List of natural monuments in Krefeld

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Natural monuments in Krefeld Natural monuments in Krefeld
Natural monuments in Krefeld

The list of natural monuments in Krefeld contains the natural monuments in the area of ​​the city of Krefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia . They are entered in the landscape plan of the city of Krefeld as of May 22, 2014. The basis for the inclusion was Section 22 of the Landscape Act (LG NW) , which was replaced in 2017 by the State Nature Conservation Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (LNatSchG NRW).

List of natural monuments in Krefeld

Memorial number Place / location Designation of the ND number Art Registered since Protective reason description image

ND 1 Krefeld - Hüls


German oak at the memorial 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 a and b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.30 m
Height: 25.0 m
Age: 150 years
ND 2 Krefeld - Hüls
Klever Strasse / Hinterorbroich


Dutch linden trees by the chapel 4th Tilia intermedia § 22 a and b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.60–2.00 m
Height: 15–20 m
Age: 120 years
There are 4 old linden trees that surround the chapel.
ND 3 (1) Krefeld - Hüls
Mittelorbroich 125


Yew trees at Gastendonk Castle 3 Taxus baccata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.30 m
Height: 11 m
Age: 150 years
ND 3 (2) Krefeld - Hüls
Mittelorbroich 125


Copper beech at Gastendonk Castle 1 Fagus sylvatica 'Atropurpurea' § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.60 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 180 years
ND 4 Krefeld - Hüls
Mittelorbroich 90


Dutch linden trees 12 Tilia intermedia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.50–2.00 m
Height: 15–20 m
Age: 150 years
The linden trees represent an optimal greening of the courtyard.
ND 5 Krefeld - Hüls
Vorderorbroich 101


Dutch lime tree at Hof Maaß 1 Tilia intermedia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.00 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 150 years
The tree is a special feature at the crossroads.
ND 6 Krefeld - Hülser Berg
Rennstieg 1


Rock collection - Erratic boulders and Rheinleitstein § 22 b LG NW The rock collection at the Bergschänke on the Hülser Berg is important as geological evidence of the penultimate Ice Age.
ND 7 Krefeld - Traar
An der Elfrather Mühle 243


Blood beeches west of House Traar 2 Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.50 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 180–200 years
ND 8 (1) Krefeld - Taar
An der Elfrather Mühle 243


Blood beeches in the park at Haus Traar 8th Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.00–3.60 m,
height: 25–30 m,
age: 180 years
ND 8 (2) Krefeld - Taar
An der Elfrather Mühle 241


Dutch linden trees in the park at Haus Traar 2 Tilia intermedia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.80 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 60–80 years
ND 8 (3) Krefeld - Taar
An der Elfrather Mühle 241


Fan tree in the park at Haus Traar 1 Ginkgo biloba § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.50 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 120 years
ND 9 Krefeld - Traar
at the Elfrather mill


Avenue of winter linden - Tilia cordata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.40–1.80 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 60–80 years
Loss of trees must be replaced.
ND 10 Krefeld - Traar
An Bruckhausen 33


Sequoia in the park at Haus Bruckhausen 1 Sequoiadendron giganteum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.80 m
Height: 32 m
Age: 20 years
ND 11 Krefeld - Hüls
St. Huberter Landstrasse


Dutch linden tree on the wayside shrine 1 Tilia intermedia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.10 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 150 years
ND 12 Krefeld - Uerdingen
Bergackerweg / Bruchweg 36


Sycamore maple in front of the Bruckschenhof 1 Acer pseudoplatanus § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.25 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 140 years
ND 13 (1) Krefeld - Uerdingen
Duisburger Strasse 383


Silver linden tree in the Heesbusch 1 Tilia tomentosa § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 4.30 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 300 years
ND 13 (2) Krefeld - Uerdingen
Duisburger Strasse 383


Blood beeches in the Heesbusch 2 Fagus sylvatica purpurea § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.50–3.65 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 180 years
In order to improve the living conditions, it is recommended that these tree grates be planted with indigenous ground cover from the potential natural vegetation.
ND 13 (3) Krefeld - Uerdingen
Duisburger Strasse 383


Tulip tree in the Heesbusch 1 Liriodendron tulipifera § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.85 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 120 years
ND 14 (1) Krefeld - Traar
Buscher Holzweg 100


Yew tree in the Park Haus Lange 1 Taxus baccata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.55 m
Height: 12 m
Age: 300 years
ND 14 (2) Krefeld - Traar
Buscher Holzweg 100


American oaks in the Park Haus Lange 2 Quercus rubra § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.80 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 250 years
ND 15 Krefeld - Garden City
Alte Rather Strasse 215


