论 批评 的 孔庆东 败诉 了. People.cn 2014-12-19.
  46. China professor's microblog blocked after Tiananmen post straitstimes.com.

Web links

Commons : Kong Qingdong  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files