Life Is Strange: Before the Storm

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Life Is Strange: Before the Storm
Life is Strange - Before the Storm logo.png
Studio Deck nine
Publisher Square Enix
Senior Developer Webb Pickersgill (Lead Director)
Chris Floyd (Lead Director)
Zak Garriss (Chief Writer)
Andrew Weatherl (Art Director)
composer Daughter
Episode 1: August 31, 2017
Episode 2: October 19, 2017
Episode 3: December 19, 2017
Bonus episode : March 5, 2018
platform Linux , macOS , PlayStation 4 , Windows , Xbox One
Game engine Unity
genre Adventure
Game mode Single player
control Mouse, keyboard, gamepad
medium Download , Blu-ray
language Audio: English
Subtitles: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified)
Current version PS4: 1.04 (January 9, 2018)
Age rating
USK released from 12
PEGI recommended for ages 16+

Life Is Strange: Before the Storm is divided into three episodes 3D Adventure of US Developer Deck Nine Games , whose first episode on 31 August 2017 by the Japanese publisher Square Enix for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and for Windows - PCs on Steam was released. Life Is Strange: Before the Storm is the prequel to Life Is Strange , which was released in 2015.


The prequel takes place in the fictional town of Arcadia Bay in the US state of Oregon in May 2010, three years before the events in Life Is Strange . The game is largely about the relationship between two girls: Chloe Price, the game's protagonist, and Rachel Amber. As the rebellious Chloe goes through a difficult period of her teenage years at the age of sixteen, her life is significantly affected by Rachel. The player controls Chloe from a third-person perspective .

Unlike Max from Life is Strange , Chloe does not have supernatural abilities, which changes the game mechanics somewhat. Chloe's special ability ( talk back ) is to assert oneself through quick-wittedness in different conversation situations. The player has to decide on the most accurate interaction possible within a limited period of time.

Episode 1: Awake

16-year-old Chloe Price visits an abandoned sawmill where a concert by the rock band "Firewalk" is taking place. During the concert, she is threatened by two men and has no chance to escape. At the last moment, a young woman dressed like a punk appears and speaks to the men. This allows Chloe to attack the men or run away. If Chloe just runs away, she'll be unharmed. The young woman then throws her beer bottle on the attacker's head. That's when Chloe realizes she knows the girl from school: It's Rachel Amber. The two girls flee, and the men who chase them are stopped by the dealer Frank Bowers. Rachel and Chloe hit the dance floor, where they dance the rest of the night and enjoy the concert.

The next morning, Chloe wakes up in her room around 7:00 a.m. While rummaging through Chloe's room, the player discovers her diary, where she keeps her letters to her old school friend Max Caulfield, who has moved to Seattle and who she never mailed. The player learns that she is in the midst of a crisis following the death of her father and that she cannot stand her mother, Joyce, after she has met another man: David Madsen. Joyce tells her about her disappointment with Chloe's behavior over breakfast, but Chloe doesn't want to hear anything. She meets David in the garage driveway, who has to drive her to Blackwell Academy . The relationship between Chloe and David is strained; any conversation ends in an argument.

On the way to school, Chloe has a dream: her father is at the wheel of the car, she is sitting in the back seat, enjoying the moment and the memories of her father. The dream sequence ends with her father's car accident and Chloe wakes up.

After Chloe arrives at school, she encounters various classmates with whom she can interact. There is u. a. the opportunity to sabotage the homework of the unloved classmate Victoria Chase, as well as play a pen and paper role-playing game with Steph and her boyfriend Mikey North . As soon as Chloe enters the school building, she meets Rachel, who is wearing a theatrical costume. Rachel takes Chloe to the theater group (in the original: "Drama Club"), where a scene is being rehearsed. After the rehearsal ends, Rachel changes in the cloakroom. If Chloe has a bruise on her face, Chloe can ask Rachel to put her makeup on. Rachel suggests Chloe skip school with her, to which Chloe agrees.

