List of cultural monuments in Bärenstein (Altenberg)

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The list of cultural monuments in Bärenstein (Altenberg) contains the cultural monuments in the Altenberg district of Bärenstein . The notes are to be observed.

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Altenberg .
This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .

Bear stone

image designation location Dating description ID
Bärensteiner Markt monument protection area
Bärensteiner Markt monument protection area (Map) Proposal for a conservation area. The center of the city of Bärenstein is a monument protection area for historical, urban planning and landscape-shaping reasons. 09278681
Material entity component of the entity entity Müglitztalbahn, section Altenberg, OT Bärenstein
Material entity component of the entity entity Müglitztalbahn , section Altenberg, OT Bärenstein (Map) 1937–1938 (railway system); 1936 (railroad car); 1937–1938 (population component) Entirety of component of the entirety of Müglitztal web , Part Altenberg, OT Baerenstein, with the individual monuments: breakpoint Baerenstein with connection interlocking Förderverein Müglitztal web and coaches (. Single monument ID No. 09,278,692) and the entirety of components: bridge Bielefeldt Bach (km 24,255), Müglitzbrücke (km 25.842; HSO about NN 428), connection signal box Bärensteiner Holzverarbeitung GmbH, passage Werkgraben (km 26.68) and passage Werkgraben (km 27.15) as well as with the track structure. 09302501
Stone arch bridge (Map) re. 1850 (stone arch bridge) Stone arch bridge over the Kleine Biela; of importance in terms of technology and traffic history 09278707
Carl Gottlob Schwenke memorial stone (Map) re. 1837 (inscription) Memorial stone; of local importance 09278708
Klengel memorial
Klengel memorial August-Bebel-Strasse
after 1954 (monument) Memorial to the local historian Arthur Klengel (1881–1954); of local importance 09278698
barn August-Bebel-Strasse 2
Mid 19th century (barn) Barn of a two-sided courtyard; one of the few authentic objects of the old village development, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the town 09278705
barn August-Bebel-Strasse 4
Mid 19th century (barn) Barn; Relic of the old local structure, of economic significance 09278706
Road bridge August-Bebel-Straße 31 (in front)
2nd half of the 19th century (road bridge) Stone arch bridge over the village stream; historically important 09278704
Residential stable house August-Bebel-Strasse 33
re. 1838 (keystone) Residential stable of a two-sided courtyard; Upper floor half-timbered , of architectural significance 09278703
Residential stable house August-Bebel-Strasse 44
re. 1841 in relief panel (stable house) Residential stable house; relevance to the history of the building, of importance in shaping the streetscape 09278702
barn August-Bebel-Strasse 54
1st half of the 19th century (barn) Barn; of importance in shaping the streetscape 09278701
Farmhouse August-Bebel-Strasse 56
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse) Farmhouse (without rear annex); Upper floor half-timbered, preserved in appearance and half-timbered construction, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09278700
Residential building Bahnhofstrasse 4
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) Residential building; Upper floor half-timbered structure, of importance in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09278689
Waystone Bahnhofstrasse 13
19th century (Wegestein) Waystone; of importance in terms of traffic history 09278695
Residential building Bahnhofstrasse 18
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) Residential building (without rear extension); Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09278696
Cottage Bahnhofstrasse 24
probably around 1800 (cottage) Cottage (without extension); Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09278697
Residential building Kalkberg 4
around 1800 (residential building) Residential building; Of importance in terms of building history and urban planning 09278686
Residential building Kalkberg 6
Core 17th century, later reshaped (Stadtgut) Residential building of a former city estate, with heiste ; of importance in terms of building history and local history 09278683
Water supply and sewage system Kalkberg 6
re. 1903 (water supply and sewage system) Water house of an elevated tank; of significance in terms of technology history 09278682
Residential building Kalkberg 9
around 1900, core probably in the middle of the 19th century (residential building) Residential building; Façade with decorative elements, important in terms of urban development 09278685
Residential building Kalkberg 11
around 1900 (residential building) Residential house in closed development; Typical building with decorative elements, of importance in terms of urban development 09278684
