List of publications by the Association of Swiss Student Unions

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The list contains publications (co) published by the Association of Swiss Student Unions (VSS). Are not listed here annual reports and under Series VSS , documentation VSS and VSS currently published monographs.

Authors / Contributors title year category extra information Availability
Philipp Etter , Vito Picenoni, O.-H. Duthaler & P. ​​Bourgeois, Hans Abegg, H. Bosshardt, Max H. Schneebeli, H. Stahel, Eduard Fueter junior and others 25 years of the Association of Swiss Student Unions (VSS) 1945 Anniversary font Published in the Schweizerische Hochschulzeitung , year 18 (1945), issue 5, pp. 281–352. OCLC 857267629
Kathrin Bürgi, Ghania Mouffok, Houda Bouchaib, Thé Hash, Sidahmed Hammouche, Cécile Druey, Alex Robin, Hartmut Fähndrich Algeria: The search for the lost dialogue = Algérie: à la recherche d'un dialogue perdu 1995 International OCLC 81235966
Regula Ruflin, Judith Hollenweger, Donato Martin, Jean-François Simon, Heather Brunner, Regula Ruflin, Dominik Holenstein, Nicolas Pepin & Heinz Etter, Michael Graf, Foundation for the Promotion of Physically Handicapped Gifted People Disabled students in Switzerland = Etudier avec un handicap en Suisse 1996 Social Number 54 of the series VSS-aktuell = UNES-actuel OCLC 81567235
Richard Gerster, Marianne Hochuli, Louis Weber, Raoul-Marc Jennar, Lea Brunner, Christian Pauletto The GATS and the liberalization of education: problems, dangers and open questions = L'AGCS et la libéralisation de la formation :problemèmes, dangers et questions ouvertes 2003 International With illustrations by Arnold Imhof . In its publication, the VSS campaigns against the subordination of education to the GATS. OCLC 76662676 , digitized version in the Swiss Education Document Server
The concept 1972-1982 magazine The monthly magazine was initially a supplement to the Zürcher Student magazine . The publishing association of the concept went over to the cooperative infolink , which was the carrier of the weekly newspaper . OCLC 183380390
Gabriela Irimia, Romina Loliva, Lea Meister, Marius Wiher The VSS for the economization of higher education = L'UNES sur la marchandisation de la formation supérieure = The Swiss Student Union towards the commodification of higher education 2012 University policy OCLC 980329256 Digitized version on the VSS website
Elena Obreschkow and others Switzerland and its scholarship system: analysis, criticism and perspectives from the perspective of the students = Les bourses d'études en Suisse: L'analysis, la critique et les perspectives du point de vue des étudiant-es 2013 Social The writing refers to the scholarship initiative . OCLC 981118032 German and French language versions online
Franz Cahannes, Gabi Eisele, Albert Gubler, Beat Hulliger, Marianne Hoegstedt, Martin Werder The activities of the right at the universities of German-speaking Switzerland 1983 University policy OCLC 74703838
Piera Dell'Ambrogio, Jean-Marc Rinaldi, Jean-François Stassen; Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities ; Antonio Loprieno & Marco Haller (Foreword) Etudier après Bologne - le point de vue des étudiant-es = study after Bologna - the perspective of the students 2009 University policy Subtitle: Results of the national student survey on study conditions at Swiss universities in 2008 . The joint study by CRUS and VSS "indicates that the majority of students are satisfied with the study conditions, but that various problems (see key questions) still need to be solved." OCLC 638179983 Digitized on the SAGW website
Annemarie Pieper , Markus Schüpbach, Arnold Müller , Eduard Kellenberger , Pierre Ducrey (speakers) University and responsibility in the nineties 1989 Anniversary font Subtitle: Anniversary event of the VSS / UNES as part of the 100th Council of Delegates and 55th Annual Congress on November 13, 1987 at the University of Basel OCLC 980321330
Martina von Arx, Lea Widmer and others University access for student refugees = Accès aux hautes écoles pour les réfugié-es étudiant-es 2017 Social OCLC 1003861737 Digitization and reception on the VSS website.
Peter Widmer Lausanne model : Project for new student financing for mature pupils and students 1970 Social The text refers to the federal popular initiative "Reorganization of student financing" . OCLC 178807358 ( Title page and table of contents on Nebis .)
