List of streets in Essen-Freisenbruch

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The list of streets in Essen-Freisenbruch describes the street system in Essen 's Freisenbruch district with the corresponding historical references.

Introduction and overview

In Essen-Freisenbruch, 16,716 inhabitants (March 31, 2020) live on an area of ​​3.8 km². Freisenbruch shares the postcode district 45279 with areas of the neighboring Horst district. 45276 is valid in the north-western area of ​​Freisenbruchs.

The four communities of Freisenbruch, Horst , Eiberg and Königssteele , which belong to the Prussian county of Mark , were combined in 1919 to form the rural community of Königssteele. So on May 28, 1919, the municipal council decided to rename as few as possible. Others were needed to avoid duplication. In 1929 the municipality of Freisenbruch was incorporated into the rural municipality of Königssteele to Essen.

The Bergmannsfeld high-rise estate , which was built in 1966, forms the group of street names used by the philosophers . Another group is located west of the Bergmannsfeld, which refers to the minstrels Walther von der Vogelweide , Neidhart , Spervogel , Dietmar von Aist , Reinmar the Old , Heinrich von Morungen , Heinrich von Veldeke and Der von Kürenberg .

Freisenbruch is bounded clockwise, starting in the north, as follows:
The border begins as an extension of Freisenbruchstrasse north of the cemetery on Hellweg and continues north of Märkische Strasse to the east. Then it bends as the eastern border to the east of the Freisenbruch settlement area and continues across the Bochumer Landstrasse to the south, past the western edge of the Eiberg substation and on over Schultenweg to the railway line from Bochum to Steele . In its entire course to the west, up to Bochumer Landstrasse, this forms the southern district boundary. In the west, Freisenbruch is finally bounded by the Bochumer Landstrasse and Freisenbruchstrasse.

In Freisenbruch there are 57 designated traffic areas, including no space . Ten streets are only partially located in the district:
Rademachersweg, Tossens Büschken, Sachsenring, Eiberg and Weg am Berge extend to the south into the neighboring Horst district . The Bochumer Landstrasse and Freisenbruchstrasse form the border to, and the Hellweg continues to Steele. In the north, Rodenseelstrasse continues in Leithe . In the east, the Sevinghauser Weg leads to Bochum under a new name , as does the Bochumer Landstrasse. The Schultenweg will keep its name in Bochum.

The Bochumer Landstrasse runs through the Freisenbruch district as the L654 state road.