Residential building Kirchgasse 2
around 1700, possibly older (residential building) Residential building; Upper floor half-timbered, dominant part of the market development, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the square 09278672
Residential building Kirchgasse 4
18th century or older (residential building) Residential building; Preserved largely original in appearance and substance, of importance in terms of building history and urban development 09278671
Residential building Kirchgasse 6
18th century or older (residential building) Residential building; Of importance in terms of building history and urban planning 09278687
portal Kirchgasse 7
re. 1739 (portal) Portal walls of a residential building; Unique in the place and one of the oldest garments, of architectural significance 09278688
Residential building Kirchgasse 8
re. 1857 (door frame), core 18th century Residential house in closed development; Structural component of the core development, of importance in terms of building history and urban development 09303394
Residential building Kirchgasse 10
18th century (residential building) Residential house in half-open development; Structural component of the core development, of importance in terms of building history and urban development 09303395
Ev.  Bärenstein town church and churchyard
Ev. Bärenstein town church and churchyard Kirchgasse 11
in the core of 1495 (church); 1738–1740 (renewal after fires); re. 1741 (lordship); 1741-1743 (organ brochure); 1862 (organ) Church with church furnishings, churchyard (extended to cemetery) and enclosure wall as well as a war memorial for those who fell in World War I and Petzold's tomb; In the choir of the church four valuable epitaphs , of architectural and local history as well as of artistic importance. 09278661
Rectory Kirchgasse 12
18th century (rectory) Former Rectory; Significant in terms of building and local history as well as urban planning 09278680
Saxon postal mileage column
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Saxon postal mileage column Market
re. 1734 (post distance column) Post mileage column; Distance column, of importance in terms of traffic and regional history. 09278656
town hall
town hall Market 1
on the gable 1895 (town hall) Town hall; Significant in terms of local history and the appearance of the square 09278670
Residential building
Residential building Market 2
1st half of the 19th century, core possibly older (residential building) Residential building; Part of the historical market development, of importance in terms of building history and urban development 09278659
Residential building Market 3
Kern 18th century (residential building) Residential house in half-open development; Structural component of the core development, historical and urban significance 09303391
Residential building Market 4
1st half of the 19th century, core older (residential building) Residential house in closed development; Part of the historical market development, of importance in terms of building history and urban development 09278660
Agricultural bourgeoisie Market 5
18th century (arable bourgeoisie) Arable bourgeois house in closed development; Structural component of the core development, historical and urban significance 09303392
Agricultural bourgeoisie Market 6
18th century (arable bourgeoisie) Arable bourgeois house in closed development; Structural component of the core development, historical and urban significance 09303393
Residential building Market 7
2nd half of the 18th century (residential building) Residential building (former inn); Part of the historical market development, of importance in terms of urban planning, the history of the place and the appearance of the square 09278662
Residential building Market 10
18th century (residential building); rear part rel. 1859 (residential house) Residential building; Preserved in its original appearance, important in terms of urban planning and the appearance of the square 09278664
Residential building Markt 12
around 1860 (residential building) House in corner location (together with Kalkberg 1); Significant in terms of building history and the appearance of the square 09278665
Residential building Market 14
around 1740 (residential building) Residential building; Significant in terms of building history and the appearance of the square 09278667
Residential building Markt 16
re. 1824, older core (residential building) Residential house in closed development; As part of the marketplace development, it is important in terms of building history, urban planning and the appearance of the square 09301929
Residential building Markt 17
around 1820, core older (residential building) Residential house in closed development; As part of the marketplace development, it is important in terms of building history, urban planning and the appearance of the square 09301931
