Leo Cholevius

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Karl Leo Cholevius (born March 11, 1814 in Barten , East Prussia Province ; † December 13, 1878 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German teacher and literary historian in Königsberg.


As the son of the businessman Karl Ludwig Cholevius and his wife Amalie geb. Cholevius attended high school in Rastenburg . Since the summer semester of 1833 he studied philology and history at the Albertus University in Königsberg , especially with Friedrich Wilhelm Schubert . In the same semester he became a member of the Corps Masovia . After the exam pro facultate docendi (1837) and the probationary year in Rastenburg , he came to the Kneiphöfische Gymnasium in Königsberg in 1839 as an assistant teacher . In the same year he became a full teacher and in 1857 a high school professor . Paul Schlenther and Ernst Wichert are among his students .

The main focus of his work was the German-language literature of the 18th and 19th centuries, Johann Gottfried Herder , German poetry , the German novel of the 17th century and the literature of East Prussia . Cholevius was a member of the Royal German Society (Königsberg) . For John Koch he was a "author of once highly valued works on German literature and German teaching [...] a stout, jovial old man and a strong sniff" .


  • Dr. phil. hc of the Albertus University (1862)
  • Leo Cholevius scholarship for students at the Kneiphöfschen Gymnasium


  • Dispositions and materials for German essays , 2 volumes. Leipzig 1860–1862, 10th edition 1886–1887
  • Practical instructions for writing German essays . Leipzig 1868, 6th edition 1893
  • History of German poetry according to its ancient elements , 2 volumes. Leipzig 1854-1856
  • About Hercules and Valiska's miracle story by AH Bucholtz . Koenigsberg 1864
  • The most important German novels of the 17th century . Leipzig 1866 Google Books (a pioneering work in the field of baroque research )
  • Aesthetic and historical introduction along with a continuous explanation of Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea . Leipzig 1863, 3rd edition 1897 Google Books


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 89/181
  2. ^ List of all members of the Corps Masovia 1823 to 2005 . Potsdam 2006.