Yew tree on the Rath House 1 Taxus baccata § 22 a and b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.96 m
Height: 12 m
Age: 1000 years
Renovation measures to extend the service life are necessary.
ND 16 Krefeld - Inrath / Kliedbruch
Plankerdyk / Langen Dyk


plane 1 Platanus  × acerifolia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.85 m
Height: 18 m
Age: 80–100 years
The tree represents a prominent point in the landscape.
ND 17 Krefeld - Inrath / Kliedbruch


Avenue of chestnut - Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.50–3.20 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 150 years
The avenue consists of 93 relatively old chestnuts, some of which show considerable damage. Some trees are missing. The damaged trees are to be repaired, gaps in the avenue to be closed by replanting the same species.
ND 18 Krefeld - Uerdingen
Nikolaus-Groß-Strasse 34


Copper beech in the Uerdingen city park 1 Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.65 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 180 years
ND 19 (1) Krefeld - Verberg
Busenpfad 48


Hazel trees in the Scheven House Park 1 Corylus colurna § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.45 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 120 years
The tree is the largest specimen of this species in the city
ND 19 (2) Krefeld - Verberg
Busenpfad 48


Bog oak in the Park Haus Scheven 1 Quercus palustris § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.80 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 170 years
ND 20 Krefeld - Hüls
Höferweg / Tönisvorster Straße


German oak 3 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.15 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 180 years
Three oaks are grouped around a cross, with one tree in need of renovation. The damage to the tree must be repaired by means of tree surgery.
ND 21 (1) Krefeld - Bockum
Hüttenallee 237


Bald cypress in the Großhüttenhof park 1 Taxodium distichum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.20 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 150 years
ND 21 (2) Krefeld - Bockum
Hüttenallee 237


European beech 1 Fagus sylvatica § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.15 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 160 years
ND 22 Krefeld - Hüls
Höferweg 43


German oaks at Hof Hofer 34 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.50–2.30 m
Height: 18–19 m
Age: 100 years
Dead trees are to be removed and German oak to be replanted.
ND 23 Krefeld - Bockum
Hüttenallee / bridle path


Atlas cedar in the city ​​forest 1 Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.70 m
Height: 22 m
Age: 120 years
ND 24 Krefeld - Hüls
Lefkesweg 132


Horse chestnut in the "Kütz" farm 1 Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.55 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 170 years
ND 25 Krefeld - Hüls
Alte Kempener Landstrasse


European beech north-west of the "Düffelskath" farm 3 Fagus sylvatica § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.80–3.00 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 160 years
ND 26 Krefeld - Hüls
Alte Kempener Landstrasse 72


Dutch lime tree in the Büsches courtyard 1 Tilia intermedia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.40 m.
Height: 15–17 m.
Age: 150 years
ND 27 Krefeld - Bockum


buckeye 1 Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.65 m
Height: 18 m
Age: 130 years
ND 28 (1) Krefeld - Hüls
Meesweg 33


Horse chestnuts at the baking yard 4th Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.55–2.65 m
Height: 20–22 m
Age: 130 years
ND 28 (2) Krefeld - Hüls
Meesweg 33


Sycamore maples at the baking yard 2 Acer pseudoplatanus § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.45 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 130 years
ND 29 Krefeld - Hüls
Meesweg 43


Chestnuts at the Schürenhof 2 Castanea sativa § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.25–3.30 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 150 years
ND 30 Krefeld - Hüls
Meesweg / Ortmannsheide


Horse chestnuts 9 Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.40–2.60 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 130 years
ND 31 Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Widdersche Strasse 180


European beech at the Jahnhof 1 Fagus sylvatica § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.50 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 180 years
ND 32 (1) Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Ortmannsheide 185


European beech at the Groß Bückerhof 2 Fagus sylvatica § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.70–3.20 m
Height: 20–22 m
Age: 150 years
ND 32 (2) Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Ortmannsheide 185


German oak at Groß Bückerhof 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.50 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 150 years
ND 32 (3) Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Ortmannsheide 185


Ash at the Groß Bückerhof 1 Fraxinus excelsior § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.55 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 130 years
ND 32 (4) Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Ortmannsheide 185


Horse chestnut at the Groß Bückerhof 1 Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.10 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 80 years
ND 32 (5) Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Ortmannsheide 185


All from sycamore to the Groß Bückerhof - Acer pseudoplatanus § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.30–2.00 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 90 years
ND 33 Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Widdersche Strasse 46


German oaks at the Kretenhof 3 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.00–2.50 m.
Height: 25 m.
Age: 130–150 years
ND 34 Krefeld - Bockum
Johansenaue 3


