List of the Athenian Archons

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The list of Athenian archon ( sg. Archon , Greek  ἄρχων "Ruling") contains the Archons of the ancient polis of Athens .

When the Athenians reconstructed their early history in the 4th century, they assumed that this high office had already been established in the 11th century and was initially awarded for life, and that it included functions equivalent to kings. In the year 752/751 BC However, the term of office is ten years and 682 BC. Has been reduced to one year. Today most scholars assume that this year really marked the establishment of the office, and hold all archons before 682 BC. For fictional. The list of archons, which was published as an inscription in the late 5th century and has been partially preserved, began with the year 682; however, not a few historians assume that the archons, who are named for the 7th and 6th centuries, are at least partially invented. It was not until the late 6th century that the list was thus indisputably authentic.

In the course of time, a college of so-called synarchons (“co-rulers”) was gradually formed, so that there were a total of nine archons at the same time. The Archon eponymos , who is included in the list here, was the highest ranking and gave its name to the current year, while the Archon basileus had ritual, the Archon polemarchos had military and the six thesmothets had legal tasks. In the course of the classical period, however, all of these offices lost importance in favor of other Athens political institutions.

Year (BC) Archon (from 682 BC Archon Eponymos) Important events
1068 / 7-1048 / 7 Medon
1048 / 7-1012 / 1 Akastos
1012 / 1-993 / 2 Archippos
993 / 2-952 / 1 Thersippus
952 / 1-921 / 0 Phorbas
921 / 0-891 / 0 Megacles
891 / 0-863 / 2 Diognetus
863 / 2-844 / 3 Pherekles
844 / 3-824 / 3 Ariphron
824 / 3-797 / 6 Thespieus
797 / 6–787 / 6 Agamestor
787 / 6-764 / 3 Aeschylus
764 / 3–752 / 1 Alkmeon last archon for life
752 / 1-742 / 1 Charops
742 / 1-732 / 1 Aisimides
732 / 1-722 / 1 Kleidikos
722 / 1-712 / 1 Hippomenes
712 / 1-702 / 1 Leocrates
702 / 1-692 / 1 Apsandros
692 / 1-682 Eryxias last archon with ten year term
684/83 Creon
682/81 Lysiades
680/79 Tlesias
679/71 unknown
671/70 Leostratos
670/69 unknown
669/68 Peisistratos
668/67 Autosthenes
667/64 unknown
664/63 Miltiades
663/59 unknown
659/58 Miltiades
658/45 unknown
645/44 Dropides
644/39 unknown
639/38 Damasias
638/36 unknown
636/35 (?) Epainetus
635/32 unknown
632/31 (?) Megacles Kylon's attempt at tyranny
631/21 unknown
621/20 Aristaichmos
620/15 unknown
615/14 Heniochides
614/05 unknown
605/04 Aristocles
604/00 unknown
600/599 unknown
599/98 Critias
597/96 Kypselus possibly identical with Kyselos , the father of Miltiades the Elder
596/95 Telekles (Telekleides)
595/94 Philombrotos
594/93 Solon Solon reforms Athens' laws and constitution.
593/92 Dropides
592/91 Eukrates
591/90 Simon
590/89 not an archon
589/88 unknown
588/87 Philip
586/82 unknown
582/81 Damasias
581/80 Damasias (?)
580/79 Damasias (?) Damasias ruled a total of 2 years and 2 months, after which 10 archons (5 Eupatrids , 3 "men from the country" and 2 "craftsmen") were appointed
579/77 unknown
577/76 Archestratidas
576/70 unknown
570/69 Aristomenes
569/66 unknown
566/65 Hippocress
565/61 unknown
561/60 Komeas Peisistratos becomes a tyrant for the first time , but is soon driven out
560/59 Hegestratos
559/58 Hegesias
558/57 unknown
557/56 Charmos
556/55 Hegesias Peisistratos becomes a tyrant a second time
555/54 Euthydemos
554/48 unknown Peisistratos is around 550 BC. Banned again
548/47 Sexy dresses
547/46 Thespieus
546/45 Phormion Peisistratos becomes a tyrant for the third time
545/35 unknown
536/35 Phrynaios
535/33 unknown
533/32 Thericles
532/28 unknown
528/27 Philoneos Hippias and Hipparchus followed Peisistratos as tyrants
527/26 Onetorides
526/25 Hippias
525/24 Kleisthenes
524/23 Miltiades
523/22 Calliades
522/21 Peisistratos
521/18 unknown
518/17 (?) Habron (?)
