List of spells and curses from Harry Potter novels

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These lists show spells and curses from the seven volumes of the Harry Potter novel series by Joanne K. Rowling .

In addition to this list, there are other articles that describe elements of the Harry Potter world in more detail:

List of known spells from the books

Formula / name Linguistic origin effect Counter-spell / opposite
Accio Latin accio 'I call' summons objects and living beings (e.g. "Accio Firebolt")
Aguamenti Latin aqua , Spanish agua 'water' lets water shoot out of the tip of the wand or fills a vessel with water if you tap it beforehand
Alohomora The geomancy from Madagascar borrowed, Good for thieves' opens doors and windows Colloportus
Amnesia Negation to ancient Greek μνήμη mnémē = memory, see also amnesia wipes out the victim's memory
Anapneo Negation to ancient Greek ἄπνοια ápnoia = not breathing, I breathe again clears the airways
Anti-cheating spells - is z. B. used in the Hogwarts exams
Aparecium Latin apparere , Spanish aparecer , English appear 'appear' reveals hidden writings etc.
Ascendio Latin ascendere ' to ascend' lets people or objects rise into the air Descendo
Avada Kedavra aramaic avd / אבד= get lost, disappear; aram. ke /כ= like; aram. davar /דבאר = the thing Killing curse, kill instantly; one of the three unforgivable curses
Advice Latin 'bird' makes birds come out of the tip of the wand
Cave Inimicum Latin 'beware of the enemy' keeps enemies away
Colloportus lat.  colligo porta , tie the door locks doors and windows Alohomora
Confringo Latin  confringere = to break something; engl. infringe: break [law] makes objects explode Reparo
Confundo lat.  confundere = to confuse Confusion or confusion charm
Crucio Latin  cruciare = to torture, torment Cruciatus curse = curse of torture, inflicts torment; one of the three unforgivable curses
Defodio lat. defodere = buried blows up rocks and stones
Deletrius engl. delete = delete makes the Prior Incantado disappear again Prior Incantado
Densaugeo lat.  dens = tooth, augeo = I let grow makes a person's teeth grow
Deprimo lat.  deprimere = to depress blasts a big hole in the floor
Descendo lat.  descendere = to bring down moves an object down Ascendio
Diffindo lat. diffindere = (to) split, smash can tear things apart Reparo
Dissendium lat.  dissentire = to deviate enables concealed entrances to be opened
Duro lat.  duro = I harden petrified objects
Engorgio engl. engorgement = oversaturation makes living organisms swell to an oversized size Reducio
Erecto lat. lat. erectio = erection straighten things up
Episkey Greek episkeu = I restore heals small fractures and injuries
Evanesco engl. evanesce = dissolve like smoke; lat. evanescere: to disappear makes an object or substance disappear
Expecto patronum lat .: for I expect the guardian spirit summons a Patronus up, the Dementors sells
Expelliarmus lat.  expellere = to drive away; arma = weapons disarms the enemy Protego
Expulso lat.  expellere = to drive out, to drive out by striking makes objects explode
Ferula engl. ferrule = strengthening / stiffening metal ring, sleeve / sleeve for connecting parts; engl. ferule / ferula / lat. ferula: tail splints z. B. broken body parts
Fidelius magic Latin for even more faithful; engl. fidelity: loyalty hides a place in the mind of the secret-keeper
Finite Incantatem Latin  finire = to end something, finite: ended ( Imp. ), incantatio: conjuration, spell ends some spells and curses with permanent effects
Flag rate lat.  flagrare = to burn or to be on fire allows you to leave a red trail in the air or on an object with the magic wand
Flagrant lat.  flagrare = to burn Flagrante enchants objects so that they feel red-hot and cause severe burns if touched
Furunculus engl. furuncle , boils = Eiterbeule disfigured the victim's face with boils
Geminio spell / Gemino curse lat.  geminare , to double creates a duplicate of an item
Glisseo French ..  glisser = slide, slide turns a staircase into a slide
Homenum Revelio lat.  homo = human; lat.  revelare / engl. reveal = reveal reveal; Latin  hominem revelio = I reveal people makes the presence of people in a place visible
Impedimenta Latin  impedio = to shackle freezes an enemy in motion
Imperio lat.  imperare = to command Imperius curse = submission curse, imposes will; is one of the three unforgivable curses can be fended off with a lot of willpower
Imperturbatio spell engl. imperturbable = unshakable; lat.  imperturbatus = undisturbed protects an object in such a way that nobody can touch or penetrate it
Impervius engl. impervious / lat. impervius = impenetrable makes the surface of things, people, animals etc. water-repellent
Incarcerus lat./(engl.) carcer = dungeon; engl. incarcerate = imprison ties the victim with ropes Diffindo