In the forest, they both jump on a passing freight train. They get to know each other better during the train ride. They jump off the freight train as they pass a park. Rachel suggests that Chloe spy on park visitors through binoculars. They imagine what the park visitors think and what they are talking about. At some point, Chloe aims the binoculars at a man and woman who are hugging and kissing under a tree. Rachel then ends the game, her previously cheerful mood changes dramatically, and she walks away. Chloe is irritated. After drinking a wine bottle stolen from a couple, the two girls run over the railroad tracks to the municipal junkyard.

There an argument breaks out between Rachel and Chloe because Rachel wants to be left alone, but Chloe does not understand her sudden change of mood and tries to entertain Rachel. Rachel wants to leave. Chloe is desperate and tearfully tries to find out what's wrong with Rachel. Rachel asks Chloe what their situation is like. The player has the choice whether Chloe only wants to reveal a friendship with Rachel or her love. But Rachel doesn't want to explain her sudden negative mood, nor can she reciprocate Chloe's feelings and disappears. Angry, Chloe grabs a baseball bat and destroys everything in the junkyard that reminds her of the people who have disappeared from her life and who she is disappointed with. Eventually she finds her father's wrecked car in the junkyard, which she hits. She suffers a nervous breakdown in the process.

Chloe dreams again. She is back in her father's car. This time her father tells that she has found a new friend. Rachel's car stops, and a short time later Rachel catches fire. Then, as before, the dream ends with the car accident.

Late in the evening, Chloe wakes up in the back seat of the accident car. She leaves the junkyard and goes back to the park. There she finds Rachel under the tree where the unknown couple kissed before. Rachel apologizes and explains to Chloe that the man they were watching with binoculars was her father kissing a strange woman. Rachel feels betrayed and confesses to Chloe that she wants to leave Arcadia Bay . She suggests Chloe leave town with her; Chloe agrees to the proposal. Rachel also decides to burn a picture of her and her father that she always kept with her. The fire gets out of control and after a while the entire forest is on fire. The episode ends with the unknown woman who kissed Rachel's father under the tree and now looks at the forest fire from a distance while smoking a cigarette.

Episode 2: Brave New World

The episode begins in the office of Blackwell Academy Director Ray Wells. Wells holds Chloe and Rachel responsible for the previous day's misconduct. Model student Rachel takes responsibility for it in order to save the already conspicuous Chloe from punishment. As a result, Rachel has to give up her role in the evening theater performance of William Shakespeare's The Tempest to Victoria Chase that same day . The player can now try as Chloe in a back talk conversation to convince Director Wells of her guilt and thus to exonerate Rachel. If you decide to do so, she will be expelled from school. Otherwise, Chloe will be suspended until the end of the year.

There is a heated conversation between Chloe, her mother and David in the school parking lot. Chloe's mother wants to restart the family relationship. David urges Chloe to be more disciplined and renounce drugs. He therefore asks them to put the contents of their bags on the hood. Chloe can do that or refuse. David announces that he wants to move in. Chloe feels betrayed and abandoned by her mother and says that her home will no longer be home for her when David is there. In her grief, Chloe retires to the junkyard and tinkers with a car there. She receives a call from Frank who wants to discuss something important with her and makes an appointment with Rachel.

Chloe falls asleep in the car. In a nightmare, she sees the burning forest and her father, who is roasting marshmallows with a raven on his wrecked car against the backdrop of the strong forest fire. Father warns Chloe metaphorically about the fire, the beauty of which can blind you and ultimately "burn" on it.

When she wakes up, Rachel is standing in front of the car door. In the car, the two talk about their problems in a mock “therapy session”. Finally, Frank arrives, from whose mobile home Chloe sees the mysterious woman from the park get out. Frank takes Chloe with his motor home. On the journey, the player has the opportunity to ask Frank about the unknown woman. If you succeed, you find out that the ominous woman is called Sera and, according to Frank, causes various problems. Frank gives Chloe an opportunity to pay off her own debts by stealing money from Blackwell student Drew North that he owes Frank. Chloe enters Drew's room in the Blackwell Dormitory. Shortly after she found the money, first Mikey (Drew's brother) and then Drew appear in person. Before talking, Damon shows up at the dorm to collect the money. Drew leaves his room to clarify the matter with Damon in front of the door and is beaten up by him there. The player now has the choice to step in and give Damon the money or to stay in the room. Depending on the choice, either Mikey's arm (when he tries to prevent the handover of the money) or Drew's leg (as a result of the brawl) is injured like a hospital.

