Lev Alexandrovich Michelson

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Lev Alexandrowitsch Michelson ( Russian Лев Александрович Михельсон ; * 7 August July / 19 August  1861 greg. In Tultschyn ; † August 2, 1923 in Munich ) was a Ukrainian - Russian lawyer and entrepreneur .


Michelson's parents were the noble civil engineer Alexander Michailowitsch Michelson (1825-1875) and his wife Marie Antoinette Feodorovna nee Delius. Michelson was the second of 5 children. Like his brother Vladimir, one year older, he attended the private grammar school of Franz Ivanovich Kreimans in Moscow with a degree in 1878. He then studied at the law faculty of Moscow University (MGU) with a degree in 1883 as a candidate , while his brother Vladimir at the physics and mathematics faculty of MGU studied and became a physicist .

A.-K.-Ferster-Michelson-Villa, Malaja Nikitskaja Uliza 18, Moscow

After completing his studies, Michelson went to Irkutsk as a lawyer to represent the interests of a Moscow textile company against the trading house of the brothers Michail Dmitrijewitsch Butin and Nikolai Dmitrijetisch Butin, who owned various industrial companies and 50 gold fields and which had financial difficulties. The trading house Butin was placed under receivership and liquidated by the creditors , with the participants and Michelson being placed under personal enrichment.

In 1895 Michelson received a license to prospect for gold and ore deposits . In 1896 he founded the joint-stock company of Sudschensk coal mine with the collegiate secretary (10th class ) NI Perfiljew and the Omsk businessman GI Remennikow . After buying up the shares of his co-partners in 1897, he was the sole owner of the most important Siberian coal mines, which supplied the steel works and factories in Siberia and the Urals . He had a monopoly on selling coal between the Volga and Yenisei . In 1908 he signed a contract with the management of the Trans-Siberian Railway for the delivery of 9 million puds annually until 1916. In 1916 the total assets of the Sudschensk mines were 8 million rubles .

In 1914 Michelson acquired the majority of shares in the Moscow evening newspaper Vecherneye Vremja, founded by Alexei Sergejewitsch Suvorin , with a circulation of up to 135,000. He also owned the majority of shares in Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov's newspaper Golos Moskwy . During the First World War , Michelson bought the Moscow Electromechanical Plant ( Michelson Plant ) from the company WJ Hopper & Co. in 1916 , where an attack on Lenin occurred in January 1918 . Michelson's factory produced grenades for 15 million rubles. In the year of the February Revolution, 1917 , Michelson founded the Russkaya Maschina joint-stock company with a capital of 12 million rubles. To this end, he expanded the company in Siberia and bought more mines, 3 sawmills in Kuzbass , a grain mill and a brickyard . He owned dachas , country estates and the villa built by Adolf Wilhelm Erichson in 1899 in Moscow's Malaja Nikitskaja Uliza 18. After the October Revolution , Michelson's property was nationalized.

Michelson supported the constitutional monarchy and was a member of the Central Committee of the Octobrists' Party . He was married to Nadezhda Mikhailovna nee Gorbova.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Михельсон, Лев Александрович . In: Историческая энциклопедия Сибири . 2009 ( irkipedia.ru [accessed March 20, 2019]).
  2. a b КАРТОЧКА РЕГИСТРАЦИИ ПЕРСОНАЛИИ в электронном энциклопедическом ресурсе «Извесурсе Извесурсе Извесурсе Извесурсе Извескитные и зенаменжержнженаменурсе on March 20th, 2019.
  3. a b Кузнецова П .: К вопросу о родословной владельца Судженских копей Л.А. Михельсона (accessed March 18, 2019).
  4. ^ A b Eva-Maria Stolberg: Siberia - Russia's “Wilder East” - Myth and Social Reality in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Revised version of the habilitation thesis, accepted by the Philosophical Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat in Bonn (winter semester 2005 / 2006)) . 2006, p. 224 ( d-nb.info [accessed March 20, 2019]).