List of members of the Tyrolean Parliament (XV legislative period)

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This list of members of the Tyrolean state parliament (XV. Legislative period) lists all members of the Tyrolean state parliament in the XV. Legislative period (from 2008 to 2013). The first session of the Tyrolean state parliament in this period took place on July 1, 2008, the last on March 15, 2013. After the constitution of the state parliament, the deputies were sworn in, followed by the election of the state parliament presidium, followed by the election of the members of the state government Platter and the appointment of the representatives of the Tyrolean Parliament in the Federal Council . Insofar as the members of the state government were elected representatives, they waived their state parliament mandates and were therefore only members of the Tyrolean state parliament for a short time during the constituent session.

After the state elections in Tyrol in 2008, 16 of the 36 mandates went to the ÖVP , five to the SPÖ , four to Die Grünen Tirol , four to the FPÖ and seven to the first candidate list Fritz Dinkhauser - Bürgerforum Tirol (FRITZ). Since two members of FRITZ split off as the Bürgerforum Tirol-Klub in November 2009 , the FRITZ-Klub has only five members.


Landtag President

The former Governor Herwig van Staa (ÖVP) was elected President of the State Parliament in the constituent session as the new State Parliament President, receiving 23 of the 36 votes. Seven ballot papers were left blank (invalid), six votes were for “No”. Van Staa was essentially elected by MPs from the ÖVP and SPÖ. Johannes Bodner was elected 1st Vice President . He received 22 of 36 votes, with three other votes being invalid and eleven votes for Maria Scheiber . Gabriele Schiessling (SPÖ) was appointed 2nd Vice-President , who won 27 of the 36 votes. In addition, there had been an invalid vote, eight votes had been "No".

Club stewards

After the deputies were sworn in, the members of the ÖVP formed the “Landtag Club of the Tyrolean People's Party”, with Josef Geisler as club chairman and Jakob Wolf as his deputy. The members of the Dinkhauser list formed the “FRITZ-Landtag Club ”, with Bernhard Ernst taking over the function of club chairman and Andreas Brugger becoming his deputy. As in the previous period, Ernst Pechlaner initially took on the role of club chairman within the “SPÖ-Tirol Landtag Club”, but this ended after he renounced his mandate in favor of his successor Hans-Peter Bock . Klaus Gasteiger was elected deputy. In the "FPÖ-Landtagklub" Gerald Hauser was chairman of the club, while Richard Heis acts as his deputy. Within the “GRÜNEN Landtag Club ”, Georg Willi took over the office of club chairman again , and Maria Scheiber was elected as the club chairman's deputy as the only woman in this role .

After Fritz Gurgiser and Thomas Schnitzer split off from the FRITZ list in November 2009, they founded the “ Bürgerforum Tirol-Klub in the Tyrolean Landtag”, with Gurgiser taking on the role of club chairman and Schnitzer taking on the role of his deputy.

Because Georg Willi will run for the National Council , Christine Baur was elected chairwoman of the state parliament club of the Greens at the end of June 2012.

After Bernhard Ernst's death on December 8, 2012, his parliamentary group colleague Andrea Haselwanter-Schneider was elected club chairwoman of the FRITZ list in the state parliament.

Member of the state parliament

Surname Political party Constituency annotation
Baur Christine GREEN Innsbruck country Club chairwoman since the end of June 2012
Berger Franz ÖVP Kitzbühel
Blanik Elisabeth SPÖ National election proposal
Buck Hans-Peter SPÖ National election proposal Replacement for Ernst Pechlaner since November 17, 2010; Club chairman
Bodner Johannes ÖVP Kufstein 1st Vice President
Brugger Andreas FRITZ National election proposal Deputy Chairman of the Club
Dinkhauser Friedrich FRITZ Innsbruck city
Eisenmann Paula ÖVP Kufstein
Felipe-Saint Hilaire Ingrid GREEN National election proposal Replacement for Maria Scheiber since May 1, 2012
Fresh Anton FPÖ National election proposal
Guest Klaus SPÖ National election proposal Deputy club chairman; Replacement for Hannes Gschwentner since July 1, 2008
Husband Walter non-attached Innsbruck country Member of the FPÖ club until April 30, 2010
Geisler Josef ÖVP black Club chairman
Ginther Heinrich ÖVP Reutte
Gurgiser Friedrich BK-T National election proposal FRITZ since November 6, 2009 as club chairman in BürgerKlub-Tirol
Haselwanter tailor Andrea FRITZ National election proposal as the successor to Bernhard Ernst club chairwoman of the FRITZ list
Hauser Gerald FPÖ National election proposal Club chairman
Heis Richard FPÖ National election proposal Deputy Chairman of the Club
Jenewein Elisabeth SPÖ Innsbruck country
Kapferer Gottfried FRITZ Innsbruck country
Köll Andreas ÖVP Lienz
Ledl-Rossmann Sonja ÖVP National election proposal
Mair Gebi GREEN Innsbruck city
Mattle Anton ÖVP Landeck
Pertl Anton ÖVP Innsbruck country
Plautz Konrad ÖVP National election proposal
Posch Eva-Maria ÖVP Innsbruck country
Remler Verena ÖVP Country proposal Replacement for Johannes Rauch since May 18, 2011
Shooter Gabriele SPÖ National election proposal 2nd Vice President
Carver Thomas BK-T National election proposal FRITZ since November 6, 2009 in the BürgerKlub-Tirol
Staggl Johann ÖVP National election proposal
Stauder Wilfried ÖVP Innsbruck country Replacement for Anton Steixner since July 1, 2008
van Staa Herwig ÖVP Innsbruck city President of the Landtag
Willi Georg GREEN National election proposal Club chairman until the end of June 2012
Wolf Jakob ÖVP Imst Deputy Chairman of the Club
Zangerl Stefan FRITZ National election proposal Replacement for Bernhard Ernst since December 8, 2012

Members of the state parliament who left prematurely

Surname Political party Constituency annotation
Ernst Bernhard FRITZ National election proposal † December 8, 2012, previously club chairman of the FRITZ list
Gschwentner Hannes SPÖ National election proposal Waiver of mandate for the duration of membership in the state government since July 1, 2008; Member of the state government
Pechlaner Ernst SPÖ National election proposal Club chairman; Waiver of mandate from November 16, 2010
Rauch Johannes ÖVP National election proposal Waiver of mandate from May 15, 2011
Scheiber Maria GREEN National election proposal Waiver of mandate from May 1, 2012
Steixner Anton ÖVP Innsbruck country Waiver of mandate for the duration of membership in the state government since July 1, 2008; Member of the state government


  • Elected MEPs for Tyrol: ( PDF )
  • Session reports of the Tyrolean Parliament (XV legislative period)