List of listed objects in Wettmannstätten

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The list of listed objects in Wettmannstätten contains the 14 listed , immovable objects of the municipality Wettmannstätten in the Styrian district of Deutschlandsberg .

The listed objects include several archaeological sites. The linked photos do not show the place (s) themselves where archaeological finds were made or are (still) expected, but the local situation of the mostly agricultural and forestry area around these places: The places themselves are below the Earth's surface, they are not recognizable in nature without expert guidance (and large-scale humus removal). Whether unevenness in the ground can be traced back to the protected object or to later human interventions, which can also include search trenches, archaeological research , grave robbers , ravines, the creation of fields, fields or other changes, or whether hills, bumps, etc. are due to natural processes (erosion, Alluvium, flood horizons, etc.) cannot be distinguished without prior information. No remains of the wall are visible. The sites are on private land and cannot be entered without the consent of the landowners or without official authorization. The degree of accuracy of the recording and the specified coordinates does not exceed the accuracy of the information provided by the Federal Monuments Office and / or in specialist publications (e.g. the property data). However, since the places are otherwise exposed without any further fencing, no more detailed images are linked to protect against unauthorized access even if this would be possible from public roads within the scope of the freedom of panorama under Austrian law. The sites can also be spread over several plots (which do not have to be next to each other).


photo   monument Location description
Lassenberg Chapel "Rosary Queen"
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Lassenberg Chapel "Rosary Queen"
ObjectID:  3589
at Lassenberg 20
KG: Lassenberg
The chapel was built in 1890, its furnishings also date from this period.

Note: The property is located at the Gussendorferweg-Lassenbergerweg intersection on a plot of land owned by EZ 79 KG 61033 Lassenberg.

Roman-era settlement Laßnitztal - Lassenberg Upload file Roman-era settlement Laßnitztal - Lassenberg ObjektID
Laßnitztal Lassenberg
KG: Lassenberg
The location is to the east of Wettmannstätten on the road to the Lassenberg district, north of a stone column in front of Lassenberg, for the character of the photo see the introduction. Your land is used for agriculture.

Note: The place of discovery is on properties of two land registers (deposit numbers): No. 1229 at EZ 274 and 1231 at EZ 20 KG 61033 Lassenberg.

Roman settlement near the Fastlbauer Upload file Roman-era settlement near Fastlbauer ObjektID
at Lassenberg 46 KG
: Lassenberg
The plot of land at the site is used by agricultural land (fields and meadows), see the introduction for the character of the photo. In nature there are no residues, not even any uneven ground. Both the official map and the place directory of Statistics Austria use the spelling “Fastbauer”.

Note: There are two sites in this area: The site of the Roman settlement linked here is the property of EZ 20 KG 61033 Lassenberg. The second site ( prehistoric settlement) is on the property to the east in the KG Weniggleinz.

Local chapel "Maria Hilf" Upload file Local chapel "Maria Hilf"
ObjectID:  3591
at Schönaich 72
KG: Schönaich
The chapel is built in the style of the second half of the 19th century.

Note: The property is located in the southeast of Schönaich approx. 750 m north of the Wettmannstätten-Gussendorf railway line and 200 m north of the L 601 Schröttenstrasse on a plot of land owned by EZ 80 KG 61056 Schönaich.

Prehistoric settlement at the Fastlbauer Upload file Prehistoric settlement at the Fastlbauer ObjektID
at Weniggleinz 3
KG: Weniggleinz
The plot of land at the site is used by agricultural land (fields and meadows), see the introduction for the character of the photo. In nature there are no residues, not even any uneven ground. Both the official map and the place directory of Statistics Austria use the spelling “Fastbauer”.

Note: There are two sites in this area: The site of the prehistoric settlement linked here is the property of EZ 3 KG 61069 Weniggleinz. The second site ( Roman settlement) is on the property to the west in the Lassenberg KG. For property no. 578 and property 579, which is protected here, finds from the late Latène period and the Roman Empire have been published on the occasion of a pipeline construction in 2001 .

War memorial
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War memorial
ObjectID:  3598
Wettmannstätten 1
KG: Wettmannstätten
The monument consists of a block with inscriptions and symbols and an adjacent statue (Pietà).

Note: The property is located in front of the Wettmannstätten church on a property belonging to EZ 57 KG 61070 Wettmannstätten.

Catholic parish church of St.  Valentine
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Catholic parish church of St. Valentin
ObjectID:  3588
Wettmannstätten 1
KG: Wettmannstätten
The church is located in the center of Wettmannstätten. It was built in 1965–1967, its facade decoration dates from 1973. Its predecessor was demolished in 1964/65, it came from the period 1712–1718 and was a parish church from 1921 onwards. A high altar picture from 1718 (the existing high altar is formed by a modern cross), other statues and pictures as well as a statue of Our Lady from 1460/80 come from the earlier church. Four Rococo statues are attached to the walls, they date from around 1770 in the style of Veit Koenig . A carrying statue of St. Valentin is dated to the 3rd quarter of the 18th century. The frescoes on the facade are by Franz Weiss from 1973.