517/11 unknown Hipparchus is born around 514 BC Murdered BC
511/10 Harpaktides Hippias flees
510/09 Scamandrios
509/08 Lysagoras
508/07 Isagoras Kleisthenes struggling with Isagoras around the Archontenamt, this was, however, of Cleomenes I of Sparta supports
507/06 Alkmaion
506/04 unknown
504/03 Akestorides
503/01 unknown
501/00 Hermokreon
500/499 Smyros
499/98 Melanthios first known strategist
498/97 unknown
497/96 Archias
496/95 Hipparchus
495/94 Philip
494/93 Pythocritus
493/92 Themistocles Themistocles begins to expand the Athenian fleet
492/91 Diognetus
491/90 Hybrid
490/89 Phainippos Battle at marathon ; Stesileos and Miltiades the Younger are strategists ; Callimachus is Archon Polemarchus
489/88 Aristides the Just
488/87 Anchises
487/86 Telesinos
486/85 Keures
485/84 Philocrates
484/83 Leostratos
483/82 Nicodemos
482/81 unknown
481/80 Hypsichides
480/79 Calliades Battle of Salamis ; Aristides and Themistocles are strategists
479/78 Xanthippos Father of Pericles ; Battle of Plataiai ; Aristides strategist
478/77 Timosthenes
477/76 Adeimantos
476/75 Phaedo
475/74 Dromo dress
474/73 Akestorides
473/72 Menon
472/71 Chares
471/70 Praxiergos
470/69 Demotion
469/68 Apsephion
468/67 Theagenides
467/66 Lysistratos
466/65 Lysanias
465/64 Lysitheus Sophanes is a strategist
464/63 Archedemides
463/62 Tlepolemos Kimon is a strategist
462/61 Konon Ephialtes reformed the Areopagus and is murdered
461/60 Euthippus
460/59 Phrasicles War with Sparta, the first Peloponnesian War
459/58 Philocles Phrynichos, Dikaiogenes and Hippodamas are strategists
458/57 Habron
457/56 Mnesitheides
456/55 Callias
455/54 Sosistratos
454/53 Ariston
453/52 Lysicrates
452/51 Chairephanes
451/50 Antidotos Anaxikrates and Kimon are strategists
450/49 Euthynos
449/48 Pedieus
448/47 Philiscus Pericles and Tolmides are strategists; The Peace of Callias ends the Greco-Persian War
447/46 Timarchides
446/45 Callimachus
445/44 Lysimachides Peace between Athens and Sparta
444/43 Praxiteles
443/42 Lysanias Pericles is a strategist
442/41 Diphilus Pericles is a strategist
441/40 Timocles Pericles and Glaucon are strategists
440/39 Morychides Pericles is a strategist
439/38 Glaucinos Pericles is a strategist
438/37 Theodoros Pericles is a strategist
437/36 Euthymenes Pericles is a strategist
436/35 Lysimachus Pericles is a strategist
435/34 Antiochides Pericles is a strategist
434/33 Krates Pericles is a strategist
433/32 Apseudes Pericles, Lacedaemonios, Diotimus and Proteas are strategists
432/31 Pythodorus Beginning of the Peloponnesian War ; Pericles and Callias are strategists
431/30 Euthydemos Pericles is a strategist
430/29 Apollodorus Pericles dies; Xenophon, Hestiodorus, Calliades, Melesandros and Phanomachus are strategists
429/28 Epameinon Phormion is a strategist
428/27 Diotimus Demosthenes , Asopios, Paches, Kleitippos and Lysicles are strategists
427/26 Eucles Nicias , Charoiades and Prokles are strategists
426/25 Euthynos Laches and Hippocrates are strategists
425/24 Stratocles Nicias , Eurymedon, Pythodorus and Sophocles are strategists
424/23 Isarchus Demosthenes , Cleon , Thucydides and Hippocrates are strategists
423/22 Ameinias Kleon is a strategist
422/21 Alcaios Kleon is a strategist
421/20 Aristion
420/19 Astyphilos Alkibiades is a strategist
419/18 Archias
418/17 Antiphon Laches and Nikostratos are strategists
417/16 Euphemus Expedition against the island of Melos: Cleomedes, Teisias and Philocrates are strategists.