The theater performance takes place in the evening. Victoria wants Rachel's role as Prospera and tries to incapacitate Rachel with a poisoned tea, which Chloe notices. You manage to put Victoria out of action (e.g. by swapping cups). Shortly before the start of the performance, the cancellation threatens because the original line-up of Ariel cannot come due to the roads being closed due to the forest fire. Chloe agrees, slightly reluctantly, for Rachel to take on the role. During the emotional performance, Chloe and Rachel improvise at certain points. The dialogues reflect their relationship, mutual affection and the dream of a future together outside of Arcadia Bay :

“We will fly away from this island - the farthest corners of the world just our beginning. My desire is to let your bliss so flourish, the name of freedom fades from you. What do you say about my wish, so full of hope? "

- Rachel as Prospera


- Chloe as Ariel

On a walk through the city in the evening, Rachel convinces the skeptical Chloe to put the plan into action and leave Arcadia Bay . At this point it is possible for both of them to kiss. Also, Rachel can be tricked into giving her bracelet to Chloe, which significantly changes the course of the story. They decide to visit Rachel's affluent childhood home, where Rachel wants to pack her things. The attempt to sneak past the parents fails, so the two have to stay for dinner. Rachel or Chloe does not manage to hold back her anger at Rachel's cheating, a clean man image nurturing father who is a prosecutor . When Rachel confronts him openly and Chloe defends her, he wants to refer Chloe because of her negative influence on Rachel of the house, from what his wife holds him back. Rachel goes into a fit of anger and smashes the dining table, whereupon her father says that the woman he kissed is Rachel's birth mother. At the end of the episode, she can be seen standing alone on a street in the ash rain at night.

Episode 3: Hell Is Empty

The third episode picks up where the second left off. Rachel's father tells Rachel and Chloe about Rachel's birth mother, Sera, a fun-loving woman he split from because of her addiction to heroin . He prevented Sera's dealings with Rachel by regularly sending her money. After successfully treating her addiction, Sera met Rachel's father in the park to ask him to contact Rachel, which he declined due to overly concerns about Rachel - but also to preserve his image. Rachel is deeply shaken by the lie to which she has succumbed for years. In her room, Chloe tries to comfort Rachel, while they fall asleep arm in arm. Rachel's main goal now is to find her birth mother, and Chloe wants to help her.

Chloe dreams again: She is on the theater stage with her father. The four chairs on the stage represent car seats on which both sit. In the audience sit Victoria, Director Wells, Rachel's parents, Chloe's mother with David and a raven. Chloe, who is visibly afraid of losing her father again, gets out to fix the car and Chloe's father explains to her that all of life is just a big spectacle, nothing is real and that she should relax. Chloe cannot accept this as she only wants to be herself and not an actress. In the end, a truck runs over Chloe's father along with the car. Chloe bursts into tears.

The next day, Chloe makes an appointment with Frank at the junkyard to get more information about Sera and to arrange a meeting between Sera and Rachel. Before she sets off, David would like to apologize for the "disciplinary action" beforehand. David says that he too suffered losses when he lost a good friend in the field while serving as a soldier. David hopes that a photo of him with his fallen friend will generate understanding for Chloe. The player can decide whether to accept the picture or not.

Rachel and Chloe meet Frank at the junkyard when the ruthless drug lord Damon arrives shortly afterwards. He tries to intimidate the two girls. When Damon learns that the prosecutor's daughter is standing in front of him, he pulls out a knife. When Rachel hits him with a wooden slat, there is a fight, at the end of which Rachel is stabbed in the arm. Chloe and Rachel manage to escape from the junkyard in a repaired car and take her to the hospital, saving her life. When Rachel comes to in the hospital bed, she tells Chloe that she wants to keep finding her mother.