Feather beech in the Schönwasserpark 1 Fagus sylvatica 'Asplenifolia' § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 4.80 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 200 years
ND 35 (1) Krefeld - Linn


Plane tree in Greiffenhorstpark 1 Platanus  × acerifolia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.00 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 150 years
ND 35 (2) Krefeld - Linn


Copper beech in Greiffenhorstpark 1 Fagus sylvatica purpurea § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.50 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 180 years
ND 35 (3) Krefeld - Linn


Alley made of Dutch linden in Greiffenhorstpark - Tilia intermedia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.50–2.00 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 100 years
Loss trees must be replaced.
ND 36 (1) Krefeld - Linn
Albert-Steeger-Strasse 19a


Plane tree in the Linner Burgpark 1 Platanus  × acerifolia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.20 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 180 years
ND 36 (2) Krefeld - Linn
Albert-Steeger-Strasse 19a


Copper beech in the Linner Burgpark 1 Fagus sylvatica purpurea § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.50 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 180 years
ND 36 (3) Krefeld - Linn
Albert-Steeger-Strasse 19a


German oak at Linn Castle 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 a and b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.20 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 300 years
Planted in 1702
ND 37 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Strasse 351


Horse chestnuts at Schroershof 11 Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.40–2.60 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 130 years
ND 38 (1) Krefeld - Gellep-Stratum


German oak in the Latumer Bruch 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 4.20 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 250 years
ND 38 (2) Krefeld - Gellep-Stratum


German oak in the Latumer Bruch 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.90 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 160 years
ND 39 Krefeld - Oppum
main street


Brown coal sandstone - Brown coal sandstone § 22 b LG NW
ND 40 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Gladbacher Strasse


Copper beech 1 Fagus sylvatica purpurea § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.00 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 150 years
Only remnants left (May 2020), according to information from residents, the copper beech (approx. 2007) was due to. serious damage removed.
Copper beech
ND 41 Krefeld - Forstwald
Forstwaldstraße 530


Sequoia behind the forester's house 1 Sequoiadendron giganteum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.50 m
Height: 32 m
Age: 180 years
Sequoia behind the forester's house
ND 42 Krefeld - Fischeln
Fichtenhainer Allee


Lindenallee as access to Haus Fichtenhain - Tilia intermedia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.00–1.90 m
Height: 15–20 m
Age: 40–60 years
Lindenallee as access to Haus Fichtenhain
ND 43 Krefeld - Traar
Maria-Sohmann-Strasse 93


Bald cypress in Heilmannshof Park 1 Taxodium distichum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.40 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 130 years
This excellent tree is in a favorable location right on the water.
Bald cypress in Heilmannshof Park
ND 44 Krefeld - Traar
Maria-Sohmann-Straße / Papendyk


Avenue of linden trees - Tilia intermedia § 22 a and b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.30–2.00 m
Height: 18–23 m
Age: 130–140 years
The approximately 15 missing spots should be replanted and the existing dung heap removed.
Avenue of linden trees
ND 45 Krefeld - Uerdingen
Vennikelstrasse 56


Copper beech at the Gramann farm 1 Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.50 m
Height: 18 m
Age: 100 years
ND 46 (1) Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Hückelsmaystrasse 133


Pedunculate oak at the Bäskeshof 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.60 m.
Height: 20–25 m.
Age: 100 years
ND 46 (2) Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Hückelsmaystrasse 133


Linden trees at the Bäskeshof 2 Tilia cordata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.95–2.55 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 100 years
ND 47 (1) Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Strasse 51


Pedunculate oaks at the Krushof 2 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.60–2.90 m.
Height: 25–30 m.
Age: 150–200 years
ND 47 (2) Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Strasse 51


Pedunculate oaks at the Krushof 3 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.60–2.85 m
Height: 25–30 m
Age: 150–200 years
ND 48 Krefeld - Bockum
Uerdinger Strasse 593


Lindenallee in front of the Neuenhofen house - Tilia cordata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.00–2.50 m
Height: 35 m
Age: 100 years
The avenue underlines the entrance effect of the Neuenhofen house.
ND 49 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Strasse


Pedunculate oaks northeast of the Krushof 7th Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.30–2.80 m
Height: 25–30 m
Age: 150–200 years
The row of trees characterizes the landscape.
Seen from the north, the 5th and 6th pedunculate oak are not worthy of a natural monument.
ND 50 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Straße 77/79


Copper beech south of the Engerhof 1 Fagus sylvatica § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.75 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 200 years
ND 51 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Straße / Forstwaldtsraße 357