416/15 Arimnestus Sicily expedition : Nikias , Alkibiades and Lamachos are strategists
415/14 Charias Nicias , Alkibiades and Lamachos are strategists. Alcibiades accused, flees to Sparta.
414/13 Peisandros Nicias and Lamachos are strategists. After Lamachus' death, Menandros and Euthydemus become strategists.
413/12 Cleocritus Nicias , Demosthenes and Eurymedon are strategists; Eurymedon falls, the first two named are executed in Syracuse after their capture.
412/11 Callias Skambonides Peisandros and Phrynichos are strategists.
411 Mnasilochos (died) Simachus, Aristarchus, Aristocrates , Thrasybul , Diomedon and Leon are strategists. Thrasyllos is elected strategist by the army assembly in Samos.
411/10 Theopompus
410/09 Glaucippos Thrasyllos, Thrasybul and Theramenes are strategists.
409/08 Diocles Anytos is a strategist.
408/07 Euctemon
407/06 Antigen Alkibiades , Aristocrates and Adeimantus are strategists.
406/05 Callias Angelides Konon , Leon , Archestratos, Erasinides , Aristocrates , Diomedon, Thrasyllos, Aristogenes, Protomachus, Pericles the Younger and Lysias are strategists.
405/04 Alexias Konon , Adeimantos , Philocles , Tydeus , Menandros , Kephisodotos and Eucrates are strategists.
404/03 Pythodorus Sparta establishes the oligarchy of rule of thirty tyrants; Pythodoros not recognized as an Archon Eponymos.
403/02 Eucleides Thrasybul expels the thirty tyrants , restores democracy
402/01 Mikon
401/00 Xenainetus
400/399 Laughs
399/98 Aristocrates Trial and death of Socrates
398/97 Euthycles
397/96 Souniades
396/95 Phormion
395/94 Diophantus Athens takes part in the Corinthian War against Sparta
394/93 Euboulides
393/92 Demostratos Adeimantos is a strategist
392/91 Philocles
391/90 Nikoteles
390/89 Demostratos Thrasybul and Ergocles are strategists.
389/88 Antipater Agyrrhios and Pamphilos are strategists
388/87 Pyrgion Thrasybul and Dionysius are strategists.
387/86 Theodotos
386/85 Mystichides The Corinthian War ends with the King's Peace or Peace of Antalkidas
385/84 Dexitheos
384/83 Dieitrephes
383/82 Phanostratos
382/81 Euandros
381/80 Demophilos
380/79 Pytheas
379/78 Nikon Again war with Sparta
378/77 Nausinikos
377/76 Kalleas
376/75 Charisandros Kedon is a strategist
375/74 Hippodamas
374/73 Socratides
373/72 Asteios Iphicrates, Callistratus, Chabrias and Timotheus are strategists
372/71 Alkisthenes
371/70 Phrase dress Peace with Sparta. The Spartans are defeated by the Thebans in the Battle of Leuctra .