Residential building Markt 18
around 1824, core older (residential building) Residential house in closed development; As part of the marketplace development, it is important in terms of building history, urban planning and the appearance of the square 09301932
Residential building Markt 19
around 1900 (residential building) Residential house in closed development; Part of the historical market development, of importance in terms of urban development 09278668
Residential building Market 20
1st half of the 19th century, core around 1800 (residential building) Residential house in corner location and in half-open development; in an exposed corner location on the market, of importance in terms of urban development 09278669
Old Town Hall
Old Town Hall Markt 21
17th or 18th century (town hall) Former town hall, today residential building, with workshop extension; intact, rarer half-timbered construction, of importance in terms of building history, the history of the place and the townscape 09278657
Old Town Hall Markt 21
re. 1604 (residential building) Former town hall; from the early 17th century, changes in the 1930s, decisively shaping the townscape, special architectural and local historical significance 09278658
Residential stable house Müglitztalstrasse 9
Keystone re. 1811 (stable house) Residential stable house (without river-side extensions); Half-timbered construction preserved, historically important 09278710
Bärenstein train station (individual monument for ID no.09302501)
Bärenstein train station (individual monument for ID no.09302501) Müglitztalstrasse 23
1938 (station building); around 1940 (goods shed); around 1890 (water station) Individual monuments of the entity of the Müglitztalbahn, section Altenberg, OT Bärenstein: station building, switch house, connection signal box Förderverein Müglitztalbahn and water station with water crane as well as the track with all other buildings; The railway station is of importance in terms of local history and traffic history 09278692
Royal Saxon milestones
Royal Saxon milestones Müglitztalstrasse 23
19th century (milestone) Milestone; reworked into a milestone, significant in terms of traffic history. Milestone made of sandstone, approx. 80 cm high, with a round finish, "Geising 6 km"; relevance to traffic history. 09278693
Huthaus inn
Huthaus inn Müglitztalstrasse 27
Kern built in 1785 (inn); 1st half of the 19th century (inn) Former hut house (without side extensions); Upper floor half-timbered, of local and mining historical importance, was a hut and prayer house from 1785 to 1864 09278690
Memorial stone Oberer Denkmalweg
re. 1885 (memorial stone) Memorial stone; of local importance 09278709
Unity of the manor and Bärenstein Castle
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Unity of the manor and Bärenstein Castle Castle courtyard 1; 5; 6; 7; 8th; 10; 11
14th century to 1810 (palace complex) Material ensemble of manor and Bärenstein Castle with the following individual monuments: mansion (No. 11), gatehouse (No. 1), former farm building (today residential building, No. 5–8) and archway as well as castle and enclosure, plus castle courtyard with pavilion, castle garden, Terraces and avenue (garden monuments); of importance in terms of building history, history and landscape design 09301358
Manor and Bärenstein Castle (individual monuments to ID No. 09301358) Castle courtyard 1; 5; 6; 7; 8th; 11
18th century (mansion); around 1800 (farm building); around 1900 (gatehouse) Individual features of the manor and Bärenstein Castle: mansion (no. 11), gatehouse (no. 1), and former farm buildings (today residential building, no. 5–8) as well as archway; of local importance 09278674
Manor and Bärenstein Castle (individual monuments to ID No. 09301358)
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Manor and Bärenstein Castle (individual monuments to ID No. 09301358) Schloßhof 10
in the core 14./15. Century (castle) Individual features of the entity manor and Bärenstein Castle: Castle and enclosure; In terms of building history, art history, local history and landscape design of importance 09278673
Residential building Schloßstraße 2
Door walls re. 1836 (residential building) Residential building; Preserved largely in its original appearance, of significance in terms of building history and urban planning 09278679
Residential building Schloßstraße 3
18th century (residential building) Residential building; Preserved in cubature and half-timbered construction, of architectural and urban significance 09278678
Residential building Schlossstrasse 5
around 1850, re. 185. (door frame) Residential building; largely preserved in its original form, important in terms of building history and urban development 09278677