Chloe breaks into Rachel's father's office to find clues about Sera's whereabouts. There she finds a cell phone. An SMS conversation reveals that Damon is negotiating with Rachel's father. Chloe pretends to be Rachel's father to get information. For this she must u. a. Burn evidence and bring money to Damon. Letters make it clear that Sera tried desperately to contact Rachel via letters, but that her father intercepts them and keeps them hidden in his office. There is also a letter from Sera's attorney stating that Sera wants to assert her right to custody of Rachel. Finally, Damon sends a photo of Sera, in which she can be seen tied to a chair.

When Chloe is about to drive to the sawmill, the pushy student Eliot appears in the house, who has followed Chloe. Jealous of Rachel and her close relationship with Chloe, he says that he wants to protect Chloe from Rachel and lead her astray. Chloe feels stalked and secretly alerts the police. When this arrives, Chloe uses the confusion to flee to the sawmill. On the way to the sawmill, Chloe's inattentiveness almost leads to a collision with a truck, which she can barely avoid. Chloe has an imaginary conversation with her late father. Chloe wonders if, from her “perfect father” point of view, she also had bad sides and lied to her.

Arriving at the sawmill, Chloe finds a trail of blood on Frank's mobile home. Chloe goes to the sawmill, where she finds Damon with Sera tied up. From their conversation, Chloe learns that Rachel's father is probably using Damon as a contract killer to get Sera out of the world. Damon injects Sera with heroin. When Chloe tries to intervene, she is attacked and injured by Damon. When Frank arrives, a fight begins between him and Damon, in the course of which Chloe passes out after being kicked in the head. After Chloe comes to, Frank and Damon have disappeared and the freed Sera is sitting in front of her. In a conversation, Sera Chloe makes it clear that she doesn't want to meet her daughter anymore, because she can't really fulfill her mother role anyway. She wants Rachel to continue living in her sheltered parents' home that would have been broken by the revelations.

The player is now faced with the choice of telling Rachel the true story or protecting her from it; this determines the cohesion of the Amber family.

At the end of the episode there may be a. to see some scenes - probably for the next few years - in which Rachel and Chloe hang out and have fun together. If Rachel gave the bracelet to Chloe at the end of Episode 2, Rachel and Sera will meet again. The last step is to April 22, 2013, when Rachel Amber is killed by Nathan Prescott in the dark room . It shows Rachel's cell phone, which has received some calls from Chloe, who was desperately trying to contact the missing Rachel.

Bonus episode: Farewell

In the bonus episode, the player controls Max Caulfield.

It's 2008. 13-year-old Max is staying in Chloe's room with her lively and science-loving best friend, Chloe. Max seeks an opportunity to explain to Chloe that she and her family will be moving to Seattle in three days .

Together they tidy up the room and find many objects with memories of childhood adventures attached to them. In the process, they come across an old cassette recording on which the two girls play pirates. You will also find an old self-drawn treasure map. They wonder if the treasure is still there and Chloe suggests that they go on a treasure hunt like in the old days. Max goes to the attic to find an amulet that is needed to find the treasure. On the way, Max has the opportunity to explore the upper floor of the house. She found emails on Chloe's parents' computer. From the emails it can be read that Chloe, who recently joined Blackwell Academy , has initial problems with classmates at school. In the attic she finds the amulet on which u. a. a pirate ship is pictured. From there she sees Chloe in the garden on the swing (the "pirate ship") with a pirate hat and telescope playing a pirate. Max goes to Chloe's garden with the amulet. You glue the amulet to the telescope and can now connect the drawing on the amulet with the view from the swing. They dig up the pirate treasure marked with a red cross. This includes u. a. two letters the two wrote to each other when they were younger. They should find and read these as teenagers.

