Legio II Armeniaca

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Painted shields of the Legio II Armeniaca in the early 5th century

The Legio II Armeniaca ("Second Armenian Legion") was a legion of the late ancient Roman army, which was raised with its sister Legion I Armeniaca as legio ripensis and was stationed in the province of Armenia . There the Legion was involved in the expansion of the Satala camp .

Around 360 the II Armeniaca, Legio II Parthica and a Legio II Flavia , possibly identical to the Legio II Flavia Virtutis , unsuccessfully defended the city of Bezabde (today Cizre ) on the Tigris against the Persians . When the breach in the wall of the heavily fortified city could no longer be defended, the defenders were killed in street fights or taken prisoner. Nevertheless, the legion seems to have continued to exist, because in the early 5th century it is mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum as legio pseudocomitatensis under the supreme command of the magister militum per Orientem . The Pseudocomitatenses were in higher esteem than the border troops.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Grosse: Roman military history from Gallienus to the beginning of the Byzantine thematic constitution , Weidmann, Berlin 1920, p. 91.
  2. CIL 2, 13630 .
  3. ^ A b Emil Ritterling: Legio (II Armeniaca). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XII, 2, Stuttgart 1925, column 1456 f.
  4. ^ Jona Lendering: Legio II Armeniaca. In: Livius.org (English)
  5. Ammianus Marcellinus : Res gestae XX, 7
  6. Notitia Dignitatum Or. VII