Legio XXX Classica

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The Legio XXX Classica ("30th Marine Legion"; also Legio XXX ) was a legion of the Roman army, which was founded by Gaius Iulius Caesar shortly after the beginning of the civil war in 49 BC. Was established.

Legion history

The Legion had been stationed in the Iberian Peninsula since it was raised. The Spanish legions, with the exception of the newly established Legio V, were supposed to be under the propaetor (governor) Quintus Cassius Longinus in 48 BC. Moved to Mauretania to fight against the rebellious Numid king Juba I. When Legio II mutinied, Legions XXX, XXI and V came to the aid of their governor in Cordoba. After the instigators were punished, the Legio XXX was relocated to Gibraltar, but the riots continued to spread. A battle broke out on the Guadalquivir . Cassius withdrew with his legions to Ulia (near Cordoba), where he finally had to surrender with honor.

The Legion took part in 46 BC. At the battle of Thapsus and in 45 BC. Possibly participated in the battle of Munda . Under the supreme command of the governor of the province of Hispania ulterior , Gaius Asinius Pollio , the legion took around 44/43 BC. In the battles against Sextus Pompeius . Between 42 and 31 BC BC veterans of the Legio XXX Classica were settled in the area around Benevento and in southern Italy as well as in the Colonia Iulia Troas (near Alexandria Troas , western Turkey).

After the Battle of Actium (31 BC) and the end of the Civil War, the Legio XXX Classica, like many other legions, was disbanded.


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Individual evidence

  1. Both names refer to the same unit with high probability. See:
    Emil Ritterling : Legio (XXX). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XII, 2, Stuttgart 1925, Sp. 1821.
    Lawrence Keppie: Legions and veterans: Roman army papers 1971-2000 , Steiner, 2000, ISBN 978-3-515-07744-6 , p. 89;
    Lukas de Blois, Elio Lo Cascio (Ed.): The Impact of the Roman Army (200 BC - AD 476): Economic, Social, Political, Religious and Cultural Aspects , Series: Impact of Empire Vol. 6, Brill 2007, ISBN 978-90-04-16044-6 , p. 171.
  2. [Caesar]: De Bello Alexandrino 51-54.
  3. [Caesar]: De Bello Alexandrino 56.
  4. [Caesar]: De Bello Alexandrino 60-63.
  5. ^ Lesley Adkins: Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome , Sonlight Christian, 2004, ISBN 0-8160-5026-0 , p. 57.
  6. ^ Marcus Tullius Cicero , Ad familiares 10, 32.
  7. ^ A b Emil Ritterling : Legio (XXX). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XII, 2, Stuttgart 1925, Sp. 1821.
  8. Eckhard J. Schnabel : Urchristliche Mission , series: TVG Monographien und Studienbücher Volume 475, Brockhaus, 2002, ISBN 3-417-29475-4 , p. 1192; see:
    A. Baroni, A. Raggi, G. Salmeri (eds.): Colonie romane nel mondo greco , L'Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2004, ISBN 88-8265-276-9 , pp. 154-155