State government Platter II

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The Platter II state government was the second Tyrolean state government under Governor Günther Platter, active until March 28, 2018 . Its members were elected by the Tyrolean Parliament on May 24, 2013. It was replaced by the Platter III state government .

Government formation

After the state elections in Tyrol on April 28, 2013, in which the ÖVP was able to maintain its mandate and the Greens had gained a mandate, exploratory and coalition talks between them on May 14, 2013 led to the conclusion of their coalition agreement.

Government members

Office image Surname Political party Areas of responsibility
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Günther Platter ÖVP Provincial financial administration, tourism affairs, elections, federal and administrative reform, personnel affairs, affairs in South Tyrol and matters of the Tyrolean European region, provincial support fund, shooting, state participation in HYPO Tirol and TIWAG
1. Deputy Governor
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Josef Geisler ÖVP Agriculture and forestry, construction and roads, water law and water management, energy, security administration, fire services, disaster control, community service, sports matters
2. Deputy Governor
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Ingrid Felipe GREEN Environmental and climate protection, nature conservation and mountain rescue, waste management, European transport policy, motor routes and transport association matters
Provincial Councilor Christine Baur GREEN Social and social security, citizenship, civil status, youth welfare, women's policy
Provincial Councilor
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Beate Palfrader ÖVP Education and music schools, protection of minors, art, culture, monument protection
Provincial Council
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Bernhard Tilg ÖVP Health policy, hospitals, health and social districts, care allowance, home affairs, university affairs, technical colleges
Provincial Council
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Johannes Tratter ÖVP Community affairs, labor market and employee promotion, building law, spatial planning, housing and settlement, public relations
Provincial Councilor
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Patrizia Zoller-Frischauf ÖVP Trade and industry, business development, cable car matters, procurement, event management, state police law, other holdings of the state of Tyrol, property management, data protection

Individual evidence

  1. [1] Act reliably. Rethink. Labor Convention for Tyrol 2013–2018 (PDF; 562 kB)
  2. ^ [2] New government presents program, May 14, 2013

Web links