370/69 Dysniketos
369/68 Lysistratos
368/67 Nausigenes
367/66 Polyzelos
366/65 Kephisodorus Chabrias is a strategist
365/64 Chion Iphikrates is a strategist
364/63 Timocrates
363/62 Charikleides Ergophilos and Callisthenes are strategists
362/61 Molon Leosthenes and Autocles are strategists; Athens and Sparta are defeated by the Thebans at the Battle of Mantineia .
361/60 Nicophemus Timomachus is a strategist
360/59 Kallimedes Menon, Timotheus and Cephisodotus are strategists
359/58 Eucharist
358/57 Kephisodotos
357/56 Agathocles Chabrias is a strategist
356/55 Elpines Iphicrates, Timotheus and Menestheus are strategists
355/54 Kallistratos
354/53 Diotimus
353/52 Thoudemos
352/51 Aristodemus
351/50 Theellos Theogenes is Archon Basileus
350/49 Apollodorus
349/48 Callimachus Hegesileos is a strategist
348/47 Theophilus
347/46 Themistocles Proxenos is a strategist
346/45 Archias
345/44 Eboulos
344/43 Lykiskos Phokion is a strategist
343/42 Pythodotos
342/41 Sosigenes
341/40 Nicomachus
340/39 Theophrastus Phokion is a strategist
339/38 Lysimachides Phokion is a strategist and is defeated by Philip II of Macedonia .
338/37 Chairondes Lysicles is a strategist
337/36 Phrynichos
336/35 Pythodelus
335/34 Euainetos
334/33 Ktesikles
333/32 Nicocrates
332/31 Niketes
331/30 Aristophanes
330/29 Aristophon
329/28 Kephisophon
328/27 Euthycritus
327/26 Hegemon
326/25 Chremes
325/324 Antiquity Philocles is a strategist
324/23 Hegesias
323/22 Kephisodorus Phocion and Leosthenes are strategists; The Lamian War breaks out after the death of Alexander the Great .
322/21 Philocles
321/20 Archippos
320/19 Neaichmos
319/18 Apollodorus
318/17 Archippos
317/16 Demogenes Demetrios von Phaleron is appointed governor by the Macedonian regent Kassander .
316/15 Demo dress
315/14 Praxiboulos
314/13 Nikodorus
313/12 Theophrastus
312/11 Polemon
311/10 Simonides
310/09 Hieromnemon
309/08 Demetrios of Phaleron
308/07 Kairimos (Charinos)
307/06 Anaxicrates Lysias is Thesmothet ; Demetrios von Phaleron is driven out when Demetrios Poliorketes conquers the city from Kassander.
306/05 Koroibos Pamphilus is Thesmothet
305/04 Euxenippos Autolycus is Thesmothet
304/03 Pherekles Epicharinos is Thesmothet
303/02 Leostratos Diophantos is Thesmothet
302/01 Nicocles Nikon is thesmothet
301/00 Klearchus Mnesarchus is Thesmothet. Demetrios Poliorketes is expelled from the city.
300/299 Hegemachos Lachares becomes a tyrant
299/98 Euctemon Theophilos is Thesmothet
298/97 Mnesidemos
297/96 Antiphates
296/95 Nicias Antikrates is Thesmothet
295/94 Nikostratos Dorotheos is Thesmothet. Lachares is supported and Demetrios Poliorketes moves into the city a second time.
294/93 Olympiodorus Thrasykles is Thesmothet
293/92 Olympiodorus Epicurus is Thesmothet
292/91 Philip
291/90 Charinos
290/89 Telocles
289/88 Aristonymus
288/87 unknown
287/86 Xenophon Olympiodoros is a strategist. Demetrios Poliorketes is expelled from the city for good.