Max can now listen to the answering machine of the phone, on which the parents of a classmate complain about Chloe's behavior towards their daughter. Chloe tells Max that she had manipulated her classmate's bunsen burner because she had previously teased her about her clothes. Finally Max finds an opportunity to tell about their move. However, Chloe already knows about it from her parents - so both of them didn't mention it for a long time in order not to create a bad mood and to be able to continue having fun together. Shortly after they announced that they would like to stay in touch, Chloe's mother Joyce comes in crying and is accompanied by a police officer: Chloe's father William is dead. In the end, Chloe, Joyce and Max can be seen at the funeral, after Max leaving for Seattle. After Chloe comes home, she finds a goodbye note in her room that Max left her on a cassette. Chloe breaks down crying.

Production notes

In early June 2017, there were initial rumors that Deck Nine Games was working on a prequel for Life Is Strange , as the first images of the prequel had surfaced. The development studio had previously announced that they were working on a new part of a well-known adventure game. On June 12, 2017 at Microsoft's E3 conference , publisher Square Enix announced the prequel of Life Is Strange entitled "Life Is Strange: Before The Storm".

Deck Nine Games had built up a new team with level designers, graphic artists and scriptwriters from the video game, film and television industries since 2014 and developed a new tool called StoryForge that is supposed to give creative people the freedom they need to create a narrative adventure game. While Dontnod Entertainment used the Unreal Engine 3 for Life Is Strange , Deck Nine Games used the widespread engine Unity for the prequel , which was implemented in StoryForge .

The game was scripted in collaboration with Ashly Burch, who cast Chloe's voice on Life Is Strange . According to lead writer Zak Garriss, she helped writers get Chloe right in terms of her dialogue and personality.


The voice actress Ashly Burch announced shortly after the E3 conference that they will not take on the voice of Chloe in this prequel. Burch was unable to take over her speaking role due to the SAG-AFTRA strike. She was replaced by spokeswoman Rhianna DeVries. In 2018, however, she was allowed to slip into the role of Chloe for the last time - in the short bonus episode "Farewell" she gave her her voice again.

Voice actors in the overview
role Voice actor role Voice actor
Chloe Price Rhianna DeVries (episodes 1 to 3),
Ashly Burch (bonus episode : Farewell)
Rachel Amber Kylie Brown
Mikey North Dillon Winfrey Caleb Caleb couch
Nathan Prescott Caleb Thomas Joyce Price Bootsie Park
David Madsen DW McCann Frank Bowers Nick Apostolides
Eliot Hampden Cameron Quiseng Steph Gingrich Katy Bentz
Drew North Trey Hutch Principal Ray Wells Marcus Oliver
Biker Michael Vasque Skip Matthews Tanner Gould
Evan Harris Casey Leach Taylor Christensen Emily Sergent
Samantha Myers Hailey Hayes Victoria Chase Theresa Croft
Michelle Grant Gina Dobson Justin Williams Chad Skiles
Hayden Jones Ike A Travis Keaton Steve Phelan
Dana Ward Maura Corsini William Price Peter D. Michael
DJ Stan Stanwick Matt VanKleek Damon Merrick Kyle Williams
James Amber Patrick Finerty Rose Amber Kelly Handcock
Samuel Taylor Kelly McCracken Juliet Watson Krystina Tasker
Sean Prescott Robert O'Meara Amy Rivers Mallory Littleton
Fire Chief Kearney Chuck Carr Sera Gearhardt Andrea Fletcher
Doctor DW McCann Samantha's mother Hailey Hayes
Firefighter Kelly McCracken Female picnicker Meg Saricks
Firefighter Webb Pickersgill Sergeant Alex Keller David Lawrence Hein
Others Peter Michael , Steve Phelan , Meg Saricks ,
DW McCann , Carson Beck , Tanner Gould


The soundtrack for the game was developed by the British indie folk - band Daughter composed over a period of about six months. The soundtrack album was released on September 1, 2017 under the title "Music From Before The Storm". The band uses instruments that are supposed to embody the various emotions of the main character. Piano was chosen for isolation, electric guitar for rebellion and superimposed vocals for friendship.