List of streets

The following table gives an overview of the streets and paths in the district with corresponding information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    The addition (in the district) indicates that the length of the street section within Freisenbruch is because the street continues into neighboring districts.
    The addition (all street sections together) indicates that the street is so winding that there is no “main street”. Instead, the length of all road sections is added together.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Date of designation : first official designation
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Aisthang 180 Dietmar von Aist , minstrel Dec 17, 1963 Dietmar von Aist was an early phase minstrel from Upper Austrian , baronial sex.
The Aisthang is a cul-de-sac to the south of Ofterdingenstrasse.
Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 270 Albert Schweitzer , doctor, philosopher, theologian, organist and pacifist Dec 14, 1966 Albert-Schweitzer-Straße is located in Bergmannsfeld and leads from Philosophenweg to Sachsenring.
Avenue street 510 tree-lined road Nov 18, 1904 At the time it was named, the street was lined with trees on both sides.
Alleestraße is a cul-de-sac to the south of Bochumer Landstraße.
Bochumer Landstrasse 1690
(in the district)
Main road to Bochum May 23, 1980 From 1926 to 1980, today's Bochumer Landstrasse was part of what is still known as Bochumer Strasse in Steele today. In the course of Freisenbruch and Bochum, it was brought into line with Henglerstrasse in Steele at the end of the 1970s and thus structurally separated from Bochumer Strasse in Steele. In 1980 this eastern part of Bochumer Straße was named Bochumer Landstraße. This part of the street was previously called Chausseestraße in 1890 , Bahnhofstraße in 1909 and Bochumer Straße in 1926 .
The Bochumer Landstrasse is part of the state road L654 and continues in Bochum under the name Wattenscheider Hellweg.
Bochumer Landstrasse
Bongerbank 75 Bongerbank, name of a pit field Feb 25, 1937 The so-called Bongerbank road in memory of the Bongerbank colliery is a spur road that branches off south of Hellweg.
Dam road 470 former railway embankment Feb 13, 1896 The Dammstraße leads to the former railway embankment of the connecting line of the Eintracht Tiefbau colliery , which was connected to the Essen-Steele Ost train station .
Dammstrasse is a spur road that branches off south of Bochumer Landstrasse.
Eibergweg 560 Eiberg , former rural community Apr 1, 1919 The Eibergweg, which is located in the Eiberger Freisenbruchs area, leads from the Schirnbecker Teiche road east to the city limits of Bochum . Eibergweg
Erasmus Street 710
(all road sections together)
Erasmus of Rotterdam , theologian, philosopher and philologist Dec 14, 1966 The street named after the philosopher Erasmus lies in the Bergmannsfeld and leads from the Philosophenweg to the west.
Freisenbruchstrasse 870 Freisenbruch, name of the farm and former municipality in the Brandenburg region Apr 1, 1919 The Freisenbruch farm is mentioned in the treasury of the county of Mark in 1486 when Jan Vryesenbrueck had three guilders property tax. The court belonged to the canon chapter of Essen and went to Prussia during the secularization of 1802/03 . The Bergmann family from Bergmannshof married in 1793 and still is today. Freisenbruch was also one of four parishes in County Mark, from which the Amt Königssteele was founded in 1885. Finally, Freisenbruch was incorporated into the city of Essen together with Steele in 1929. Freisenbruchstrasse, which was extended from Bochumer Landstrasse to Hellweg on January 11, 1977 and forms the border with Steele there , merges into Schultenweg at its southern end.
Füllenkamp 480 Füllenkamp, ​​field name Nov 20, 1937 In the land register of 1668 Dietherich Küllmanns (Köllmann) in Leithe is the owner of a meadow on the Füllenkamp.