286/85 Diocles Xenophon is Thesmothet
285/84 Diotimus Lysistratos is Thesmothet
284/83 Isaios
283/82 Euthios Nausimenes is Thesmothet
282/81 Nicias Theophilos is Thesmothet
281/80 Ourias Euxenus is Thesmothet
280/79 Telocles
279/78 Anaxicrates
278/77 Democles
277/76 Aristonymus
276/75 Philocrates Kydias is Thesmothet
275/74 Olbios
274/73 Euboulos Euthonios is Thesmothet
273/72 Glaucippos
272/71 Lysitheides
271/70 Pytharatus
270/69 Sosistratos Kleigenes is Thesmothet
269/68 Peithidemos Theodotos is Thesmothet
268/67 Diogeiton Theodoros is Thesmothet
267/66 Menekles Isocrates is Thesmothet; The Chremonic War against Macedonia begins.
266/65 Nicias Potamon is Thesmothet
265/64 Euboulos Hegesippos is Thesmothet
264/63 Diognetus
263/62 Antipater
262/61 Arrheneides
261/60 ... sinos Aphthonetos is Thesmothet; Athens is conquered by Antigonus II Gonatas of Macedonia, the Chremonideic War ends.
260/59 Philostratus
259/58 Philinos
258/57 Antiphon Sostratos is Thesmothet
257/56 Thymochares
256/55 Antimachos
255/54 Cleomachos
254/53 Phanostratos
253/52 Pheidostratos
252/51 Kallimedes
251/50 Thersilochos Callias is Thesmothet
250/49 Polyeuktos
249/48 Hieron Diodotos is Thesmothet
248/47 Diomedon Chairephon is Thesmothet
247/46 Theophemus Phainylos is Thesmothet
246/45 Philoneos Phoryskides is Thesmothet
245/44 Kydenor Prokles is Thesmothet
244/43 Lysiades
243/42 Eurycloths
242/41 Phanomachus
241/40 Lykeas Aristomachus is Thesmothet
240/39 Polystratos Arketus is Thesmothet
239/38 Athenodorus
238/37 Lysias
237/36 Alcibiades
236/35 Kimon
235/34 Ekphantos Eumelos is Thesmothet
234/33 Lysanias
233/32 unknown
232/31 Mneseides (?)
231/30 Jason (?)
230/29 unknown
229/28 unknown Charias is Thesmothet
228/27 Heliodorus Theokrisios is Thesmothet
227/26 Theophilus Philip is Thesmothet
226/25 Ergochares Zoilos is Thesmothet
225/24 Niketes
224/23 Antiphilus
223/22 Hoplon or Nikias
222/21 Archelaus Moschos is Thesmothet
221/20 Thrasyphon
220/19 Menecrates
219/218 Chairephon
218/17 Calli (machos?) Aristotle is Thesmothet
217/16 Hoplone
216/15 Hagnias Potamon
215/14 Diocles Aristophanes is Thesmothet
214/13 Euphiletus
213/12 Herakleitos
212/11 Euandros
211/10 Aischron
210/09 Sostratos
209/08 Archelaus Archikles is Thesmothet
208/07 Ankylos
207/06 unknown
206/05 Kallistratos Hagnonides is Thesmothet
205/04 Pantiades
204/03 Apollodorus
203/02 Proxy envy Eubulus is Thesmothet
202/01 Diodotos (?)