Track list
  1. Glass
  2. Burn It Down
  3. Flaws
  4. Hope
  5. The Right Way Around
  6. Witches
  7. Departure
  8. All I Wanted
  9. I Can't Live Here Anymore
  10. Dreams of William
  11. Improve
  12. Voices
  13. A Hole in the Earth

Other songs that are not on the soundtrack album but appear in the game (in chronological order):

episode tape Music track scene
1 Pretty Vicious Are you ready for me At the concert of the fictional rock band "Firewalk"
1 Speedy Ortiz No below On waking up in Chloe's room
1 Thomm Jutz & Peter Cronin Burning The Midnight Oil Dream while driving
1 Lanterns On The Lake Through The Cellar Door During the train ride
2 Daughter No care While Chloe smeared graffiti on the toilet
2 Tenderfoot Crazy Suzie On the radio in the junkyard
2 Sarah Gillespie Out of line
2 Aaron Jones Slaves
2 Enter The Void Just hold on
2 Tom Boddy & Pete Masitti Fly
2 Barrie Gledden , Chris Bussey & Jason Pedder Lucky ones
2 Barrie Gledden, Chris Bussey & Jason Pedder One in a million
2 Broods Taking You There (Acoustic) While Chloe and Rachel walk around town after the theater show and talk
2 Tim Garland Heavenly Moon In Rachel's house
2 Tim Garland Foolish Dreamer
2 Tim Garland Smile At Me
2 Tim Garland Strange Shapes That Love Takes
2 Daughter Youth Montage at the end of the second episode
3 Koda I dont In Rachel's room
3 John Dankworth Memories Of Benny Chloe hears her mother and David listening to music upstairs in her house
3 John Dankworth Redwood Trail Chloe's mother and David are listening to the radio in the kitchen, and Chloe is watching them
3 John Dankworth Memories Of Benny
3 Barrie Gledden Power To The People On the radio in the junkyard
3 Barrie Gledden Who Knows
3 Barrie Gledden When It Feels Like This
3 Barrie Gledden Pinstripe punk
3 Brody Dalle Don′t Mess With Me On the car radio while Chloe drives her pick-up to the sawmill
3 Wolf Alice Bros Montage of Chloe and Rachel at the end of the third episode and the first few minutes in the credits


The first of a total of three episodes of the prequel was released on August 31, 2017 for Windows PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Following the publication of the three episodes, the bonus episode “Farewell” was also released (original title: Farewell ), in which the Player who plays the young Max Caulfield. The bonus episode is only included in the digital deluxe edition and the physical collector's editions ("Limited Edition" and "Vinyl Edition"). A version for macOS and Linux that was ported by Feral Interactive was released on September 13, 2018.

German title Original title Initial release
Episode 1: Awake Episode 1: Awake August 31, 2017
Episode 2: Brave New World Episode 2: Brave New World 19th October 2017
Episode 3: Hell Is Empty Episode 3: Hell Is Empty 19th December 2017
Goodbye Farewell 5th March 2018


publication Rating
PS4 Windows Xbox One
Adventure meeting k. A. 85% k. A.
PC Games 87% 87% 87%
PlayStation Experience 80% (12/15 stars) k. A. k. A.
GameRankings 71.83% 71.67% 80%
Metacritic 73 74 k. A.

Life Is Strange: Before the Storm received mostly positive reviews. Metacritic aggregated a total of 23 reviews with a mean of 74 (PC) and 73 (PlayStation 4). The adventure trade magazine Adventure-Treff pointed out that Life Is Strange: Before the Storm was a “fantastic experience” despite the change of studio and the renunciation of the innovative time loop function of its predecessor. The magazine praised the atmosphere, narrative depth and character drawing right down to minor supporting roles, but criticized undemanding puzzles and a "hastily brought to an end third episode". The title culture magazine comes to a mixed assessment : It attests the game the difficult task of serving as a prologue to a quite independent story. Overall, there would be a decent character drawing, but the dialogues and the end of the story were not convincing.