The street Füllenkamp, ​​which was previously called the Ringstraße , lies in the east of Freisenbruch and leads from the street Im Haferfeld north to the Märkische Straße.
Gatthmannweg 110 Gathmann, Kotten Sep 12 1978 In 1812 the cow-kettle is called Diedrich Gathmann with his 23-  acre kotten.
The Gathmannweg is an eastern dead end of the Zweibachegge.
Gerlachfeld 180 Gerlach, court name Nov 20, 1937 In the chain book 1332 the hooves of Gerlach is mentioned as Unterhof von Eickenscheidt. In 1394 Johan von Ysekink (Ising) sold his own property Gerlagsgut in Freisenbruch with the people belonging to it in front of the free court in Bochum to Wenemar Wrede. In 1664, the name is no longer included in the Bochum office's fireplace directory. It is possible that the farm was combined with one of the Freisenbrucher farms.
Gerlachfeld street, which was previously called Friedenstraße , connects Märkische Straße with Hellweg.
Groote ring 480 Groote, name of a farmer 21 Sep 2004 Farmer Groote, whose dates of birth and death are unknown, bought a farm in 1931. In contrast to the field name Pferdekamp, ​​his name is deeply rooted in the area, which is why the name was initially controversial. The street Im Pferdekamp is now within the Groote-Ring, which is east of the Sachsenring and north of the street Schirnbecker Teiche. Groote ring
Great Schirnkamp 440 Schirnkamp, ​​field name June 5, 1934 The street Großer Schirnkamp connects the Schultenweg in an arch with the street Schirnbecker Teiche. Great Schirnkamp
Hangohrstrasse 320 Hangohr, Kotten May 28, 1919 In 1810 a kötter and horse owner named Hangohr is mentioned. The Hangohr family died out around 1850. Moritz Dunke bought the 30  acre Kotten. Later he went to a Gelsenkirchen construction company and finally to the Zeche Zentrum.
The Hangohrstraße, which was previously called Heinrichstraße , connects the Zweachegge street with the Füllenkamp street.
Hellweg 1670 Westfälischer Hellweg , medieval Völkerstraße Nov 18, 1904 The Hellweg came from Essen over the course of the Steeler Straße, then deviating southwards about the today's Graffweg to Steele and continued over Freisenbruch to Bochum . The original course is hardly comprehensible due to the modern development.
Coming from Steele, the street known today as Hellweg runs north parallel to Bochumer Landstrasse, crosses it and ends before the city limits of Bochum.
In the oat field 670 Oatfield, field name June 1, 1926 The street Im Haferfeld, which was previously Schulstraße , leads from the street Kütings Garten north of Bochumer Landstraße to Sevinghauser Weg.
In the horse camp 90 Horse camp, field name 21 Sep 2004 The street in Pferdekamp is located in a residential area east of the Sachsenring and north of the street Schirnbecker Teiche.
Immengarten 230 Imme, old / Low German name for the western honey bee Sep 7 1960 The Immengarten street runs in an arch from the Im Haferfeld street to the Mergelweg.
Jaspersweg 130 Karl Jaspers , philosopher and psychiatrist March 8, 1977 Jaspersweg, which was previously called Hegelweg , is located in Bergmannsfeld and forms a cul-de-sac south of Erasmusstraße.
Canary Mountain 600 dialect because of the yellow painted houses on this street Apr 1, 1919 From Dahlhauser Straße in Horst , today's Rademachers Weg, which was also called Kanarienberg until 1963, runs over the hill to today's part of the Kanarienberg street in Freisenbruch. Since the second half of the 19th century, houses for the workers of the Horster Hüttenwerk New Scotland, which were painted yellow, had stood on the hill. This became popularly known as Canary Mountain, which was then adopted for the street.
The current part of the street Kanarienberg is exclusively in Freisenbruch and branches off south of the Ofterdingenstraße to the train station Essen-Steele Ost , where it ends about 250 meters before it.
Little Schirnkamp 220 Schirnkamp, ​​field name Oct 21, 1970 The street Kleiner Schirnkamp is a western dead end of the street Schirnbecker Teiche. Little Schirnkamp
