State government Tschiggfrey II

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The provincial government Tschiggfrey II formed the Tyrolean provincial government during the fifth legislative period from the election of the provincial government at the beginning of the fifth legislative period on November 7, 1961 to the death of governor Hans Tschiggfrey on June 30, 1963 or the inauguration of the provincial government Wallnöfer I on July 13, 1963.

In the state elections in 1961, the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) acquired the right to six of the eight seats in government subsequently agreed, including the governor, a deputy governor and four state councilors. The Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) was also represented in the state government by a deputy governor due to the proportional representation system, and the SPÖ also provided a state councilor. The balance of power had not changed since the state elections in 1957 , but there had been some changes compared to the previous Tschiggfrey I government . Instead of the previous Deputy Governor Josef Anton Mayr , Hans Gamper (both ÖVP) was elected as the new First Deputy Governor. Gamper had previously been a regional councilor and had already held the post of governor's deputy in the post-war period. Also new in office were the ÖVP regional councilors Hermann Scheidle and Robert Lackner , while Aloys Oberhammer no longer belonged to the government. During the tenure of the Tischiggfrey II government there were no changes in the composition of the government.

While Governor Tischiggfrey was elected with 35 of the 36 possible votes (with one vote cast blank), the election of the remaining members of the government took place according to proportional representation through the written nomination of the government members by the two state parliament clubs of the ÖVP and SPÖ.

Government members

Office Surname Political party Business areas
Governor Hans Tschiggfrey ÖVP
First Deputy Governor Hans Gamper ÖVP
Second Deputy Governor Karl art SPÖ
Provincial Council Robert Lackner ÖVP
Provincial Council Hermann Scheidle ÖVP
Provincial Council Adolf Troppmair ÖVP
Provincial Council Eduard Wallnöfer ÖVP
Provincial Council Rupert Zechtl SPÖ


  • Josef Rauchberger (Ed.): Keyword Federal States - Federal Council. Elections and representative bodies of the federal states from 1945 to 2000. PR-Verlag, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-901111-05-0 .
  • Stenographic reports of the Tyrolean Parliament, 5th period