Legio I Macriana liberatrix

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The Legio I Macriana Liberatrix was a legion of the Roman army that existed for a short time in 68. Her name means liberator of the Macer . The legion symbol is unknown.

In 68 the legatus Augusti propraetore Africae (governor of the province of Africa ) Lucius Clodius Macer revolted against Nero . To reinforce the legio III Augusta he commanded , which was also known as liberatrix , he raised the Legio I Macriana Liberatrix . It is unknown whether the Legion soldiers were given an opportunity to be used in combat, as Nero killed himself shortly after being drafted . His successor Galba mistrusted Macer and feared that Macer might rebel against him too.

Galba had Macer murdered in 68 by the procurator Trebonius Garutianus. The legion that had just been raised was immediately disbanded. It is possible that Vitellius , Galba's successor in 69, attempted in vain to rebuild it; It is more likely that those called up will be integrated into other legions.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Roman Imperial Coinage Vol. 1 on Clodius Macer: L CLODI MACRI SC / LEG III AVG LIB
  2. ^ Emil Ritterling: Legio (I Macriana) . In: RE Volume XII, 2, Stuttgart 1925, Sp. 1417-1418. Compare Tacitus , Historiae , II.97


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