201/00 Isocrates
200/199 Nikophon
199/98 unknown
198/97 Dionysius
197/96 Dionysius
196/95 Charicles Aischrion is Thesmothet
195/93 unknown
193/92 Hippias
192/91 unknown Prokles is Thesmothet
191/90 Timourchos Cephalus is Thesmothet
190/89 Demetrios Theodosios is possibly Thesmothet
189/88 Euthycritus
188/87 Symmachos Archikles is Thesmothet
187/86 Theoxenos Biotle is possibly Thesmothet
186/85 Zopyros Megaristus is Thesmothet
185/84 Eupolemus Stratonikos is Thesmothet
184/83 unknown
183/82 Hermogenes
182/81 Timesianax
181/80 Phanarchides
180/79 Diodotos Jason is Thesmothet
179/78 Menedemos
178/77 Philon Philistion is Thesmothet
177/76 (---) ippos
176/75 Hippakus
175/74 Sonicus Pausanias is Thesmothet
174/73 Alexandros
173/72 Alexis
172/71 Sosigenes
171/70 Antigen Sosandros is Thesmothet
170/69 Aphrodisius
169/68 Eunikos Jerome is Thesmothet
168/67 Xenocles Sthenedemos is Thesmothet
167/66 Nicosthenes
166/65 Achaios Herakleon is Thesmothet
165/64 Pelops Dionysicles is Thesmothet
164/63 Yours
163/62 Erastos Demetrios is Thesmothet
162/61 Poseidonios
161/60 Aristolas
160/59 Tychandros Sosigenes is Thesmothet
159/58 Aristaichmos Dionysodorus is Thesmothet
158/57 Pyrrhus
157/56 Anthesterios
156/55 Kallistratos
155/54 Mnesitheos Philiskos is Thesmothet
154/53 Aristophantus
153/52 Speusippos
152/51 Lysiades or Epainetus
151/50 Epainetos or Zaleukos
150/49 Zaleukos or Mikion
149/48 Phaidrias
148/47 Mikion or Lysiades
147/46 Archon Rome takes control of Greece
146/45 Epicrates
145/44 Metrophanes Epigenes is Thesmothet
144/43 Andreas
143/42 Theaetetus
142/41 Aristophon
141/40 Pleistainos
140/39 Hagnotheos Menekrates is Thesmothet
139/38 Diocles
138/37 Timarchus
137/36 Herakleitos Dionysius is Thesmothet
136/35 Timarchides
135/34 Dionysius Theolytos is Thesmothet
134/33 Nicomachus
133/32 xenon
132/31 Ergocles
131/30 Epicles Gorgilos is Thesmothet
130/29 Demostratos
129/28 Lykiskos
128/27 Dionysius
127/26 Theodorides Sosicrates is Thesmothet
126/25 Diotimus
125/24 Jason Athenodorus is Thesmothet
124/23 Nicias (died); Isigenes
123/22 Demetrios
122/21 Nicodemos Epigenes is Thesmothet
121/20 Phocion Euandros is probably Thesmothet
120/19 Eumachos
119/18 Hipparchus
118/17 Lenaios Isidorus is Thesmothet
117/16 Menoites
116/15 Sarapion Sophocles is Thesmothet
115/14 Nausanias
114/13 Pleistainos (?)
113/12 Paramonos
112/11 Dionysius Lamios is Thesmothet
111/10 Sosicrates
110/09 Polykleitos
109/08 Jason Epiphanes is Thesmothet
108/07 Demochares
107/06 Aristarchus Telestes is Thesmothet
106/05 Agathocles Eukles is Thesmothet
105/04 Menoites
104/03 Herakleides
103/02 Theocles
102/01 Echekrates
101/00 Medeios Philion is Thesmothet
100/99 Theodosios
99/98 Prokles
98/97 Argeios
97/96 Herakleitos
96/95 unknown
95/94 Theodotos
94/93 Callias
93/92 Crito
92/91 Menedemos
91/90 Medeios
90/89 Medeios
89/88 Medeios
88/87 anarchy
87/86 Philanthes Rome annexes Athens
86/85 Hierophantes
85/84 Pythocritus
84/83 Niketes Athens is captured by the Roman troops of Lucius Cornelius Sulla .
83/82 Pammenes
82/81 Demetrios
81/80 unknown
80/79 Apollodorus
79/78 unknown
78/77 Aischraios
77/76 Seleucus
76/75 Herakleodorus
75/74 Aeschines
74/69 unknown
69/68 Medeios
68/67 Theoxenos
67/66 Zenion
66/64 unknown
64/63 Oinophilos
62/61 Aristaios
61/60 Theophemus
60/59 Herod
59/58 Leukios
58/57 Calliphon
57/56 Diocles
56/55 Kointos
55/54 Aristoxenus
54/53 Zeno
53/52 Diodorus
52/51 Lysandros
51/50 Lysiades
50/49 Demetrios
49/48 Demochares
48/47 Philocrates
47/46 Diocles
46/45 Eucles (?)