Lea Freiburghaus Co-determination: Study on student co-determination at Swiss universities = Participation: étude sur la participation des étudiants au sein des Hautes écoles suisses 2005 University policy "In chapters on legal form, financing, networking, political style, services, etc. the author tries to work out best practices." OCLC 717488508 ( digitized on the Basel University Library website )
Oriana Schällibaum, Vivian Frick, Flora Märki; Swiss Association of Student Organizations for Sustainability VSN (co-editor) Sustainability at Swiss universities = Développement durable au sein des hautes écoles suisses 2016 OCLC 984701932
Karoline Sutter, Sarah Thönen Curious about gender studies: a manual = En savoir plus sur les études genre: un manuel 1999 equality In Chronos Verlag published OCLC 887094675
Orbis Scientiarum 1967-1972 magazine The publication organ of the Swiss Association of Young Scientists, the Association of Swiss Student Unions and the Swiss Dissertation Center was moved by Herbert Lang . ISSN  0030-4417 OCLC 777884243
Joëlle Zahnd and others Perspectives 2007 = Perspectives 2007 2003 OCLC 723192653
Sarah Gerhard, Nicole Ackermann, Sarah Meyer and others Perspectives on the Swiss higher education landscape = Perspectives sur le paysage suisse des hautes écoles 2008 University policy OCLC 276780922 digitized on the website of SAHS
Carl Thomas Bormann, Julian Marbach, Maxime Mellina, Franz Radke, Oriana Schällibaum Position paper from third-party funding = Prize de position sur les fonds tiers 2015 University policy OCLC 946762565 Digitized on the VSS website
Corinne Schärer, Gunnar Mikosch, Lukas Engelberger, Alfred Wyler, Rachel Mader, Süsette Rusterholz & Christoph Mohni Reforms instead of Numerus Clausus = Des réformes à la place du numerus clausus 1993 University policy OCLC 81067554
Swiss university newspaper 1927− (discontinued publication) magazine official body of the Swiss Central Office for Higher Education, the Association of Swiss University Lecturers and the Association of Swiss Student Unions OCLC 611001803
Peter Schulthess; Giuseppe Motta & Arthur Rohn (Forewords) The working colonies of the Swiss Association. Student bodies, 1925–1928: Misox, Bosco, Casaccia, Vicosoprano 1929 Published in the Schweizerische Hochschul-Zeitung , 2nd year, No. 5/6 (1929) OCLC 890145855
Urs Hänsenberger, Helmut Ridder , Rolf Deppeler , François Gross , Henri-Philippe Cart, Thomas Heilmann , Laurent Duvanel, Luc Recordon , Stephan Holländer, Marianne Müller-Hoegstedt, Franz Cahannes Student Policy - Policy with Students? : 60 years of the Association of Swiss Student Unions 1981 Anniversary font OCLC 884723113
Laurent Tschudin Student participation standards at Swiss universities of applied sciences = Standards de la participation estudiantine dans les hautes écoles spécialisées 2015 University policy OCLC 980325031
Elena Obreschkow; Ursula Renold & Mauro Dell'Ambroglio (Foreword) Student participation = La participation des étudiant-es 2007 University policy Published with the support of the State Secretariat for Education and Research OCLC 269472688
Franziska Tschan, Marianne Keller, Marianne Högstedt Dropout among women 1984 (1st and 2nd editions); 1988 (3rd edition) equality Corresponding writing: Franziska Tschan, Marianne Keller, Marianne Högstedt: There were only two left: women dropping out of their studies . In: Emancipation: feminist magazine for critical women . tape 10 , no. 3 , 1984, pp. 10–12 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-360095 . OCLC 75589642
Nicolas Diener, Alexandre Loretan, Aaron Müller Studying with a disability and / or chronic illness: Position paper = Étudier avec un handicap et / ou une maladie chronique: prize de position 2016 Social Digitized on e-Helvetica
Equal Opportunities Commission of the VSS Studying with children: current situation at Swiss universities 2002 equality OCLC 76687420
Bertram Schefold (Editor) VSS History: A collection of letters from former VSS board members 1968 Anniversary font OCLC 637324385 template in the BAR
VSS-aktuell: quarterly information brochure of the Association of Swiss Student Unions = UNES-actuel: bulletin trimestriel de l'Union nationale des étudiants de Suisse 1983− (discontinued) magazine OCLC 85556322
Deborah Ummel, Anna Leissing, Ada Marra , VSS Social Commission Why scholarships? = Pourquoi des bourses d'études? 2006 Social OCLC 428248776
Gabriela Amarelle & Kathrin Bürgi (editors); Ruth Dreifuss (foreword); Talin Stoffel, Philippe November, Gerhard M. Schuwey, Francis Waldvogel, Claude Calame , Edmée Ollagnier, Saba Bahar, Pascale vielle, Laura Magdalena, François-Xavier Merrien, Georg Kreis , Jean-Claude Favez, Alain Clémence, Hervé Pichelin, Jean- Philippe Leresche, Christophe Jaccoud, Rolf Deppeler , Nivardo Ischi, Eric Junod, Jean-Pierre Boillat, Jean-Pierre Meylan, Boris Fejfar, Anne-Catherine Lyon , Claire Rubattel, Andreas Scheuber, Bernadette Häfliger, Martin Bienlein, Nicolas Dufour, Daniel Schärer , Jérôme Cachin Who will benefit from the university? Considerations from representatives of higher education policy = A qui profite l'université? : des pistes de réflexion par ses principaux / -ales acteurs / -trices 1996 Anniversary font Subtitle: Publication on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the VSS = publication à l'occasion des 75 ans de l'UNES OCLC 42435598
