Legio I Flavia Martis

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Shield painting of the Martenses in the early 5th century

The Legio I Flavia Martis ("1st Flavian Legion consecrated to Mars ") was a legion of the late ancient Roman army.

The legion was probably raised by Constantius I (293 / 305-306). Later members of the "Flavian" or Constantinian dynasty were Christianized and would not have named the Legion after a pagan deity.

In the course of the 4th century, two units called Martenses emerged from the Legion , which served as Pseudocomitatenses (field army) under the command of the Magister Peditum and Magister Equitum Galliarum .

Two other units were stationed as Limitanei (border army) a Praefectus militum Martensium in Alta Ripa (today Altrip ) under the Dux Mogontiacensis and in Aletum (today Aleth, near Saint-Malo ) on the northwest coast of Gaul under the Dux tractus Armoricani et Nervicani . The origin of these troops from the Legio I Flavia Martis is uncertain , however.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Notitia Dignitatum Occ. V.
  2. a b c Jona Lendering: Legio I Flavia Martis . In: Livius.org (English)
  3. Notitia Dignitatum Occ. VII.
  4. Dietrich Hoffmann : The late Roman movement army and the Notitia Dignitatum . Part 2, Rheinland-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1970, p. 72 (Epigraphic Studies, Volume 7, Part 2).
  5. Notitia Dignitatum Occ. XLI.
  6. Notitia Dignitatum Occ. XXXVII.