Kleverkämchen 180 Kleverkämchen, field name 8 Sep 1959 In the parent roll of 1866, the names Kleverkempken and Am Kleverkepken appear, whereby Klever is synonymous with clover .
The street Kleverkämchen is a dead end road east of the path on the mountain.
Klumbeckweg 130 Klumbeck, court name Nov 20, 1937 The Klumbeck farm, later Drennhaus, was located in Leither on the border with Freisenbruch. He was a Unterhof of Eickenscheidt. 1332 is mentioned in the chain book Hugen Vosses to Cluvenbeke. In the land registry of 1866, Peter Klumbeck is the owner of the 16-  acre farm. In 1795 the farm is called Propsteiguth and the Schuppenkötter is called Klumpeck with two horses. The name of the farm comes from the Klumbecke brook, which comes from the Fünfhöfen in Leithe and for centuries formed the border between the Essen monastery and the county of Mark , and later between the Rhineland and Westphalia .
The Klumbeckweg connects the Hellweg with the Märkische Straße.
Kürenbergweg 350 Von Kürenberg , Middle High German poet of Minnelieder June 8, 1960 The Kürenbergweg connects Freisenbruchstrasse with Von-der-Vogelweide-Strasse in an arch. Kürenbergweg
Küting's garden 300 Garden belonging to Kotten Küting Nov 20, 1937 The name Küting appears after Johann Löbbert's widow married Heinrich Küting for the second time. The Kotten Löbbert, whose original name is unknown and which was owned by the Löbberts until 1859, had a garden. In 1866, the owner of the ten- acre Kotten was given as Heinrich Küting and his wife Elise nee Peters. In 1928, Friedrich Krützkamp from Osnabrück acquired the Kotten after an inheritance dispute.
The street Kütingsgarten, which was called Kirchstraße until 1926 and then Klosterstraße until 1937 , connects the Märkische and Bochumer Landstraße.
St. Antonius Church at the Kütings Garden
Märkische Strasse 1080 Mark communities The four municipalities in the Brandenburg region were Freisenbruch, Eiberg , Horst and Königssteele, which had belonged to the Königssteele office since 1885. They were merged in 1919 to form the entire municipality of Königssteele. In contrast to the former town of Steele , which was affiliated to the Essen monastery , Königssteele belonged to the Prussian county of Mark with the other eastern communities . In 1926 the office of Königssteele was incorporated into the city of Steele and finally in 1929 it was incorporated into the city of Essen.
The Märkische Straße, which originally bears this name, but was partly called Ziegelstraße between 1904 and 1927 , runs from Bochumer Landstraße over Hellweg, then bends to the east and leads in a straight line to Straße Füllenkamp.
Märkische Strasse
Marl path 130 Mergelkuhle on the site 8 Sep 1959 According to old cadastral documents, there was a marl hollow in the area of ​​this road, in which labiatus marl was extracted to marl the fields. With this, the lime-poor loam soil was supplied with lime again.
The marl path leads from Immengarten street to Im Haferfeld street.
Minstrel Street 600 minstrel Jan. 15, 1969 The Minnesängerstraße connects the Schultenweg with the Von-der-Vogelweide-Straße and is part of the street name group of minnesingers. St. Altfried Church on Minnesängerstrasse
Morungenweg 190 Heinrich von Morungen , minstrel 27 Sep 1962 The Morungenweg is a spur road that branches off north of Ofterdingenstraße.
Nietzscheweg 150 Friedrich Nietzsche , philologist and philosopher Dec 14, 1966 The Nietzscheweg is located in the Bergmannsfeld and forms a cul-de-sac that branches off to the west of the Philosophenweg.
Ofterdingenstrasse 940 Heinrich von Ofterdingen , literary work that has remained a fragment 27 Sep 1962 The title of the unfinished work refers to a historically unproven singer from the 13th century.
Ofterdingenstraße leads from Schultenweg in a western arc to Freisenbruchstraße.
Philosophers' Way 620 Philosopher , thinker Dec 14, 1966 The Philosophenweg is located in the Bergmannsfeld, where the group of street names of the philosophers is laid out. It connects the Schultenweg with the Schopenhauerweg. Philosophers' Way