  • This list is not suitable for deriving binding statements on the monument status of an object. As far as a legally binding determination of the listed property of an object is desired, the owner can apply to the responsible lower monument protection authority for a notice.
  • The official list of cultural monuments is never closed. It is permanently changed through clarifications, new additions or deletions. A transfer of such changes to this list is not guaranteed at the moment.
  • The monument quality of an object does not depend on its entry in this or the official list. Objects that are not listed can also be monuments.
  • Basically, the property of a monument extends to the substance and appearance as a whole, including the interior. Deviating applies if only parts are expressly protected (e.g. the facade).

Detailed memorial texts

  1. The town of Bärenstein, first mentioned around 1500, was founded in connection with the about 200 years older castle of the von Bernstein family (named). The market, made necessary by the separation of Bärenstein from Altenberg and Geising, is integrated into the landscape in a hollow that forms part of the path system between the castle (later a castle) and the (also older) Waldhufendorf on a rock spur above the valley of the Müglitz Seitental is involved. The monument protection area with organically grown building fabric includes the properties of the buildings delimiting the market square and parts of the Schloßstraße, Kalkberg, Bahnhofstraße and Kirchgasse arteries. The church with the cemetery visually forms the link between the village and the urban settlement. Through the Kirchgasse, its tower acts as a vertical accent in the market. The not quite rectangular market place, without straight lines, of approx. 125 x 75 m is surrounded by simple two-storey houses, some of them arable houses, in closed development. The relationship between the low building height and the square area is typical of a rural marketplace. The dominant features are the old brewery with its mighty hipped roof and its elaborate half-timbered construction from the beginning of the 17th century, as well as the high-altitude, historicist new town hall at the intersection of Schlossstrasse and Bahnhofstrasse. The external appearance of the other houses dates from the late 18th and early 19th centuries, as suggested by several keystones in the arched house entrances. In its interior there are often older construction stages (nos. 3–6). Even buildings from the further 19th century, despite somewhat larger cubatures, fit in well with the structure, which has hardly changed in terms of design since it was founded (due to the modest economic situation). Some of the smooth plastered facades still hide half-timbered upper floors. The sandstone walls of the openings and the slate-covered roofs, which occur both as saddle, hip and mansard roofs, are characteristic (LfD / 2011).
  2. ↑ Material entirety with buildings and engineering structures as well as the surviving evidence of the old narrow-gauge railway in the communities Heidenau , Dohna (OT Dohna, OT Köttewitz ), OT Müglitztal (OT Weesenstein ), OT Burkhardswalde , OT Mühlbach , Liebstadt (OT Großröhrsdorf ), Glashütte , OT Schlottwitz , OT Bärenhecke , OT Cunnersdorf , OT Neudörfel , OT Dittersdorf and Altenberg (OT Bärenstein ), OT Lauenstein and OT Geising - unique complex of supraregional historical importance.
  3. Ev. City Church, built in 1495 hall church , which received the surrounding walls and the choir vault, 1738-40 mainly renewed in the interior after several fires. Almost square hall with arched windows, strongly drawn-in two-bay choir with cross-ribbed vault , pointed arched windows and 3/8 end; square north tower. Flat-roofed interior with galleries on three sides, in the west an additional organ gallery, prospectus by Johann Ernst Hähnel 1741-43, organ work by Kohl 1862; on the north side two-storey manor's box ; in the choir three important, well-preserved epitaphs showing the deceased Bärenstein landlords in armor: Waltzig von Bernstein (d. 1492), dated 1522, Christoph von Bernstein, d. 1534, Caspar von Bernstein, d. 1612, and free-standing Hans Heinrich von Schönberg, died 1703. The churchyard (extended to the cemetery) with quarry stone enclosure wall with sandstone cover plates, gates with wrought iron gate wings; for rows of graves terraced terrain rising to the SW with ramp path; War memorial First World War: roofed monolith on a pedestal with hornbeam hedge, classicist tomb Christiane Dorothea Petzold (1799-1875); In terms of urban planning, the church tower culminates the special townscape, the church from architectural and local history, the portrait gravestones of high artistic importance (LFD / 2011).
  4. In 1722, the Electorate of Saxony began to erect the Saxon post-mile pillars. Elector Friedrich August I wanted to build a modern traffic and transport control system in the electorate in order to promote trade and economy. He entrusted Magister Adam Friedrich Zürner (1679 - 1742) with the implementation. The system of post mile pillars comprised distance pillars, quarter milestones, half and full mile pillars. The distance columns should be set up in the cities in front of the city gates, later only on the marketplaces. Quarter milestones, half and full mile pillars were set up along the Poststrasse. They received a consecutive numbering (row number), starting from the beginning of the measurement. The all-mile columns were set up outside the cities on the post roads at a distance of 1 mile (= 9.062 km). The distance pillars were marked with the monogram "AR" for "Augustus Rex", the Electoral Saxon and Polish-Lithuanian double coat of arms and the Polish royal crown. The full mile, half mile columns and quarter milestones were all similarly labeled, none of them had a coat of arms, but the monogram "AR". The distances were given in hours (1 hour = ½ post mile = 4.531 km). This mile system was the first European traffic management system. The pillar considered here is of great importance in the history of traffic as part of the nationally significant postal system.


Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Altenberg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files