The Aeggie Awards of the magazine Adventure Gamers won Life Is Strange: Before the Storm in 2017 the Audience Award in the category "Best Writing - Drama".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imanuel Thiele: Life is Strange: Before the Storm - main character Chloe gets a new ability. In: August 24, 2017. Retrieved September 1, 2017 .
  2. Samit Sarkar: Report: Life is Strange prequel leaked. Polygon , June 1, 2017, accessed January 5, 2018 .
  3. Veteran videogame developer relaunches as “Deck Nine”. In: Deck Nine Game, May 31, 2017, accessed September 3, 2017 .
  4. ^ Matthias Dammes: Life is Strange: Rumor about a prequel from Deck Nine Games surfaced. In: June 1, 2017, accessed September 3, 2017 . /
  5. Video: Xbox E3 2017 Briefing. Microsoft Windows, June 12, 2017, accessed September 3, 2017 .
  6. Jem Alexander: Interview: Life Will Be Strange. (No longer available online.) July 24, 2017, archived from the original on September 1, 2017 ; accessed on September 3, 2013 .
  7. AMA with Deck Nine Games Live at 4pm BST! In: August 10, 2017, accessed September 3, 2017 .
  8. AMA with Deck Nine Games Live at 4pm BST! In: August 10, 2017, accessed September 3, 2017 .
  9. Allegra Frank: Life is Strange: Before the Storm got a lot of help from exiting voice actor Ashly Burch. In: July 18, 2017, accessed September 3, 2017 .
  10. ^ A b Toby Palm: Life is Strange: Before the Storm. In: June 11, 2017. Retrieved September 3, 2017 .
  11. Linda Sprenger: Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Chloe spokeswoman no longer there due to strike. In: June 13, 2017. Retrieved September 3, 2017 .
  12. See credit in the credits
  13. Bryan Kress: Watch London Trio Daughter Create Music for 'Life Is Strange: Before The Storm' Video Game. In: August 9, 2017. Retrieved September 3, 2017 .
  14. Thomas Biery: How Life is Strange: Before the Storm's music brings out Chloe's emotions. In: August 24, 2017, accessed September 3, 2017 .
  15. Burning The Midnight Oil from the album Nashville Country 2 (ANW 1723). In: Audio Network Limited. Retrieved September 6, 2017 .
  16. Linda Sprenger: Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Max can be played one last time in bonus episode "Farewell". In: June 14, 2017. Retrieved September 3, 2017 .
  17. Life is Strange Before the Storm - Limited Edition. In: Retrieved March 9, 2018 .
  18. Life is Strange Before the Storm - Vinyal Edition. In: Retrieved March 9, 2018 .
  19. On September 13th, Life is Strange: Before the Storm will be released on macOS and Linux. In: September 6, 2018, accessed September 15, 2018 .
  20. A must-have game on macOS and Linux - Life is Strange: Before the Storm is out now. In: September 13, 2018, accessed September 15, 2018 .
  21. Toby Palm: Episode 2 Before the Storm out now! In: October 19, 2017. Retrieved October 22, 2017 .
  22. Toby Palm: Before the Storm Complete Season Out Now! In: Retrieved December 19, 2017 .
  23. Dominik Zwingmann: Life is Strange: Before the Storm - release time of the bonus episode known. In: Retrieved February 27, 2018 .
  24. a b Life Is Strange: Before the Storm - PS4. In: Retrieved February 22, 2018 .
  25. ^ A b Life Is Strange: Before the Storm - PC. In: Retrieved February 22, 2018 .
  26. Life is Strange: Before the Storm - PS4. In: Retrieved February 22, 2018 .
  27. Life is Strange: Before the Storm - PC. In: Retrieved February 22, 2018 .
  28. Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Xbox One. In: Retrieved February 22, 2018 .
  29. a b Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Test. April 1, 2018, accessed May 5, 2019 .
  30. a b c Matthias Dammes: Life is Strange: Before the Storm - complete season in the test. In: January 3, 2018, accessed February 22, 2018 .
  31. Kai Voss: [TEST] LIFE IS STRANGE: BEFORE THE STORM - hell is empty. In: January 15, 2018, accessed February 23, 2018 .
  32. TITLE culture magazine: From the end of loneliness. Retrieved February 22, 2018 .
  33. The Aggie Awards - The Best Adventure Games of 2017. Retrieved February 22, 2018 .