State election in Tyrol 1961

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1957State parliament
election 1961
Wbt .: 92.43%


Distribution of mandates in the Tyrolean Parliament 1961–1965
A total of 36 seats

The state elections in Tyrol in 1961 took place on October 22, 1961, with only minor changes compared to the state elections in 1957. The Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) achieved slight profits and was able to keep the absolute majority of votes and mandates clear. The Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) suffered slight losses, but was able to clearly defend its mandate and second place. The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) was able to stabilize after the losses in 1957 and posted slight gains. The Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) was able to win shares again for the first time since 1945, but missed entry into the state parliament just as clearly as the list “Mensch und Tier” (MT), which had only stood for election in the constituency of Innsbruck-Stadt and Mitte.

In 1961, 289,647 people were entitled to vote in the state elections, which meant an increase in those entitled to vote by 20,196 people. The voter turnout had also fallen slightly from 93.40% in 1957 to 92.43%.

Overall result

Final result of the state elections in 1961
Results 1961 Results 1957 Differences
Eligible voters 289,647 269.451 + 20,196
voter turnout 92.43% 93.40% - 0.97%
be right % Mand. be right % Mand. be right % Mand.
Votes cast 267,707 251,665 + 16,042
Invalid 7,324 2.74%   6,884 2.74%   + 440 ± 0.00%
Valid 260.383 97.26% 244,781 97.26%   + 15.602 ± 0.00%
Political party
Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) 155.121 59.57% 23 145.025 59.25% 23 + 10.096 + 0.32% ± 0
Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) 78,448 30.13% 11 75,812 30.97% 11 + 2,636 - 0.84% ± 0
Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) 23,620 9.07% 2 20,739 8.47% 2 + 2,881 + 0.60% ± 0
Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) 2,773 1.06% 0 1,909 0.78% 0 + 864 + 0.28% ± 0
Humans and animals (MT) 421 0.16% 0 not running + 421 + 0.16% ± 0
Free Tyrolean Home List (FTH) not running 1,296 0.53% 0 - 1,296 - 0.53% ± 0
total 260.383 100.00% 36 244,781 100.00% 36 + 15.602

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rauchberger (Ed.): Keyword Federal States - Federal Council. P. 418


  • Josef Rauchberger (Ed.): Keyword Federal States - Federal Council. Elections and representative bodies of the federal states from 1945 to 2000. Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-901111-05-0 .