Linden trees as an avenue to the Buekerhof 25th Tilia cordata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.30–2.45 m
Height: 20–25 m
Age: 100 years
The lime tree avenue has a formative character for the landscape and marks the entrance to the Buekerhof.
Linden trees as an avenue to the Buekerhof
ND 52 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Strasse 167


Pedunculate oak west of the Stickerhof 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.80 m.
Height: 18–20 m.
Age: 150–200 years
Pedunculate oak west of the Stickerhof
ND 53 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Strasse 208


Linden tree northwest of Voosenhof 1 Tilia cordata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.60 m
Height: 25-30 m
Age: 150 years
Linden tree northwest of Voosenhof
ND 54 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Oberbenrader Strasse 259


Pedunculate oaks at the Ferlingshof 26th Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.05–2.65 m
Height: 20–25 m
Age: 125–150 years
Pedunculate oaks at the Ferlingshof
ND 55 Krefeld - Kempener Feld / Baackeshof
Peter-Lauten-Straße 143


Ash at the Horkeshof 1 Fraxinus excelsior § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.70 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 100 years
ND 56 Krefeld - Kempener Feld / Baackeshof
Peter-Lauten-Straße 147


Horse chestnuts at the Horkeshof 11 Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.65 m
Height: 28 m
Age: 140 years
ND 57 Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Ortmannsheide 187


Pedunculate oaks northeast of Groß-Ortmannshof 5 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.80–2.80 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 100 years
ND 58 Krefeld - Benrad-Nord
Widdersche Strasse 164


Sweet chestnut south of the Jahnshof 1 Castanea sativa § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.70 m
Height: 15 m
Age: 200 years
ND 59 Krefeld - Inrath / Kliedbruch
Inrather Strasse


Pedunculate oak southwest of the Kapuziner Berg 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 4.15 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 300 years
ND 60 Krefeld - Hüls


Book west of Piepers 1 Fagus sylvatica § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 4.10 m.
Height: 25–30 m.
Age: 200 years
ND 62 Krefeld - Benrad-Süd
Hückelsmaystrasse 133


Pedunculate oaks at the Bäskeshof 2 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.35–2.50 m.
Height: 20–25 m.
Age: 100 years
ND 63 Krefeld - Fischeln


Oak in the lowlands in front of the Röck-Stöck site 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.70 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 150 years
ND 64 Krefeld - Fischeln
Kütterweg 50 / Dohmenstrasse


Yew tree at the Lentzenhof 1 Taxus baccata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.70 m
Height: 5 m
Age: 150 years
ND 65 Krefeld - Fischeln
Overbruchstrasse 212


English oak 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.40 m.
Height: 15–20 m.
Age: 150 years
ND 66 Krefeld - Fischeln
Overbruchstrasse 212a


Pedunculate oaks south of the Röck-Stöck allotment garden 10 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.50–2.30 m,
height: 15–20 m,
age: 100 years
ND 67 Krefeld - Verberg


Pedunculate oaks in Neuenfeld 18th Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 1.90–3.20 m
Height: 15–20 m
Age: 100–150 years
ND 68 Krefeld - Hüls
Vorderorbroich 10


Horse chestnut trellis - Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW
ND 69 Krefeld - Hüls
Plankerdyk 70


Oak west of the Flöthbach 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.90 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 100 years
ND 70 Krefeld - Fischeln
Strümper Weg


Horse chestnut on the crucifix 1 Aesculus hippocastaneum § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.30 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 120–150 years
ND 71 Krefeld - Uerdingen
Brüggerstrasse 41


Winter linden tree on the Grimmerathhof 1 Tilia cordata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.45 m
Height: 25 m
Age: 150 years
ND 72 Krefeld - Uerdingen
Bruchweg 45


Sycamore maple at the Bruckschenhof 1 Acer pseudoplatanus § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.85 m,
height: 25–30 m,
age: 150–200 years
ND 73 Krefeld - Linn


Plane trees north of the Eltweg allotment garden 4th Platanus  × acerifolia § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 2.90–3.10 m
Height: 30 m
Age: 150 years
ND 74 Krefeld - Hülser Berg


Eremitenquelle on Hülser Berg - Source version § 22 b LG NW The Eremitenquelle is a unique natural monument on the Lower Rhine for biological and cultural-historical reasons.
ND 75 Krefeld - Benrad-Nord


Pedunculate oak at the Klein Gather 1 Quercus pedunculata § 22 b LG NW Trunk circumference: 3.50 m
Height: 20 m
Age: 250 years
The tree shack must be removed

Web links

Commons : Natural monuments in Krefeld  - collection of images, videos and audio files