Social Commission of the VSS (SoKo) / Lea Widmer et al. Position paper Housing situation = Prize de position sur la situation du logement 2017 Social "In extreme cases, the lack of affordable housing means that people with poor financial circumstances cannot begin studying." OCLC 1027718526 Digitized on the VSS website
El Salvador, University in the Resistance 1983 International The 59-page document refers to " AGEUS, General Association of Salvadoran Students " OCLC 428266123
Training contributions in Switzerland: a documentation of the VSS / UNES 1986 Social OCLC 882496683
Assembly of delegates of the VSS Education concept. A: Theoretical part, B: Practical part, C: Our utopia. Adopted by the 102nd Council of Delegates on May 4, 1988. 1988 A French-language version was published separately ( online access ). A booklet called Education Concept was also published in 1986 ( OCLC 428089893 ). OCLC 83177158
The VSS at a glance 1984 Rare brochure Internet access
Documentation VSS = Documentation UNES 1969 or 1970 to around 1980s magazine Unnumbered volumes on various topics. ISSN  0507-7052 OCLC 637951202
Information bulletin = Bulletin d'information Detected in 1969 and 1970 magazine OCLC 428091101
Les étudiants et leur assurance-maladie, une enquête de l'UNES 1984 Social Survey among students on health insurance OCLC 428091103
Perspectives on the university of tomorrow = Perspectives pour les hautes écoles de demain 1998 French and German. Chapters on “Selection and University”, “The Networking of Swiss Universities”, “The Universities of Applied Sciences (FHS): What Role in Swiss Higher Education?”, “University Financing”, “Democracy at the University” and “The Position of Women in the universities ". OCLC 601724397
Board of the VSS Annual reports of the VSS = Rapport d'activités de l'UNES Also report by the board on the year in office OCLC 637923217
Series of publications of the VSS magazine OCLC 614737290
Austerity measures in higher education = Mesures d'économie dans le domaine universitaire Paper for the seminar of the same name from 24./25. November 1984 in Emmetten OCLC 77630378
Teleblitz 1991-1992 magazine French and German Recorded in the Swiss National Library and in the Federal Archives .
Social Commission of the VSS On the importance of scholarships = De l'importance des bourses d'études 2007 Social brochure OCLC 1011677635
VSS News: Information sheet from the Association of Swiss Student Unions 1993– magazine French and German OCLC 986504992 , helveticat
Labor colonies, aid wage service : meaning and purpose, development, organization, colony operation, wage experience, assessment 1932 OCLC 882920380
Jacques Forster, Jean-Pierre Ghelfi , Alain Modoux , Rolf Egger and others Students - University: Your Future 1964 Published on the occasion of the Swiss National Exhibition in 1964 In French: Étudiants, université, avenir ( OCLC 81594846 ) OCLC 611637533 (German)
Numerus Clausus: with special consideration of the subject medicine 1973 OCLC 611637533
Swiss study guide 1970 discontinued until publication (afterwards published by the Swiss Association for Careers Advice) magazine French ( Guide des études en Suisse ) and German. Published by the P. Haupt publishing house with the Swiss Working Group for Academic Career and Study Advice. Review in Swiss School , Issue 1, Volume 58 (1971), p. 33. OCLC 15625497
Press universitaire romande 1953-1955 magazine Printed by J. Leckie in Geneva. "Organs publié par les sections romandes de l'Union nationale des étudiants de Suisse" ISSN  0478-1619


  1. Ruedi Tobler: GATS and the public education system: Has Switzerland really done its homework? In: vpod education policy . No. 156 , September 2008, ISSN  1664-5960 , p. 12 ( online [PDF; accessed June 24, 2018]).
  2. ^ Association of Swiss student bodies : VSS history. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on February 11, 2018 ; accessed on February 10, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Public event - Bologna reform: Balance sheet and perspectives for the humanities and social sciences. SAGW , 2010.
  4. ^ Theodor-Schmid-Verlag: Lea Freiburghaus: Mitbestimmen / Participation: Study on student participation at Swiss universities. Retrieved February 10, 2018 .
  5. Social Commission of the VSS (SoKo) / Lea Widmer et al .: Position paper Housing situation = Prize de position sur la situation du logement . 2017, ISBN 978-3-03306349-5 .