List of cities in Papua New Guinea

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This is a list of cities in Papua New Guinea .

The following table contains the cities with more than 2,000 inhabitants, the results of the census of September 22, 1980, July 11, 1990, July 9, 2000 and July 10, 2011. The higher-level administrative unit ( province ) to which the town belongs. Port Moresby forms its own capital district and does not belong to any province. The population figures refer to the actual city without the suburbs.

Cities in Papua New Guinea
rank city Residents Administrative unit
1980 census 1990 census 2000 census Zenus 2011
1. Port Moresby 123.624 195,570 254.158 364.125 National Capital District
2. Lae 61,617 88.172 78.038 148.934 Morobe
3. Wewak 19,890 22,837 19,724 37,825 East Sepik
4th Madang 21,335 27,181 27,394 35,971 Madang
5. Mount Hagen 13,446 17,858 27,782 29,765 Western Highlands
6th Kimbe 4,662 8,627 14,656 22,923 West New Britain
7th Goroka 18,511 17,768 18,618 22,830 Eastern Highlands
8th. Daru 7.127 8,501 12,879 15,142 Western film
9. Vanimo 3,071 7,861 9,809 13,970 Sandaun
10. Popondetta 6,429 7,255 8,938 12,600 Oro
11. Alotau 4,311 6,386 10,025 11,857 Milne Bay
12. Kiunga 1,407 4,006 8,265 10,981 Western film
13. Kundiawa 4,299 5,791 8,147 10,833 Simbu
14th Tabubil k. A. 4,682 8,649 10,270 Western film
15th Mendi 4.130 6,207 8,413 9,987 Southern Highlands
16. Kavieng 4,633 6,776 7,869 9,943 New Ireland
17th Lorengau 4,547 4,804 5,829 8,882 Manus
18th Bulolo 6,730 7,470 8,678 7,090 Morobe
19th Kokopo 2,200 3.152 4,528 6,677 East New Britain
20th Aitape 3,400 3,700 4,536 6.229 East Sepik
21st Kerema 3,389 3,952 5.116 5,885 Gulf
22nd Buka k. A. k. A. 1,890 5,416 Milne Bay
23. Ramu Sugar k. A. k. A. 5,277 4,935 Madang
24. Rabaul 14,954 17,044 3,885 4,785 East New Britain
25th Kerowagi k. A. k. A. 1,183 4,714 Chimbu
26th Kainantu 3,800 3,793 6,723 4,634 Eastern Highlands
27. Balimo k. A. k. A. 3,140 4,394 Western film
28. Woof 2,300 4,300 k. A. 3,508 Morobe
29 Tari 600 k. A. 1,309 3,360 Southern Highlands
30th Finschhafen k. A. 700 k. A. 2,905 Morobe
31. Arawa 12,623 k. A. 36,443 2,769 Bougainville
32. Bialla k. A. k. A. 1,735 2,672 West New Britain
33. Minj k. A. 800 790 2,670 Jiwaka
34. Mosa k. A. k. A. 2.167 2,622 West New Britain
35. Kikori k. A. k. A. 2,688 2,490 Gulf
36. Ialibu k. A. k. A. 1,332 2.014 Southern Highlands

See also

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