Incendio Latin  incendo = I ignite; engl. incense = to ignite / incendiary = arsonist kindles a fire Aguamenti (indirect)
Legilimens Latin  legere = read, collect, Latin  mens = mind, thoughts Legilimacy : intruding into another person's mind can only be fought off by closing the mind ( Occlumency )
Levicorpus engl./lat. corpus = body; lat.  levare = to raise, eng. levitate = to float in the air hangs the victim upside down in the air, apparently by one foot Liberacorpus
Liberacorpus engl./lat. corpus = body; engl. liberate / lat. liberare = liberate (Latin  imperative libera: liberate!) is the counter- spell to Levicorpus and lets the floating person fall Levicorpus
Locomotor engl. locomotion = movement; lat.  loco motor = the mover (from) the place moves objects (e.g. Locomotor lamp ) Similar magic: Mobiliarbus and Mobilcorpus for bodies
Lumos Latin. French lumière = light creates light at the tip of the wand Nox
Mobile body lat. mobilis = mobile, corpus = body turns a lifeless human body into a kind of puppet whose movements can be directed by a magic wand
Murder Latin  mors = death and Latin  mordere = bite conjures up the Dark Mark
Muffliato engl. muffle = (noises) to dampen, suppress fills the ears of anyone nearby with an indefinable hum
Nox Latin  nox = night Counterspell from Lumos Lumos
Obliviate / Amnesia lat.  oblivio = oblivion; engl. oblivious = without memory changes a person's memory (the German translation also introduces the amnesia spell, which, unlike Obliviate, erases a person's entire memory, which does not exist in the original English)
Occlumency Latin  occultare = hide and mens = thought, mind close the mind from intrusion with Legilimacy
Obscuro lat.  obscurare = to darken puts a blindfold on someone that cannot be magically removed
Oppugno lat.  oppugnare = to attack causes small objects and beings to attack someone
Orchid from the taxonomic family name Orchidaceae (v. Greek ὄρχις orchis = testicles ') of the orchids lets a bouquet burst from the tip of the wand
Pack magic with this spell you can pack things in a suitcase
Petrificus Totalus engl. petrified = petrified allows machines / devices and living beings to freeze
Piertotum Locomotor lat. pietas = duty, totum = all, engl. locomotion = movement lets statues or armor "come to life"
Portus lat.  portare = carry away, take away; engl. portable = portable turns any object into a portkey
Prior Incantado (Eng.  priori incantatem ) Latin literally: "Before that I swore"; engl. prior = previous, incantation = spell shows the last spell of a wand Deletrius
Protego lat.  protegere = to protect; engl. protect = protect blocks weaker to advanced spells and curses and hurls them back at the attacker
Proteus magic from Proteus (Greek mythology): could transform himself into different shapes; engl. protean: changeable connects objects with each other; if you change one thing, the others change in the same way
Quietus lat.  quietus / engl. quiet = noiseless sets the voice to normal volume Sonorus
Ratzeputz - cleans dirty objects
Reducio engl. reduce = reduce makes objects and living beings shrink Engorgio
Relaschio engl. release = release; engl. lash = lash breaks fetters and forces opponents to let go of people who have been held
Racing servants engl. re = again; engl. nervation = system of nerves; originally ennervate , renamed by Rowling revives unconscious people
Reparo lat. reparare = to restore; engl. repair = repair puts broken objects back together
Repello muggeltum lat. repellere = to reject, to drive away Muggle defense spells
Rictusempra lat.  ridere = to laugh, semper = always, always Tickling curse - the magically tickled victim has to laugh incessantly
Riddiculus lat.  ridiculus / engl. ridiculous = ridiculous drives away the bogus when the greatest fear is ridiculed in thought
Salvio Hexia Latin  salvare = to save, hexia = hex Wards
Serpensortia engl. serpent / lat. serpens = snake; French sortir: come out / sortie: exit; engl. sortie: (military) failure creates a snake from the tip of the wand
Silencio lat.  silentium / engl. silence = silence lets the voice of the victim become completely silent
Sonorus engl. sonorous / lat. sonorus = sounding amplifies the voice Quietus, Silencio
Specialis Revelio lat.  specialis = special; lat.  revelare = to show, to reveal allows cursing or enchantments to be revealed
stupor engl. stupefy = astonish, daze ; Latin  stupor = solidification puts the enemy out of action Enervate, racer
Tergeo lat.  tergeo = I wipe off erases or blurs traces
Waddiwasi - shoots an object at the targeted target
Show me the direction engl. point me = show me (the direction) has the tip of the wand point north on the palm of the hand
Wingardium Leviosa engl. wing = wing; lat.  arduus high / engl. arduous = difficult to climb, steep; Latin  levis = easy makes objects fly in the air and hover for a short time