Rademacher's way 75
(in the district)
Rademacher, court name Dec 17, 1963 Johann Rademacher married in 1845 in what was originally known as the Dörnemannshof, whose rider was Heinrich Dörnemann around 1800. The owner was the Evangelical Church in Essen. In 1866 the owner Heinrich Rademacher zu Beule is named, whose widow married the farmer Wilhelm Bellendorf from Buer-Scholven in 1892. Hugo Bellendorf is named as the last farmer on the farm.
Today Rademacher's path leads from Horst over the railway line to the street Kanarienberg in Freisenbruch. The course of Horst was called Kanarienberg since 1919 and Rademacher's way from 1963.
Reibenkamp 100 Reibenkamp, ​​field name Apr 14, 1933 In 1866 the name Am Rübenkamp appears. There is also the probably distorted form Im Reibenkamp.
The Reibenkamp street is a cul-de-sac that branches off east of the Sachring.
Reinmarweg 130 Reinmar the old man , minstrel June 8, 1960 The Reinmarweg is a cul-de-sac that branches off from Reuenthalweg to the east. Reinmarweg
Renzelweg 80 Renzel, Kotten Nov 20, 1937 The Kotten Renzel and his tenant Herman in Renschede are mentioned in 1664 in the chimney tax list of the county of Mark . In 1701 the name Dirich appears in the Rensel. The Kotten was a split from the Schulte-Vieting farm, to which the taxes had to be paid (see Vietingstrasse ). In 1857 Johann Renzel sold the Kotten to the Krampe family from Horst. At the end of the 19th century he married Heinrich Schürmann.
The Renzelweg connects the Bochumer Landstrasse with the Im Haferfeld street.
Reuenthalweg 350 Neidhart von Reuenthal , minstrel June 8, 1960 The Reuenthalweg leads in an eastern ground from the Von-der-Vogelweise-Straße and back again. Reuenthalweg
Rodenseelstrasse 580
(in the district)
Rodenseel, name of a farm group and a farm Jan. 12, 1934 The name appears for the first time as Hrodingseli in 890. In 1332 the mansus Henrici to Rodenzele and mansus Noldekini to Nederen Rodenzele, belonging to the Oberhof Eickenscheidt, are mentioned in the chain book. According to the Essen feudal protocols, Pilgrim von Leiten received de hove to Rodensele. In 1027 the Rodenseel farm is mentioned as the southernmost of the five farms.
Rodenseelstraße, which was previously called Krayer Straße , leads north from Bochumer Landstraße to the neighboring district of Leithe .
Rosiepeweg 85 Rosiepe, court name Dec 14, 1976 After the first mention of the form Rauensiepen in 1490, Rosiepen became over time.
The Rosiepenweg is a dead end street west of the Dammstraße.
Sachsenring 1930
(in the district)
Saxony (people) June 15, 1927 In the course of time, parts of the current course of the street had previously been named Kurz Strasse , Beckmannstrasse , Mecklenbecksweg and Renzelstrasse .
The Sachsenring comes from Horst and runs to Bochumer Landstrasse.
Schellingweg 170 Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling , philosopher Dec 14, 1966 The Schellingweg is located in the Bergmannsfeld and is a cul-de-sac that branches off south of the Philosophenweg.
Schirnbeck ponds 800 Schirnbeck ponds, bodies of water Nov 20, 1937 According to old cadastral documents, there were four ponds at Hof Beckmann, which were fed by the Schirnbecke stream.
The street Schirnbecker Teiche, which was previously called Beckmannstraße and Eibergstraße , connects Schultenweg with Sachsenring in an arch.
Main building of the former Brandhof, Schirnbecker Teiche 34
Schopenhauerweg 200 Arthur Schopenhauer , philosopher Dec 14, 1966 The Schopenhauerweg is located in the Bergmannsfeld and is a cul-de-sac that branches off to the east from the Philosophenweg.
Schultenweg 2334
(official information)
Schulte, name of several farms May 28, 1919 The Schultenweg leads past the former courtyards Schulte-Vieting, Schulte-Möckershoff, Schulte-Mecklenbeck and Schulte-Bockholt. Schulte was the name for a function that served the city, such as mayor, judge or tax collector.
