Miaoli county

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Miaoli County
苗栗 縣
Miaoli County Montage.png
From left to right and top to bottom: Night view of Tongluo , remains of Longteng Bridge in Sanyi , Liyutan Reservoir, strawberry farm in Dahu , corner in Tongluo Park , street in Nanzhuang , Da'anxi riverbed with Huoyanshan mountain in Sanyi
coat of arms
State : TaiwanRepublic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan)
Founded : District in 1887,
dissolved in 1895,
district again in 1950
Coordinates : 24 ° 34 ′  N , 120 ° 50 ′  E Coordinates: 24 ° 34 ′ 0 ″  N , 120 ° 50 ′ 0 ″  E
Area : 1,820.32  km²
Residents : 566,585 (March 2015)
Population density : 311 inhabitants per km²
Time zone : UTC + 8 (Chungyuan time)
Telephone code : (+886) (0) 37
Postal code : 350-354, 356-358, 360-369
ISO 3166-2 : TW-MIA
District capital : Miaoli
Structure : 2 cities (市),
5 urban parishes (鎮),
11 rural parishes (鄉)
District Administrator: Hsu Yao-chang (徐耀昌) ( KMT )
Website :
Circle bird: magpie
Circle flower: Sweet scented flower
Circle tree: Camphor tree
Map of Taiwan, position of Miaoli county highlighted

The district of Miaoli ( Chinese  苗栗 縣 , Pinyin Miáolì Xiàn ) is located in the west of the Republic of China on Taiwan . The name Miaoli goes back to the phonetic imitation of a word from the language of the indigenous people of the Taokas meaning "plane". The city ​​of Miaoli is the capital of the district and is also known as the "mountain town" because of the many mountains in the area, which are also popular hiking destinations.

Short Story

Seat of the district administration
Seat of the district council

The area of ​​today's district has been settled since prehistoric times, as archaeological finds show. From the middle of the 17th century, Han Chinese settlers came into the country, which led to the indigenous peoples of Taiwan being partly assimilated and partly pushed into the mountainous region. After the beginning of Chinese rule over Taiwan in 1683 under the Qing Dynasty , the area was known as Zhuluo and in 1887 received the status of a county with the name Miaoli . After the Japanese takeover of Taiwan in 1895 , the district was dissolved and from the 1920s it was part of the Japanese prefecture of Shinchiku . 1950 in the Republic of China on Taiwan, the district was then reorganized.


In 2015, the county had about 567,000 residents, which was 2.4 percent of the total population of Taiwan. This means that the Miaoli district is one of the smaller administrative units. According to the 2010 language statistics, the following languages ​​were spoken (multiple answers possible): Mandarin 79.4%, Hakka 52.4%, Taiwanese 45.8%, Formosa languages 1.0%, others 0.5%. Miaoli County had the second highest proportion of Hakka speakers of all counties and cities in Taiwan after Hsinchu County .

cities and communes

Miaoli and Toufen are towns ( , Shì ) in the district. There are also five urban parishes ( , Zhèn ) and 11 rural parishes ( , Xiāng ). The population figures in April 2018 were as listed below.

local community chin. Hanyu Pinyin Taiwanese (POJ) Hakka Area
Residents Ew./km²
2 cities
Miaoli 苗栗市 Miáolì Shì Biâu-le̍k-chhī Mèu-li̍t 37.8878 88,662 2,357
Shouting 頭 份 市 Tóufèn Shì Thâu-hun-chhī Thèu-fun 53.3205 102,986 1.932
5 municipalities
Houlong 後 龍鎮 Hòulóng Zhèn Āu-lâng-tìn Hay-liùng 75,8079 36,585 486
Tongxiao 通霄 鎮 Tōngxiāo Zhen Thong-siau-tìn Thûng-sêu 107.8486 34,407 323
Yuanli 苑 裡鎮 Yuànlǐ Zhèn Oán-lí Yen-lî 68.2473 45,711 676
Zhunan 竹南 鎮 Zhúnán Zhèn Tek-lâm-tìn Tsuk-nàm 37.5592 85.731 2,277
Zhuolan 卓蘭 鎮 Zhuólán Zhèn Tah-lân-tìn Cho̍k-làn 75.3153 16,912 225
10 rural communities
Dahu 大 湖鄉 Dàhú Xiāng Toā-ô͘-hiong Thai-fù 90.8396 14,657 163
Gongguan 公館 鄉 Gōngguǎn Xiāng Kong-koán-hiong Kûng-kón 71.4523 33,590 474
Nanzhuang 南 庄鄉 Nánzhuāng Xiāng Lâm-chng Nàm-chông 165.4938 10.138 62
Sanwan 三 灣鄉 Sānwān Xiāng Sam-oan Sâm-vân 52.2964 6,705 129
Sanyi 三 義 鄉 Sānyì Xiāng Sam-gī-hiong Sâm-ngi 69.3424 16.401 239
Shitan 獅 潭 鄉 Shītán Xiāng Sai-thâm-hiong Sṳ̂-thàn 79.4324 4,412 56
Tongluo 銅鑼 鄉 Tóngluó Xiāng Tâng-lô-hiong Thùng-lò 78.3805 18,058 232
Touwu 頭 屋 鄉 Tóuwū Xiāng Thâu-ok-hiong Thèu-vuk 52.5046 10,832 207
Xihu 西湖 鄉 Xīhú Xiāng Se-ô͘-hiong Sî-fù 41.0758 7.114 175
Zaoqiao 造 橋鄉 Zàoqiáo Xiāng Chō-kiô-hiong Cho-khièu 47,9978 12,875 271
1 mountain community of the indigenous people
Tai'an 泰安 鄉 Tài'ān Xiāng Thài-an-hiong Thai-ôn 614.5127 6.015 10
Municipalities in Miaoli County


The district's political organs are the district council ( 苗栗 縣 議會 , Miáolì xiàn yìhuì ), which met for the first time in 1950, shortly after the district was established. The head of the district is the district administrator ( 縣長 , Xiàn zhǎng , English magistrate ). Until 2018, all previous district administrators (with the exception of a few non-party members) belonged to the Kuomintang .

Official symbols

Like many administrative institutions in Taiwan, Miaoli County has chosen official symbols that were voted through public polls from several available for selection. The sweet scented flower ( Osmanthus fragrans , 桂花 , guìhuā ) was chosen as the official flower , a plant native to southern China, Taiwan and other parts of Asia, from which perfume oils and flavored teas are made, among other things. The official bird became the magpie , and the county’s official tree became the camphor tree , which historically has played a major role in Taiwan's economy.


In the east, the district has a share in the Shei Pa National Park .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the district
  2. About Miaoli. Miaoli County, accessed September 29, 2017 .
  3. 表 106 歲 以上 本 國籍 常住 人口 在家 使用 語言 情形 ("Language used at home by residents over 6 years old"). Taiwan Statistical Office, accessed April 29, 2018 (Chinese).
  4. 各 月 人口 資料 (括弧 內 為 資料 起始 年月) 03 鄉鎮 戶數 及 人口 數 (9701) ("Population data for each month (in brackets is the starting month of the data) 03 municipalities and population (9701)"). Taiwan Ministry of the Interior, accessed May 11, 2018 (Chinese).
  5. 苗栗 縣 議會 (District Assembly of Miaoli). Retrieved November 28, 2018 (Chinese, District Council website).
  6. 首長 專欄 (list of leaders). Miaoli District Office, accessed November 28, 2018 (Chinese).
  7. ^ The County Flower, County Bird, and County Tree. Miaoli County website, accessed April 29, 2018 .