45/44 Polycharmous (?)
44/43 or 43/42 Diocles Azenieus
42/41 Euthydomos
41/40 Nicandros
40/39 Philostratus
39/38 Diocles (?)
38/37 Menandros
37/36 Kallikratides (?)
36/35 Theophites
35/34 unknown
34/33 Apollogenes (?)
33/32 Kleidamos (?)
32/30 unknown
30/29 Architimos
29/28 Epicrates
28/27 Menneas; Areios
27/26 Polykleitos
26/25 Diotimus
25/21 unknown
21/20 Apolexis
20/19 Demeas
19/16 unknown
16/15 Pythagoras
15/14 Antiochus
14/13 Polyainos
13/12 Zeno
12/11 Leonidas
11/10 Theophilus
10/9 Nicias
9/8 xenon
8/7 Apolexis ex Oiou
7/6 Nikostratos
6/5 Kotys
5/4 Anaxagoras; Demochares
4/3 Polycharmos
3/2 Lacon
2/1 Democrates
1/1 ... Sphettios
Year (AD) Archon Eponymos Important events
1/24 unknown
24/25 Charm (ides?)
25/26 Kallikrates
26/27 Pamphilus
27/28 Themistocles Marathonios
28/29 Oinophilos
29/30 Boethos
30-38 unknown
38/39 Polycritus
39/40 Zen (on?); Areios
40-45 unknown
45/46 Antipater the Younger
46/49 unknown
49/50 Deinophilos
50/51 Tiberios Klaudios Chrysippos
51/52 Metrodorus
52/53 unknown
53/54 Dionysodorus
54/55 Diocles
55/56 unknown
56/57 Konon
57/61 unknown
61/62 Thrasyllos
62/64 unknown
64/65 Gaios Karreinas SECONDOS
65/66 Demostratos
66/75 unknown
75/76 Gaios Ioulios Antiochus Epiphanes Philopappos Basileus
76/83 unknown
about 80 Loukios
83/84 anarchy
84/85 Domitianos roman emperor
85/86 Trebellios Rouphos
86-87 unknown
87/88 Tiberios Klaudios Hierophanes Kallikratidos
88/89 Aiolion
89/90 Loukios Phlabios Phlammas
90/91 Titos Phlabios Leosthenes
91/92 unknown
92/93 Dionysodorus
93-95 unknown
95/96 Philopappos and Lailianos
96/101 unknown
101/02 Zopyros
102/03 Ann ...
103/04 Phoulbios, Deidios
104/05 Diocles
105/12 unknown
112/13 Adrianos roman emperor
113/14 Octaeus Theon
114/15 Octaeus Proclus
115/16 Pantainos
116/17 Phlabios Makreinos, Pantainos
117/18 Titos Koponios Maximos
118/19 Loukios Ouiboullios Hipparchos
119/20 Phlabios Stratolaos
120/21 Klaudios Demophilos
121/22 Titos Phlabios Sophocles
122/23 Titos Phlabios Alkibiades
123/24 Casios Diogenes
124/25 Phlabios Euphanes
125/26 Gaios Ioulios Kasios
126/27 Tiberios Klaudios Herod
127/28 Memmios
128/29 Klaudios Dometianos
129/30 Menandros
130/31 Tiberios Klaudios Lysiades
131/32 Klaudios Philogenes
132/33 Sallustianos
133/34 Ailion
134/38 unknown
138/39 Praxagoras
139/40 Phlabios Alkibiades
140/41 Tiberios Klaudios Attalos
141/42 Poublios Ailios Phileas
142/43 Poublios Ailios Alexandros
143/44 Poublios Ailios Biboullios Rouphos
144/45 unknown
145/46 Phlabios Arrianos
146/47 Titos Phlabios
147/48 Syllas
148/50 unknown
150/51 Ailios Ardys
151/52 Tiberios Klaudios Demostratos and Kuintos Alleios Epiktetos
152/53 Lykomedes, Dionysius
154/55 Praxagoras
155/56 Popillios Theotimos
156/57 Ailios Kallikrates
157/58 Lykomedes (?)