Note: The church is located on a property owned by EZ 57 KG 61070 Wettmannstätten. The high altar of the earlier building was moved to Graz-St. Peter , a side altar from 1713 brought to Gutenberg .

Grave mound group Gleinzholz Upload file Grave mound group Gleinzholz ObjektID
KG: Wettmannstätten
The site is located on a road southwest of the camp settlement on Kaslerweg, where another path for off-road vehicles branches off in a northerly direction, for the character of the photo see the introduction. Their plots are covered with forest. No residues can be seen in nature.

Note: The place of discovery is on plots of multiple land registers (deposit numbers): Plot No. 581 at EZ 35, No. 582 at EZ 2, No. 583 at EZ 14, No. 656 at EZ 293 KG 61070 Wettmannstätten.

Roman settlement Laßnitztal - Wettmannstätten Upload file Roman-era settlement Laßnitztal - Wettmannstätten ObjectID
Wettmannstätten 27 KG
: Wettmannstätten
The site of the find is on the road to Zehndorf in the eastern part of Wettmannstätten, west of the fire station. An old farm is built on in the south, and its northern part is used as agricultural land (fields or meadows). In nature there are no residues, not even any uneven ground.

Note: The site is on a plot of land owned by EZ 5 KG 61070 Wettmannstätten.

Medieval weir system Forstjogl Upload file Medieval weir system Forstjogl
ObjektID:  8008
KG: Wohlsdorf
The site of the monument is overgrown with trees and bushes, a few short paths, which are used to work the wood, lead into the area. For the character of the photo, see the introduction. In nature, steps in the terrain are recognizable, which lift the location from the slope that slopes slightly towards the south. It remains to be seen whether these areas can actually be traced back to the facility (e.g. a castle courtyard) or whether it is a question of areas that were created later but abandoned and overgrown (e.g. old fields).

Note: The place of discovery is on plots of several land registers (deposit numbers): plot no. 124 at EZ 1; Lot No. 125/2 at EZ 2; No. 125/3 for single room 299 and No. 125/4 for single room 300 KG 61074 Wohlsdorf.

Bronze Age settlement
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Bronze Age Settlement ObjectID

since 2012

KG: Wohlsdorf
It is an archaeological site. It was excavated during work on the Koralm Railway , after indications of possible finds appeared during the construction of the Adria-Wien Pipeline AWP, which cuts the area of ​​the site. Among other things, a well with a wooden well box from the Middle Bronze Age was found, which indicates that the area was densely populated as early as 1600-1300 BC. Was documented and assessed as a material source of international importance. After its discovery, the well was not excavated, but rather recovered as a whole in a 17 ton block including the surrounding soil for the purpose of further scientific investigation. and scientifically examined in detail.

Note: The Gleisdreieck between the Koralmbahn and the Wieserbahn at Wettmannstätten is on the site of the find . The site is in the center of the Gleisdreieck as well as south and east of it. The areas on which the railway tracks are located have been cleared and released for further railway construction; land next to the tracks where other finds are suspected are still protected. The site is located on 15 plots with several deposit numbers: For example plots no. 308/1 and 308/2 in EZ 49; No. 309/1, 309/2 in EZ 29; No. 310/3 and 310/4 in EZ 23; No. 311/5 and 311/6 in EZ 153; No. 313/1, 313/2 and 313/3 in EZ 57; No. 325/3, 325/4 in EZ 130; No. 326/1 in EZ 50 and No. 327/1 in EZ 35.

Zehndorf village chapel "Maria Schutz"
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Zehndorf village chapel “Maria Schutz”
ObjectID:  3590
at Zehndorf 10
KG: Zehndorf
The building dates from the 19th century.

Note: It is located in the center of Zehndorf on a plot of land owned by EZ 180 KG 61075 Zehndorf (plot No. 2 EZ 50000 specified in the BDA ordinance is the plot of land that surrounds the chapel).

Roman era settlement Laßnitztal - Zehndorf Upload file Roman-era settlement Laßnitztal - Zehndorf ObjectID
Laßnitztal Zehndorf KG
: Zehndorf
The site is used as agricultural land (arable or meadow). It is east of the road from Preding to Zehndorf in the Laßnitz valley south of the "Müllerwirt" property, and northeast of the road to Zehndorf that branches off to the west.

Note: The place of discovery is on the properties of several land registers (deposit numbers): No. 140 EZ 11, No. 142 EZ 136 KG 61075 Zehndorf.

Burial mound at Luckenjörgl Upload file Burial mound near Luckenjörgl ObjectID
KG: Zehndorf
The site is away from public roads on a wooded hill and can only be reached by off-road vehicles.