Schultenweg runs as an extension of Freisenbruchstrasse to the east and with the same name across the city limits to Bochum .
Oststadt swimming center on Schultenweg
Sevinghauser way 400 Sevinghausen , part of Wattenscheid , today Bochum Nov 20, 1937 The Sevinghauser Weg leads from the street Im Haferfeld to Sevinghausen, where it continues as the street In den Höfe. The path was previously called Bergstrasse and Wattenscheider Strasse .
Spervogelweg 220 Spervogel , Middle High German song poet 27 Sep 1962 The Spervogelweg is a spur road that branches off from Ofterdingenstrasse to the south.
Spinoza Street 150 Baruch de Spinoza , Dutch philosopher Jan. 1966 Spinozastraße is located in Bergmannsfeld and forms a southern cul-de-sac of Philosophenweg.
Tossens bushes 280
(in the district)
Bush at the Tosse farm June 3, 1935 The Tosse farm is known as Unterhof von Eickenscheidt in 1332. The name Tosse has been traceable in uninterrupted succession since the Thirty Years' War . In 1826 Theodor Tosse zu Beule is the owner.
The street Tossens Büschken leads over the railway line coming from Horst to the parking lot of the swimming center Oststadt on Schultenweg.
Veldeckestrasse 300 Heinrich von Veldeke , poet and minstrel June 8, 1966 Veldeckestrasse crosses Von-der-Vogelweide-Strasse and Kürenbergweg, running parallel to Bochumer Landstrasse to the south. Veldeckestrasse
Vietingstrasse 170 Vieting, court name June 1, 1926 The Vieting court was a Unterhof of Eickenscheidt. Vytynk Curia is mentioned in the chain book of 1332. Originally the farm belonged to Arndt von dem Vytynghoff called Schell zu Altendorf. The Kotten Renzel (see Renzelweg ) belonged to the Vietinghof, which was located directly on the old Hellweg . The monks of Corvey von Höxter Abbey stayed overnight on their annual trip to the monastery-owned vineyards on the Rhine and Moselle in the Vietinghof. In addition, the Vietinghof had to pay taxes to Corvey as early as the 12th century.
The Vietingstraße connects the Hellweg with the Bochumer Landstraße.
Von-der-Vogelweide-Strasse 500 Walther von der Vogelweide , poet and minstrel June 8, 1966 Von-der-Vogelweide-Straße connects Bochumer Landstraße with Freisenbruchstraße in an arch. Von-der-Vogelweide-Strasse
Forest path 260 Forest belonging to the Bergmann farm June 1, 1926 The forest path leads into the forest belonging to the Bergmann farm, known as Bergmannsbusch. At the time of the Königssteele office, the Bergmannsbusch had already been turned into a recreational park with ball playgrounds.
The forest path, which was previously called Zechenweg , branches off from Von-der-Vogelweide-Straße in Bergmannsbusch.
Path on the mountain 130
(in the district)
At the mountain, field name Nov 20, 1937 The path on the mountains, previously called Jakobstrasse , is named after the old Flur Am Berge. The path has had this name since its origins.
The Am Berge path continues from Schultenweg over the railway line to Horst .
Path on the mountain
Wiesmannbrink 210 Brink belonging to Hof Wiesmann in Eiberg Nov 14, 1935 Hof Wiesmann emerged from the old Eiberger Hof Siepmann. It was sold to the city of Essen around 1960 to build what is now the Bergmannsfeld housing estate.
The street Wiesmannbrink, which was previously called Wiesmannweg , branches off as a cul-de-sac south of the Sachsenring.
Eiberg colliery 30
(in the district)
Eiberg colliery Nov. 27, 1933 The road named after the Eiberg colliery leads, coming from Horst , under the railway line to Schultenweg.
Double harrow 400 Harrow = watershed (two streams) Nov 20, 1937 The Zweachegge crosses the watershed, i.e. the harrow between the Ruhr and Emscher . The road drains on the one hand to the Leither Bach , which flows further over the Schwarzbach into the Emscher, and on the other hand to the Eibergbach and thus further into the Ruhr.
The street Zweachegge, which was previously called Schmiedestraße , connects the Märkische Straße with the Bochumer Landstraße.