158/59 Titos Aurelios Philemon Philades
159/60 Ailios Alexandros
160/61 Poublios Ailios Themison and Pammenes
161/62 Memmios
162/63 Ailios Gelos
163/64 Philistides
164/65 unknown
165/66 Sextos
166/67 Markos Balerios Mamertinos
167/68 unknown
168/69 Tineios Ponticos
169/70 unknown
170/71 Tiberios Memmios Phlakkos
171/72 Klaudios Herakleides
172/73 Klaudios
173/74 Dionysius
174/75 Markos Munatios Maximianos Ouopiskos
175/76 Epaphrodeitus
176/77 Aristocleides
177/78 unknown
178/79 Poublio's pomp. Hegias
179/80 unknown
180/81 Klaudios Demostratos Melites
181/82 Tiberios Memmios Phlakkos
182/83 unknown
183/84 Loukios Gellios Xenagoras
184/85 Titos Phlabios Sosigenes
185/86 Philoteimos
186/87 Orbios Thisbianos
187/88 Ioulios Hierophantos
188/89 Commodos roman emperor
189/90 Menogenes
190/91 Gaios Peinarios Proclus
191/92 Tiberios Klaudios Bradua Attikos
192/93 Gaios Helbidios SECONDOS
193/94 Klaudios Dadouchos
194/95 Aurelios Philisteides
195/96 Kuintos ... s
196/97 Phlabios Straton
197/98 unknown
198/99 Titos Phlabios Sosigenes
199/200 Xenocles (?)
200/01 Phlabios Eiachchagogos Agathokles Aurelios Dem. Domitios Aristaios
201/05 unknown
205/06 Gaios Kuintos Himertos
206/07 unknown
207/08 Gaios Kasios Apollonios
208/09 Phlabios Dadouchos
209/10 Phlabios Diogenes
210/12 unknown
212/13 Aurelios Dionysios Dionysiou
213/14 Aurelios Calliphron (?)
214/15 Gellios Xenagoras
215/18 unknown
218/19 Aurelios Dionysios
219/20 unknown
220/21 Philinos
221/22 Dometios Arabianos
222/23 Gaios Kuintos Kleon
223/24 Hiereus An ...
224/25 Tiberios Klaudios Patroclus
225/26 Aurelios Dionysios
226/27 Mounatios Themison
227/28 Pinarios Bassos and Pomponios Hegias
228/29 Marathonous
229/30 Markos Oulpios Eubiotos Leuros
230/13 Markos Aurelios Calliphron
231/32 Casianos
232/33 unknown
233/34 Klaudios Teres
234/35 Epictetus
235/38 unknown
238/39 Casiano's Hierokeryx
239/40 Phlabios Asklepiades
240/41 Aurelios Socrates (?)
241/44 unknown
244/45 Aurelios Laudikianos
245/50 unknown
250/51 Poublios Herennios Dexippos
251/52 Kornelianos
252/62 unknown
262/63 Loukios Phlabios Philostratos
263/64 unknown
264/65 Gallienos roman emperor
265/75 unknown
approx. 275 Titos Phlabios Mondon
other Archons


  • Eduard Schwartz : The king lists of Eratosthenes and Castor. With excursions on the interpolations in Africanus and Eusebios (= treatises of the Society of Sciences in Göttingen. Philological-Historical Class. Vol. 40, No. 2, 1894/1895, ISSN  0931-2013 ). Dieterich, Göttingen 1894.
  • Michael J. Osborne: The Archons of Athens 300 / 299-228 / 7. In: Journal of Papyrology and Epigraphy . Vol. 171, 2009, pp. 83-99, JSTOR 20756748 .