Note: The site is located on a property owned by EZ 12 KG 61075 Zehndorf.


The source for the selection of the objects are the monuments lists of the respective federal state published annually by the BDA. The table contains the following information:

Photo: Photograph of the monument. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. Next to it are one or two symbols:
More pictures available The symbol means that more photos of the property are available. They are displayed by clicking the symbol.
Upload your own photo By clicking the symbol, further photos of the object can be uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons media archive .
Monument: Name of the monument. The designation is given as it is used by the Federal Monuments Office (BDA) . The internal object identification number (ObjectID) is also given.
Location: The address is given. In the case of free-standing objects without an address ( e.g. shrines ), an address is usually given that is close to the object. By calling up the link Location , the location of the monument is displayed in various map projects. The cadastral community (KG) is indicated below this.
Description: Brief information about the monument.

The table is sorted alphabetically according to the location of the monument. The sorting criterion is the cadastral municipality and within this the address.

By clicking on "Map with all coordinates" (top right in the article) the location of all monuments in the selected map object is displayed.

Abbreviations of the BDA : BR… construction law , EZ… deposit number, GB… land register , GstNr. … Property number, KG… cadastral community, 0G … property number address

Web links

Commons : Listed objects in Wettmannstätten  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Archaeological excavations ( Memento of the original from March 16, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Kurt Woisetschläger , Peter Krenn : Dehio Handbook - Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs: Styria (excluding Graz). Topographical inventory of monuments, ed. from the Federal Monuments Office, Department for Monument Research. Publisher Anton Schroll. Vienna 1982. ISBN 3-7031-0532-1 . Page 245.
  3. according to GIS-Styria; GstNr. 87 according to BDA does not exist.
  4. a b c d e f g h i Christoph Gutjahr: Prehistory and early history and medieval archeology. In: Helmut-Theobald Müller (ed.), Gernot Peter Obersteiner (overall scientific management): History and topography of the Deutschlandsberg district. (District topography) . Graz-Deutschlandsberg 2005. ISBN 3-901938-15-X . Styrian Provincial Archives and District Authority Deutschlandsberg 2005. In the series: Great historical regional studies of Styria. Founded by Fritz Posch †. ZDB ID 568794-9 . First volume, general part. Pages 19-48.
  5. a b Statistics Austria (Ed.): Ortverzeichnis Steiermark 2001 . Vienna 2005. page 75.
  6. according to GIS-Styria; GstNr. 68 according to BDA does not exist.
  7. ^ Find reports from Austria. (FÖ) Published by the Department of the Federal Monuments Office for Ground Monuments in Vienna, Hofburg, Säulenstiege. Verlag Berger, Horn. ISSN  0429-8926 ZDB -ID 213982-0 . Volume 40/2001, Vienna 2002. Pages 613–614.
  8. ^ Dehio Styria. Pp. 615-616.
  9. Weekly newspaper “Weststeirische Rundschau” from May 9, 2009. 82nd volume no. 19. Simadruck Aigner u. Weisi, Deutschlandsberg ZDB -ID 2303595-X . P. 5.
  10. Gerald Fuchs: News from the Laßnitztal. Archeology in the Weitersdorf-Wettmannstätten section of the Koralm Railway. In: Find reports from Austria. Volume 48, year 2009, Vienna 2010. pp. 299–300 (with pictures).
  11. Gerald Fuchs, Gerhard Harer, Irmengard Kainz, Klaus-Michael Schneider: A model case for the collaboration between planning and archaeological monument preservation using the example of the Koralm Railway Graz – Klagenfurt in the Werndorf – Deutschlandsberg section. In: Find reports from Austria . Volume 36, 1997. pp. 269-280. With an overview plan of the archaeological sites and areas of hope in the central Laßnitz valley.
  12. Bernhard Hebert et al.: Selected contributions to the specialist discussion “Wet wood conservation” on May 11, 2010 in Graz. With the contributions: Gerald Fuchs: Wohlsdorf - Bronze Age settlement and well. Pages 182-187. Robert Fürhacker, Anna Kathrin Klatz: The Middle Bronze Age fountain from Wohlsdorf. Salvage and previous conservation and restoration measures. Pp. 188-195. Michael Grabner: Investigations of the well box wood from Wohlsdorf. Pp. 196-197. Everything in: Nikolaus Hofer (Ed.): Find reports from Austria. Volume 49, year 2010. Vienna 2012. pp. 181–201.
  13. according to GIS-Styria; GstNr. 2 according to BDA does not exist.
  14. ^ Styria - immovable and archaeological monuments under monument protection. (PDF), ( CSV ). Federal Monuments Office , as of February 18, 2020.
  15. § 2a Monument Protection Act in the legal information system of the Republic of Austria .