List of known curses from the books

Name of the curse Magic formula linguistic origin effect Counter curse
Anti-Disapparation Spell ( Anti-Disapparation Jinx ) lat.  dis- , away, away; lat.  apparere , to become visible; engl. disappear , disappear prevents disapparation
Anti-Intruder Curse ( Anti-Intruder Jinx ) engl. intruder , intruder protects a place from intruders, it prevents z. B. climbing over walls and flying into them with a broom
Babbel curse ( Babbling Curse ) the person hit by the curse never stops talking nonsense
Leg brace curse ( Leg-Locker Curse ) Locomotor Mortis engl. locomotor , relating to locomotion; lat.  mortis , of death closes the affected person's legs so that the person can no longer walk
Conjunctival inflammation curse ( Conjunctivitus Curse ) Conjunctivitio Latin  conjunctivitis , conjunctivitis provokes painful inflammation of the conjunctiva; leads to impaired vision Protego
Fiendfyre ( Fiendfyre ) engl. fiend , evil spirit, devil; fyre altgl. for fire creates a fire difficult to control, the flames of which take the form of a wide variety of creatures. It has the ability Horcruxes to destroy and can not be deleted by traditional means (Water Magic)
Densaugeo curse ( Densaugeo curse ) Densaugeo lat.  dens , tooth; lat.  augere , to enlarge makes the victim's teeth grow rapidly
Guts Ausweide Curse ( Entrail-Expelling Curse ) engl. entrail , entrails; engl. expel , expel the exact effect of the curse is unknown
Expulso ( Blasting Curse ) Expulso lat. expellere triggers a powerful explosion Protego
Flederwicht Curse ( Bat Bogey Hex ) engl. bat , bat; engl. bogey (slang), unknown (hostile) flying object makes batweights appear and attack the victim
Torture curse : Cruciatus ( Cruciatus curse ) Crucio Latin cruciare = to torture, torment unforgivable curse , causes severe physical pain
Furunkulus Curse ( Furnunculus Curse ) Furunculus Latin  furunculus , furuncle, black blood causes boils to grow in the face of the victim
Full bracket ( Body-Bind Curse ) Petrificus Totalus engl. petrify , petrify; lat.  facere , to make; Latin  totalus , whole immediately freezes the victim
Tickle curse ( tickling Charm ) Rictusempra engl. rictus: u. a. big grin / grimace; lat. semper: always Opponent gets a fit of laughter
Langlock curse Long lock engl. long: language; engl. lock: lock the opponent's tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth
Reduktor Curse ( Reductor Curse ) Reductio engl. to reduce , downsize, mince, reduce lets objects crumble into dust
Sectumsempra Sectumsempra lat.  sectus , cut; lat.  semper , always inflicts wounds on the enemy that look like they have been slashed with a sword
Dance-Curse ( Dance- Jinx ) Tarantallegra engl. dance = to dance; Tarantella = fast dance; allegro = fast forces the opponent to dance
Killing curse ( Killing Curse ) Avada Kedavra aramaic avd /אבד, "Get lost, disappear"; aram. ke /כ, "how"; aram. davar /דבאר, "The thing" unforgivable curse, kill the enemy
Total submission : Imperious Curse ( Imperious curse ) Imperio lat.  impero - "I command (you)" unforgivable curse, causes one wizard to have total control over the will of another can be shaken off by a strong effort of will

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and JK Rowling v. RDR Books. United States District Court. Southern District of New York. ( Memento of April 30, 2008 on the Internet Archive ) Southern District Reporters, PC, p. 105 (English); Retrieved April 30, 2008
  2. Rennervate on (accessed April 30, 2008)