List of former street names

The list of former street names does not claim to be complete.

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Bahnhofstrasse 1909 May 19, 1926 →  Bochumer Landstrasse Location at Essen-Steele Ost train station Bahnhofstrasse, which was previously called Chausseestrasse , was renamed in 1926 together with the former Berliner Strasse in Steele in Bochumer Strasse . In the course of Freisenbruch and Bochum, it was brought into line with Henglerstrasse in Steele at the end of the 1970s and thus structurally separated from Bochumer Strasse in Steele. In 1980 this eastern part of Bochumer Straße was named Bochumer Landstraße.
Beckmannstrasse Aug 28, 1913 Nov 20, 1937 →  Sachsenring
→  Schirnbeck ponds
Hof Beckmann / Mayor Wilhelm Albert Beckmann On the one hand, Beckmannstrasse was part of the later Sachsenring from 1919, named after the Beckmann farm. Before that, in 1913, Eibergstrasse , which later became the street Schirnbecker Teiche, was named Beckmannstrasse in honor of the mayor Wilhelm Albert Beckmann, as he had been a member of the Eiberg community assembly for fifty years.
Mountain road before 1902 May 19, 1926 →  Sevinghauser Weg The Bergstrasse was called Wattenscheider Strasse from 1926 before it became Sevinghauser Weg in 1937.
Bochumer Strasse May 19, 1926 May 23, 1980 →  Bochumer Landstrasse Main road to Bochum Bochumer Straße, which once led from Grendplatz in Steele to Bochum, was structurally separated in the course of Freisenbruch and Bochum at the end of the 1970s and its eastern part was brought into line with Henglerstraße in Steele. In 1980 this eastern part of Bochumer Straße was named Bochumer Landstraße.
Chausseestrasse 1890 1909 →  Bochumer Landstrasse Chausseestraße that in 1909 Station Street was renamed in 1926 together with the former Berlin street in Steele in Bochum street renamed. In the course of Freisenbruch and Bochum, it was brought into line with Henglerstrasse in Steele at the end of the 1970s and thus structurally separated from Bochumer Strasse in Steele. In 1980 this eastern part of Bochumer Straße was named Bochumer Landstraße.
Eibergstrasse Aug 28, 1913 →  Schirnbeck ponds community Eiberg In 1913, Eibergstrasse was renamed Beckmannstrasse and finally in 1937 Schirnbecker Teiche.
Hegelweg Dec 14, 1966 March 8, 1977 →  Jaspersweg Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , philosopher
Heinrichstrasse Nov 18, 1904 May 28, 1919 →  Hangohrstrasse
Jakobstrasse May 28, 1919 Nov 20, 1937 →  Path on the mountain
Kirchstrasse Nov 18, 1904 June 1, 1926 →  Küting's garden Reference to the adjacent St. Anthony of Padua Church, built in 1901
Klosterstrasse June 1, 1926 Nov 20, 1937 →  Küting's garden
Krayer Street Nov 18, 1904 Jan. 12, 1934 →  Rodenseelstrasse Kray
Short street March 14, 1905 →  Sachsenring
Mecklenbecksweg Apr 1, 1919 →  Sachsenring
Renzelstrasse Apr 1, 1919 →  Sachsenring Renzel, Kotten The Kotten Renzel and his tenant Herman in Renschede are mentioned in 1664 in the chimney tax list of the county of Mark . In 1701 the name Dirich appears in the Rensel. The Kotten was a split from the Schulte-Vieting farm, to which the taxes had to be paid. In 1857 Johann Renzel sold the Kotten to the Krampe family from Horst. At the end of the 19th century he married Heinrich Schürmann.
Schmiedestrasse before 1905 Nov 20, 1937 →  Two-way harrow
Schulstrasse June 1, 1926 →  In the oat field
Wattenscheider Strasse May 19, 1926 Nov 20, 1937 →  Sevinghauser Weg Road to Wattenscheid Wattenscheider Strasse was previously called Bergstrasse .
Wiesmannweg May 19, 1919 June 3, 1935 →  Wiesmannbrink Relation to the Wiesmann farm in Eiberg
Zechenweg Apr 1, 1919 June 1, 1926 →  Forest path Relation to the neighboring Eintracht Tiefbau colliery
Ziegelstrasse Nov 18, 1904 May 19, 1927 →  Märkische Strasse

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Erwin Dickhoff: Essener Strasse . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical association for the city and monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .
  2. ^ City of Essen: Population figures. Retrieved May 21, 2020 .