List of Members of the Tyrolean State Parliament (12th legislative period)

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This list of the members of the Tyrolean state parliament (XII. Legislative period) lists all members of the Tyrolean state parliament in the XII. Legislative period. The legislative period lasted from the constituent session on April 5, 1994 to the inauguration of the Landtag of the XIII. Legislative period on March 30, 1999. Of the 36 seats, 19 went to the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) after the state elections in Tyrol in 1994 , which meant that it was able to maintain its absolute majority. The Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) was in the XII. Legislative period represented by seven MPs in the state parliament, whereby she lost two seats in the state election in 1994. The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) won an additional mandate and placed six members in the new state parliament, while the Greens Tyrol (GRÜNE) also won a mandate and, from 1994, had four members.

In the first session of the Tyrolean state parliament, the inauguration of the state parliament members took place, followed by the election of the members of the Tyrolean state government. The government members of the Weingartner II regional government subsequently renounced their state parliament mandates and were only members of the Tyrolean state parliament for a short time during the session. The last meeting of the XII. The legislative session took place on December 12, 1998.


Landtag President

In the constituent session, Helmut Mader (ÖVP) was elected President of the State Parliament, receiving 36 of the 36 possible votes. For the office of 1st Vice President, the ÖVP nominated Anton Steixner who received 27 out of 36 votes, with an additional seven “no” votes and two invalid votes. The SPÖ nominated Christa Gangl for the post of 2nd Vice President, who was elected to her post with the same result as Steixner.

Club stewards

After the deputies were sworn in, the members of the ÖVP formed the ÖVP state parliament club, with Klaus Madritsch being elected club chairman. Within the SPÖ state parliament club, Andreas Obitzhofer took on the role of club chairman , Siegfried Obermair was elected as his first deputy, Ernst Pechlaner as his second deputy. The MPs of the FPÖ elected Johannes Lugger as their club chairman while Elmar Denz acted as his first and Ingo Appelt as his second deputy. The MPs of the Greens appointed Georg Willi as chairman, his deputy was Franz Klug .

Member of the state parliament

Surname fraction Constituency annotation
Evening stone Burghard ÖVP Remaining mandate  
Appeals to Ingo FPÖ Remaining mandate  
Astl Fritz ÖVP Kitzbühel Resignation of the mandate after the election to the National Council on the first day of the meeting
Jürgen from Lake Constance ÖVP Remaining mandate  
Denz Elmar FPÖ Innsbruck city 2. Deputy Chairman of the Club
Dillersberger Siegfried FPÖ Kufstein Until December 31, 1997
Eberle Ferdinand ÖVP Reutte Resignation of the mandate after the election as deputy governor on the first day of the meeting
Ernst Bernhard Green Innsbruck country As a substitute for 1 meeting day Eva Lichtenberger nachgerückt
Gangl Christa SPÖ Remaining mandate 2nd Vice President
Geisler Josef ÖVP black On the first day of the meeting to replace Konrad Streiter
Gomig Leo ÖVP Lienz  
Gwiggner Johann ÖVP Kufstein  
Hechenbichler Josef ÖVP Kitzbühel As a substitute for the first day of the meeting at Fritz Astl nachgerückt
Horngacher Katharina ÖVP Kufstein Until January 24, 1996
Hribar Wilfriede ÖVP Innsbruck country  
Hunter Walter ÖVP Imst  
Juen Heinrich ÖVP Landeck  
Merchant Alfons SPÖ Innsbruck country Resigned before March 11, 1998
Clever Franz Green Remaining mandate Club chairman deputy
Krieghofer Helmut ÖVP Lienz  
Head of Alois SPÖ Remaining mandate  
Lichtenberger Eva Green Innsbruck country Resignation of the mandate after the election as regional councilor on the first day of the meeting
Lugger Johannes FPÖ Remaining mandate Club chairman, resigned as a member of the state government on the first day of the meeting after the election
Mader Helmut ÖVP Innsbruck city President of the Landtag
Madritsch Klaus ÖVP black Club chairman
Mair Franz ÖVP Kufstein From January 25, 1996 for Katharina Horngacher
Marinell Sigrid SPÖ Remaining mandate  
Mattersberger Hermann ÖVP Reutte As a substitute for 1 meeting day Ferdinand Eberle nachgerückt
Melcher Rudolf FPÖ Kufstein From January 1st 1998 for Siegfried Dillersberger
Middle Sebastian ÖVP Remaining mandate  
Obermair Siegfried SPÖ Remaining mandate Club chairman deputy
Obitzhofer Andreas SPÖ Kufstein Club chairman
Pechlaner Ernst SPÖ Innsbruck city 2. Deputy club chairman
Penz Ludwig ÖVP Innsbruck country Until April 14, 1997
Rappold Erich FPÖ Remaining mandate As a substitute for the first day of the meeting at John Lugger nachgerückt
Tailor Max Green Remaining mandate  
Get serious ÖVP Imst  
Steixner Anton ÖVP Innsbruck country 1st Vice President
Champion Konrad ÖVP black Resignation of the mandate after the election to the National Council on the first day of the meeting
Unterberger Heinz FPÖ Innsbruck country  
Warzilek Rudolf ÖVP Innsbruck city As a substitute for 1 meeting day Wendelin Weingartner nachgerückt
Weingartner Wendelin ÖVP Innsbruck city Resignation of the mandate after the election as governor on the first day of the meeting
Wendling Horst FPÖ Remaining mandate Club chairman deputy
Werner Adolf SPÖ Innsbruck country From March 11, 1998 for Alfons Kaufmann
Wildauer Adolf ÖVP Innsbruck country From April 15, 1997 for Ludwig Penz
Willi Georg Green Innsbruck city Club chairman
